
jīnɡ shì
  • manage affairs
  • for a generation
经世 [jīng shì]
  • (1) [administer affairs]∶治理国事

  • 经世之才

  • (2) [experience affairs of human life]∶阅历世事

  • 养生以经世

  1. 该病例为一名8岁男童,经世卫组织在香港的一个参考实验室确认为H5N1感染阳性。

    The case , in an8-year-old boy , was confirmed as positive for H5N1 infection by a WHO reference laboratory in Hong Kong .

  2. 使用的黄热病疫苗必须经世卫组织批准。

    The yellow fever vaccine used must be approved by WHO .

  3. 今、古文之争贯穿中国传统文化发展史,今文经学多以经世标榜。

    There are many kinds of culture in Chinese history .

  4. 胡林翼理学经世思想研究

    The Research on the Pragmatical Thoughts of HU Linyi 's Neo-Confucianism Theory

  5. 论胡林翼的经世改革思想及实践

    A Discussion on Hu Lin-i 's Reforming Society Thoughts and Its Practice

  6. 论清初四书学中的经世思想

    The Statecraft Thought of the Four Books Learning in the Early Qing

  7. 论林则徐与魏源的经世思想

    On the Social Thoughts of Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan

  8. 姚莹与桐城经世派的兴起

    Yao Ying and the Rise of the Tongcheng Statecraft School

  9. 论《四库总目》文学批评的经世价值取向修辞批评视域与古代文论的当代价值

    Rhetorical Criticism and Modern Values of Chinese Ancient Literary Theory

  10. 而这种撰著哲学史的客观态度,又与其史学经世意识密切相关。

    And the kind of objective manner accorded with his consciousness of practicality .

  11. 人才经世的教育思想。

    Thirdly , educational thought of talents managing society .

  12. 晚清经世文编的文化特色与文化本质

    The Cultural Essence and Cultural Characteristics of Late Qing Collected Essays on Statecraft

  13. 论晚清经世文编中学术的边缘化

    On Marginalization of Academic Learning in Collected Essays on Statecraft of Late Qing Dynasty

  14. 1840~1860年经世学派与近代地理观念的演进

    Knowledge Applying School and the Development of Modern Geographical Concepts between 1840 and 1860

  15. 囿于所处的时代,其经世思想也存在某些局限。

    Confined to the times , the thought of statecraft , there are some limitations .

  16. 首先他促成了倔强励志、洋务经世、开放兼融等近代湖湘文化基本精神的形成与实践;

    Firstly he helped to facilitate the formation and practice of the basic Culture spirits .

  17. 世治儒学的家学渊源与湖湘文化经世致用的传统是胡林翼理学经世思想形成的两大源头。

    The Neo-Confucian and the Hu-Xiang Culture are the main resources for Hu 's thoughts .

  18. 陶澍经世思想研究

    Research for Tao Shu 's Practical Thoughts

  19. 18世纪经世学派

    The Country-Administration School in the 18th Century

  20. 论克柳切夫斯基的学术思想求真乎?经世乎?&傅斯年与钱穆学术思想之比较

    Seeking for Truth or Utility ? Comparison on Academic Thoughts between Fu Ssu-nien Qian Mu

  21. 贺长龄经世思想研究

    Study on He Changling 's Practical Thoughts

  22. 嘉道年间经世派社会救助思想和活动研究

    Study on the Social Relief Ideas of Scholar Reformers during Jia-Dao Period of Qing Dynasty

  23. 社会环境的恶化,使经世思潮再度风行。

    Because of the worsening of social environment , the thought of practice was popular again .

  24. 这些都成为《古史》中经世思想的来源。

    These have become " Ancient History " in the source of ideas through the world .

  25. 第二部分论述张佩纶的经世与清流思想;

    The second part is unfolded surrounding his thought of the clear streamand state affair management ;

  26. 与复社社会活动形成鲜明照映的是复社的社会思想和经世学术。

    Corresponding with the Fu She social activity was the social thought and the statecraft academic .

  27. 第二部分从胡林翼的哲学天命观与价值观着手,分析胡林翼的理学经世派的特征。

    The second part analyses the character of Hu 's thoughts through the value of the Neo-Confucianism .

  28. 德治思想是儒家经世思想的核心,德性文化是中国文化的根本特色。

    The rule of virtue is the core of the Confucianists thinking and the characteristic of Chinese culture .

  29. 进入汉代,《尚书》逐渐完成了由历史典籍向经世大典的转变。

    Shang shu finished the change from the history documents to the grand classics gradually in Han dynasty .

  30. 经世思想在中国史学源远流长,并且在不同的历史时期呈现出不同的倾向。

    Practical thought has a long history in Chinese history , and shows different tendency in different historical periods .