
zhōng yóu
  • middle reaches;middle reaches (of a river);midstream;the state of being middling
中游 [zhōng yóu]
  • (1) [middle reaches (of a river)]∶河流介于上游和下游间的一段

  • (2) [the state of being middling]∶比喻比上不足比下有余的地位

  • 安居中游

中游[zhōng yóu]
  1. FDI的消费效应最大地区为黄河中游地区。

    The FDI effect on consumption is most in the middle reaches of the Yellow River .

  2. 泾河中游ETC全新世剖面木炭屑记录的环境信息解译

    The interpretation of the environment information recorded by charcoal in a Holocene section at ETC site in the middle reaches of Jinghe

  3. 长江中游生态区湿地鸟类的GAP分析及保护网络研究

    GAP Analysis and Conservation Networks in Central Yangtze River Eco-region

  4. 长江中游大地形变GPS监测及精度分析

    GPS Geotectonic Deformation Monitoring and Precision Analysis in Middle Reaches of Changjiang River

  5. 建立双抗体夹心酶标法(ELISA)检测人血清中游离E受体的研究

    Establishment of Sandwich ELISA for the Detection of Free-Form E-Receptors in Human Serum

  6. R(1+ε)Fe4B4化合物中游标卡尺结构对称性表示的两种途径

    Two approaches to symmetry representation of vernier structure in r_ ( 1 + ε) fe_4b_4 compounds

  7. 黄河中游水土保持委员会(yellowriverconservancycommission)秘书长李国英表示,新规定的出台将使黄河的管理责任更加明确。

    Responsibility for river management would now be much clearer , said Li Guoying , head of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission .

  8. 在三个断面中MDA含量和微核率以中游最高。

    MDA content and micronucleus rate in the middle stream of Yellow River in Baotou city are the highest .

  9. 赣江中游四大家鱼产卵场现状初步调查SWOT分析在旅游规划中的应用&以江西赣州为例

    Spawning Sites of Four Major Chinese Carps in the Middle Reaches of Ganjiang River SWOT analysis in tourism planning

  10. Novolac生产废水中游离酚含量的研究

    Study on the content of free phenol in the production of Novolac

  11. 为了国土资源调查和防洪防灾,在长江中游建立了大地形变GPS监测网,以监测水患区的构造沉降。

    In order to investigate land resources and prevent flood and disaster , a GPS geotectonic deformation-monitoring network was established to monitor the tectonic subsidence of the flooded area in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River .

  12. 上世纪70年代,浙江的人均国内生产总值(GDP)仅列全国中游,今天却已排名全国第四,仅次于北京、天津和上海。

    In the 1970s , Zhejiang was ranked in the middle of the country in terms of per capita gross domestic product ; today it is number four , after Beijing , Tianjin and Shanghai .

  13. 使用尿素和三聚氰胺对PVA缩甲醛胶进行改性,可大大降低缩醛胶中游离醛的含量,提高成膜物的耐水性,降低成本。

    To modify polyvinyl Formal gel with urea and melamine can greatly reduce free formal content in the gel , improve water resistance of film forming substance and lower the cost .

  14. 介绍了超重力技术在生化氨氮废水处理中的试验研究,通过调节pH值,使大量的空气和废水接触,将废水中游离氨吹走,达到降低废水中氨氮的目的。

    Experimental study on treating ammonia-nitrogen wastewater using ultra-gravimetric technology is introduced . Through adjusting pH value a large amount of air is in contact with wastewater to purge out free ammonia and to decrease the ammonia-nitrogen content in the wastewater .

  15. 结论,通过测定细菌表面zeta电位变化,可了解消毒剂对污泥中游离菌初步杀菌机理。

    Conclusion : By measuring the changes of bacterial surface zeta potential , the primary germicidal mechanism of disinfectant in killing free bacteria in sludge can be understood .

  16. 用SVD方法分析了1月全球地表(海表)温度与中国及华中区域夏季降水场的关系,分析结果表明:1月热带地区地表(海表)温度与夏季长江中游降水关系最好,呈正相关。

    The relationships between January global skin ( land and sea ) temperature and summer rainfall over China , and over middle areas of China were studied by SVD .

  17. 应用以SCS水文模式为基础的月水量平衡模型,模拟东江、赣江、汉江和黄河中游的27个子流域的径流。

    SCS monthly water balance model , which based on SCS hydrologic model , was used to simulate the monthly runoff of 27 sub-basins in the Dongjiang , Ganjiang , Hanjiang and Yellow River basin .

  18. 本文利用武汉WSR-81S数字化雷达的ColumnMaximum图象产品资料,分析了1987年8月18日至21日发生在长江中游地区的一场连续暴雨过程。

    In this paper , a continuous heavy rain process , which occurred over the middle reaches of Changjiang River between 18-21 , August , 1987 , is analysed using Column Maximum Pictures of WSR-81S digital radar data in Wuhan City .

  19. 以气象观测资料为基础,采用不同的方法估算了黑河中游湿草地的参考作物蒸散量(ET0),并对5种方法计算结果进行了对比。

    Based on meteorological data , different methods are used to calculate the reference evapotranspiration of swampy meadow in the middle reaches of Heihe River in Hexi Corridor .

  20. 结果表明:淮河中下游底泥中PAHs含量总平均值为293.8ng·g-1,变化范围较大,总体呈中游高下游低的趋势;

    The results showed that the average concentration of PAHs in sediments was 293.8 ng · g-1 . The concentrations had a wide variation range , generally taking on a trend from high in the middle reach to low in the lower reach .

  21. 黄河中游黄土的REE组成及流域物理风化决定了黄河沉积物的REE特征;而长江流域复杂的源岩与较强的化学风化控制了长江沉积物的REE组成特点。

    REE composition in loess in the middle Yellow river and extensive physical weathering in drainage basins have great influence on REE characteristics in the Yellow river sediments , whereas complex source rock and chemical weathering controlled the REE composition and distribution in the Yangtze river sediments .

  22. 经二年的水文、气象资料统计分析,引发下关水位升幅达0.5m左右,与长江中游出现大范围的强降水过程密切相关,且滞后约2&3d。

    The analysis of two year data of Meteorology and Hydrology indicated there were a close relationship between the wide area heavy rain procession in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River and the responsibility to 0.5m of water level rising in Xiaguan , and , with two days lagged .

  23. 位于大渡河流域中游峡谷地段的大岗山水电站也遇到了类似的工程问题,左岸(EL1135-1040m)已开挖建基面上声波检测异常,单孔声波波速偏低。

    Located in the middle of the canyon area in DaDu River DaGang Mountain power station also meet similar engineering problems , left the foundation surface ( EL1135-1040m ) acoustic detection already excavation single-drillhole acoustic wave abnormity is low .

  24. 嘉陵江中游冬季水鸟的调查

    Investigation on Wintering Waterfowl at the Middle Reaches of Jialingjiang River

  25. 长江中游湿地生态恢复研究

    Study of wetland restoration in the middle reaches of Yangtze River

  26. 淮河中游防洪决策知识库

    A Knowledge-base for Flood Control in Middle Reaches of Huaihe River

  27. 嘉陵江中游地区水热状况研究

    Water and heat situation in the middle reaches of Jialing River

  28. 黄河中游粗泥沙来源探析

    Sources of coarse sediment in middle reach of the Yellow River

  29. 长江中游港口的直立式码头

    Vertical Type Wharves in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River

  30. 基于遥感技术的黑龙江上中游河道特征研究

    Channel Characteristics of Upper and Middle Heilongjiang River Based on RS