
  • 网络Pomelo;citrus grandis var jiang yong
  1. 香柚瓣贮藏保鲜技术研究

    Study on the Preservation Technology of Kinned Pomelo Valves

  2. 湖南香柚皮中黄酮类物质提取工艺的研究

    The Research of the Extraction of Flavonoids from Hunan Grapefruit Peel

  3. 为分离柚子中主要成分果胶,对香柚中果胶进行了提取,脱色,分离等工艺研究。

    The process of extraction , discoloring , separation of pectin is studied in detail .

  4. 为了提高香柚的果实品质,减少农药污染,生产绿色食品,生产中对香柚进行了套袋推广。

    In order to improve its quality of fruit , reduce the pesticide pollution , produce no public hazards food , we popularize cover bags to it in production .

  5. 采前去袋与采后去袋两种方式相比,采前去袋可以显著提高香柚果实外观着色度,特别是套膜袋果。

    The method that takes away the cover bag before picking the cover bag before picking the fruits enhanced the fruit colour significantly especially to membrane bag , compared with that takes away the cover bag after picking the fruits .