
  • 网络cedar rapids;CID
  1. 布什总统说,联邦和地方官员不仅把救灾重点放在锡达拉皮兹这样的人口中心,他们也会兼顾受洪灾的那些小城镇。

    President Bush said federal and local officials will not only focus on population centers like Cedar Rapids , but will also reach out to smaller towns affected by the flood .

  2. 亲吻(有时)是违法的。在美国有些地区,比如爱荷华州的锡达拉皮兹,仍存在着一些古老的律法,规定亲吻陌生人是违法的。

    6 ) Kissing is ( sometimes ) illegal & There are some antiquated laws that exist around the U.S. In Ceder Rapids , Iowa , for instance , kissing strangers is illegal .