
  • 网络ZOOMLION;Zoomlion Heavy Industry;Changsha Zoomlion Heavy Industry
  1. 国企行列的另一端是一些规模较小的公司,如中联重科和海尔(Haier),海尔最近斥资54亿美元收购了通用电气(GeneralElectric)的家电业务。

    At the other end of the SOE spectrum are smaller companies such as Zoomlion or Haier , which recently paid $ 5.4bn for General Electric 's appliance unit .

  2. 然而,中联重科与cifa选择了一种更加与众不同的方式。

    However , Zoomlion and CIFA have taken a more unusual path .

  3. 中联重科(Zoomlion)和三一重工(SanyHeavy)等工程机械制造商已感受到这些趋势的影响。

    Construction machinery makers such as Zoomlion and Sany Heavy have felt the impact of these trends .

  4. 去年6月,中联重科联手弘毅投资和高盛(GoldmanSachs)旗下的私人资本运营公司,以4.22亿美元的价格赢得了交易。

    Zoomlion , teamed with Hony Capital and Goldman Sachs'private-equity arm , won the bidding with a $ 422 million offer in June .

  5. 本周,中联重科(zoomlion)涉嫌会计欺诈的指控打击了市场信心。

    The allegation this week of accounting fraud at Zoomlion has shaken confidence .

  6. 随后,Magenta将这家有着80年历史的公司卖给了只有16岁的中联重科&充分展示了亚洲企业的扩张速度。

    Magenta 's subsequent sale of the 80-year-old business to the 16-year-old Zoomlion says much about the pace of Asia 's expansion .

  7. 投行杰富瑞(Jefferies)指出,今年首季度中联重科(依靠提供信贷)销售的机器中,有一半从未开动过。

    Half of the machines Zoomlion sold ( on credit ) in the first quarter have never been turned on , Jefferies notes .

  8. 部分国有的亏损机械公司中联重科(Zoomlion)目前正以33亿美元洽购美国对手特雷克斯(Terex)。该公司的总债务为Ebitda的83倍;

    Zoomlion , a lossmaking and partially state-owned Chinese machinery company that is bidding for US rival Terex , has a debt multiple of 83 ;

  9. 中联重科今年年初对美国公司特雷克斯(Terex)发出现金收购要约,尽管现在结果仍不确定。

    Zoomlion made a cash bid for Terex , the US company , earlier this year , though the result of that overture is still uncertain .

  10. 2008年,中国建筑设备制造商中联重科收购意大利的竞争对手CIFA的情况也差不多。

    It is a similar story with the purchase by Zoomlion , a Chinese manufacturer of construction equipment , of CIFA , an Italian rival , in 2008 .

  11. 中联重科是最突出的,其债务总额为息税折旧及摊销前利润(EBITDA)的21倍,徐工和三一的这个数字则分别为15.3倍和8.1倍。

    Zoomlion is the most egregious , with a total debt to ebitda ( earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation ) multiple of 21 , while XCMG and Sany have multiples of 15.3 and 8.1 respectively .

  12. 杰富瑞(Jefferies)驻香港的分析师曾在今年4月到江苏省考察混凝土市场。这些分析师估计,中联重科今年一季度售出的混凝土机械中,有一半以上甚至根本未投入使用。

    Analysts at Jefferies in Hong Kong , who went to Jiangsu province to study the concrete market in April , reckon that more than half of the concrete machines sold in the first quarter by Zoomlion had not even been switched on .

  13. 中联重科高管集体庆祝H股成功上市。

    Zoomlion executives are celebrating the successful listing of H-shares .

  14. 中联重科旗下有12家分公司,业务规模庞大。

    Zoomlion encompasses a dozen branch companies , and the scale of its operations is huge .

  15. 存货周转天数也是如此,中联重科和三一重工分别延长十分之一和三分之一。

    So are inventory days up a 10th and a third at Zoomlion and sany respectively .

  16. 中联重科新一代混凝土泵车

    New Concrete Pump Truck of Zoomlion

  17. 中联重科表示,如果它们以这种方式获取抵押融资,那就是在骗取贷款,属于违法行为。

    If they get mortgage financing in this way , it is fraudulent loan and illegal behaviour .

  18. 中联重科所在的工程机械产业今年铁定能够形成千亿产业集群。

    The engineering machinery industry of Zoomlion is bound to forge a100 billion-yuan industrial cluster this year .

  19. 中联重科开拓海外市场

    Zoomlion to Attack Overseas Markets

  20. 信中声称这些信息显示中联重科将销售分为三种,其中有两种是虚假销售记录。

    It claimed that these showed that Zoomlion used three categories of sales , two of which were not true sales .

  21. 对中联重科供应商融资的做法以及这种做法中资金的筹集方式持怀疑态度的投资者,一直喜欢做空该公司股票。

    It has been a popular target for short sellers sceptical about its vendor financing practices and how the company funds that financing .

  22. 瑞钻牌旋挖齿,可与宝俄、卡特、三一、宇通、福田雷沃、中联重科等各种旋挖钻机配套。

    Our " Ruizuan " brand rotary bits can be suitable for Bauer , Cat , Sany , Yutong , Foton Lovol and Zoomlion machines .

  23. 项目实施后,对中联重科路面机械公司在生产能力、销售收入和利润等方面都会有显著的改善。

    After the implementation of the project , Zoomlion Road Machinery company will be significantly inproved in aspects of productivity , sales income and profit .

  24. 周二,特雷克斯在发布了关于中联重科收购要约的声明后,股价上涨了36%,至每股20.48美元。

    On Tuesday , shares in Terex rose 36 per cent to $ 20.48 in New York after the company 's statement about the Zoomlion offer .

  25. 但一些人担心的是,中联重科混凝土搅拌机买家背负的债务正在翻番,因为他们把新机器当作抵押品去获取更多贷款。

    However , some fear that buyers of its concrete mixing machines are doubling up on their debt by using new machines as collateral for further loans .

  26. 交易在去年9月完成,是规模第二大的中国企业欧洲收购案,并使中联重科成为全球最大的混凝土机械制造商。

    Completed in September , the transaction ranks as China Inc 's second largest European buy-out and made Zoomlion the world 's biggest manufacturer of concrete machinery .

  27. 他向警方供认,他受人指使发表有关工程机械巨头中联重科的大量失实报道。

    He has confessed to police that he released a series of unverified and false reports against the giant engineering company Zoomlion at the request of others .

  28. 在深圳证交所上市的中联重科是一家国有企业,1992年创建,前身为长沙高新技术开发区中联建设机械产业公司。

    State-owned Zoomlion , which is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange , began life in 1992 as the Changsha Hi-Tech Development Area Zoomlion Construction Mechanical Industry Company .

  29. 中联重科说,销售额上升原因在于购买者升级旧设备、小城市需求增长,以及随着劳动力成本上升,建筑施工的机械化程度加深。

    Zoomlion said the increased sales were due to buyers upgrading old equipment , increased demand from smaller cities and the rising mechanization of construction as labor costs rise .

  30. 中联重科称,公司之所以业绩优于其他竞争对手并实现了高达两位数的利润增长,是由于公司改进了产品技术,提高了产品质量和服务水平,销售订单增加。

    Zoomlion said it had outperformed competitors and recorded double-digit profit growth because it had enhanced its product technology , quality and services and recorded an increase in sales orders .