
  1. 然后说我们那是年少不经事。

    Say we were young and stupid .

  2. 让孩子自己去社会上闯吧,不经一事,不长一智!

    Let the children to leave home to gain both experience , and wisdom .

  3. 经验是一个人处理他所遭遇过的经历。经一事,长一智。

    Experience is what a man does with what happens to him .

  4. 本合同经当事双方充分讨论同意缔结。

    This Agreement contains all of the representations and agreements between the parties hereto .

  5. 说穿了,人生是充满着一连串的课程,不经一事不长一智。

    Life , after all , is a succession of lessons which are meant to be lived to be understood .

  6. 在失落的世界挣扎求存,他们经一事,长一智,也改变了他们的人生。

    What they will learn in their struggle to survive the lost world will leave them wiser but forever changed .

  7. 我这辈子可经了不少事。

    I have seen quite a lot in my life .

  8. 汤姆被认为是一个我行我素的人,因为他总是做些未经许可的事。

    Tom is called a free-wheeler because he always does something without permission .

  9. 比尔经常是未经准备而行事。

    Bill often goes off halfcocked .

  10. 这些年跟着政府领导经风雨见事面,确实学到了不少东西。

    After all these years along with government leaders see things surface wind and rain really learned a lot .

  11. 经了这些事你们若还不听从我,我就要因你们的罪加七倍惩罚你们;

    If after all this you will not listen to me , I will punish you for your sins seven times over .

  12. 但反过来讲,每件事都有两面性,这回自然也不例外:经此一事,学生们可以学会如何管理使用信用卡。

    But every story has two sides , including this one : some students actually learn how to manage their credit card use .

  13. 在官方引经决狱断事的传统中,中国没有形成独立的行政管理,更没有独立的法学教育能够产生。

    In the tradition of governmental case dealing , China has failed to develop an independent administration , letting along independent legal education .

  14. 任何与房地产有关的合约都必须是书面的,只有经各方当事签署之后,才有法律约束力。

    A contract for the sale and purchase of land must be in writing signed by the parties involved in order to be legally enforceable .

  15. 党、政、军、经、财等事宜都自行管理;

    It will run its own party , political , military , economic and financial affairs .