
cè liánɡ ɡāo dù
  • gauge altitude
  1. 另外,还研究了火焰组成和测量高度对四种元素的吸光度的影响,以及对Na和Mg的原子化度的影响。

    The effect of the flame composition and height on absorbance for four elements and the degree of atomization of Na and Mg were investigated .

  2. 测高仪,高度计:一种测量高度的仪器,尤指飞机中的无液气压表,其可以测出伴随高度变化的压力变化n.男声最高音;

    An instrument for determining elevation , especially an aneroid barometer used in aircraft that senses pressure changes accompanying changes in altitude .

  3. 用A超、B超及IOL-Master测量高度近视白内障眼轴的精确性比较

    A-scan combined B-scan , IOL-Master compared with A-scan outcomes analysis , in high myopia with cataract

  4. 目的比较A超、A超和B超联合、IOL-Master三种方法测量高度轴性近视白内障患者眼轴的准确性。

    Objective To compare 3 methods of axial length measurement , contact A-scan , A-scan combined B-scan and IOL-Master in high myopia with cataract .

  5. 要是MBTI也测量高度的话,你要么被列入“高大”,要么被列入“矮小”,尽管大多数人的个头都在中等高度区间内。

    If the MBTI also measured height , you would be classified as either tall or short , even though the majority of people are within a band of medium height .

  6. 有些高大的红木,测量高度有三百二十五英尺,直径宽达三十英尺。

    Some giant redwood trees measure 325 feet in height and up to 30 feet in diameter .

  7. 该组织说之所以使用评估是因为腐败一种难以具体测量高度隐秘的活动。

    Perceptions are used , the organization said , because corruption is a hidden activity that is difficult to measure .

  8. 两国去年达成共识,共同申报该峰的重新测量高度,并对其进行科学研究。

    The two countries reached a consensus last year to jointly declare the re-measured height of the peak and conduct scientific research on it .

  9. 通过分析气象因素对气压式高度表测量高度的影响,求出了高度误差极值。

    In this paper the extreme values of altitude error are estimated through an analysis of the effects of the meteorological factors on the pressure altimeter .

  10. 本研究将测量高度改变为精确测定冲头回跳时间间隔,制成冲击式木材硬度计。可以在现场测定木材硬度。

    Here we use the rebound interval of punch pin instead of height to made of hardometer which can measure the hardness of wood in spot .

  11. 但该技术在测量高度梯度(垂直光栅方向)变化率较大的物体时会产生误差,高度梯度变化率大到某一值时,将不再合适。

    But the technique produces errors when measuring height gradient variability ( perpendicular to the direction of the grating ) for the object is large enough . Therefore , it is not available when the height gradient variability reaches a certain value .

  12. 利用GNSS反射信号载波测量湖面高度变化

    Lake height variation measurement utilizing GNSS reflected signal carrier phase

  13. 另外还有最新植入的M8协同处理器,它可以通过iPhone内部的多个传感器(甚至还包括一个可测量海拔高度变化的气压计)监测你的行动。

    There 's the new M8 co-processor , which tracks your activity using the phone 's myriad sensors , including a barometer to measure elevation changes .

  14. 线性调频连续波(LFMCW)信号过去主要用于测量地表高度,现在又在其他方面得到了应用。

    Linear Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave ( LFMCW ) Signal , which is used to measure the height of earth surface , is widely used in other applications .

  15. 作者认为,装用这种OFS装置来测量液位高度同时又可测液体密度,对提高罐车装载易燃易爆液体的计量检测是一种有效方法。

    The author is of the opinion that this is an effective way for the measurement of hazardous fuels in railway wagons as the OFS apparatus can detect the liquid level and also measure the liquid density .

  16. 航空伽玛能谱测量的高度修正及高度曲线拟合

    Altitude correction for airborne gamma-ray spectrometric survey and its curve fitting

  17. 微重力测量在高度测量中应用对比研究

    Contrast Study on the Application of Micro-gravity Measurement in Height Measuring

  18. 高度计是用来测量海拔高度的。

    An altimeter is used for measuring height above sea-level .

  19. 一种测量天体高度的仪器。

    An instrument for measuring altitude of heavenly bodies .

  20. 一种测量液膜高度的方法

    A method of measuring the height of liquid membrane

  21. 超声波衍射方法测量裂纹高度的研究

    Study on Crack Height Measurement by Ultrasonic Diffraction

  22. TOPEX/Poseidon卫星的原始目的是测量海面高度变化信息,为海洋监测服务。

    The original purpose of the TOPEX / Poseidon was to measure sea surface height .

  23. 可调波长半导体激光测量台阶高度方法研究

    Step Height Measurement with Tunable Diode Laser

  24. 可测量台阶高度,槽宽,在二维方向确定孔或轴的位置。

    Measure the height of STeps , width of grooves , position of bores or shafts in2 co-ordinates .

  25. 垂直的镜头角度;纪念碑由两个垂直的柱子支撑一块水平的石板组成;测量垂直高度。

    A vertical camera angle ; the monument consists of two vertical pillars supporting a horizontal slab ; measure the perpendicular height .

  26. 模式主要输入的参数有气温、地表面温度、湿度、风速及测量点高度。

    The main input parameters are air temperature , surface temperature , humidity , wind speed and the measurement height of these variables .

  27. 介绍采用数字信号处理的超声端点反射回波声程测量裂纹高度的方法研究和结果。

    The measurement of crack height by ultrasonic edge peak echo method and digital signal processing was described , and the results were given .

  28. 通过角编码器的编码值来测量闸门高度,通过功率和力的物理学关系来间接测量系统荷载值。

    Through the Angle of coding value to measure coder gate height through power and force of physics relationship to indirect measuring system load value .

  29. 该方法采用高度不同的两个天线,利用波瓣分裂情况及相互相位关系来测量目标高度。

    Two antennas with different heights are adopted in this method , using beam split and the connection of phase of different beams to calculate the height of target .

  30. 针对自动化测量技术高度信息化、智能化、集成化和网络化的发展要求,实现构建网络通信技术、虚拟仪器技术和自动测量技术三位一体的网络化测量系统的研究和应用已成为业界关注的焦点。

    The developing requirements of the information , intelligence , integration and network in automatic measurements make the research and application more popular in integrating the network communication , virtual instrument and automatic measurements .