
  1. 他是我们大家中钱最少的。

    He has the least money of all of us .

  2. 封建政府将地租中钱、布的固定折米改为按照市场价浮动折米,目的即在于获取更多的季节差价,增加财政收入。

    In this light , the government adopted these measure simply because it could benefit more from seasonal price fluctuations , adding to its financial earning power .

  3. 有些人认为这些项目只是装点门面,但在统计中钱就是钱(而且,我反而认为这些项目大多数都是实实在在的)。

    Some folks discount these programs as cynical window-dressing , but money is money within this particular argument ( and I happen to think most of the programs are legit ) .

  4. 《管锥编》中钱锺书对诠释理论与方法有明显的自觉,有自己的见解,并将之运用于研究实践之中。认为演化观念应当成为诠释和发展中医理论的一个重要指导思想。

    Qian Zhongshu has clear self-consciousness to annotation theory and methods , and has his own understandings and uses them in his research practice . The ideal of evolution should become an important guidance thinking to annotation theory of TCM as well as to make it progress .

  5. 她正从自动提款机中取钱。

    She was drawing out cash from a cash machine

  6. 我们会从这笔交易中赚到钱的,对此我有把握。

    We 'll benefit from this deal - I 'm positive of that .

  7. 中国移动(ChinaMobileLtd。)的手机用户只需简单地按几个键就能直接把手机账户中的钱捐给中国红十字会。

    Users of China Mobile Ltd. 's wireless phone network were informed they could direct money from their cellphone account balances to the Red Cross Society of China with a few pushes of the thumb .

  8. Pesa在斯瓦希里语中是钱的意思。

    Pesa means money in Swahili .

  9. Airbnb在中国境内扩张,可以从中国的国内旅游市场中赚到钱。

    Expanding inside China will allow the company to make money on their domestic travels as well .

  10. 该类除草剂在环境中的钱留浓度1μg·kg-1水平。常规的分析方法包括生物鉴定、酶免疫分析、气相色谱法(GC)和高效液相色谱法(HPLC)。

    Routine analysis of sulfonylurea in environmental samples at concentration of 1 μ g / kg including plant bioassay , enzyme immunoassay and chemical extraction followed by gas chromatography ( GC ), high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) etc.

  11. 但是,真正能从这股潮流中赚到钱的公司却凤毛麟角。

    And yet , so few companies truly benefit from that .

  12. 我想把这个账户中的钱都取出来。

    I want to withdraw all the money in this account .

  13. 就是有你从保险箱中偷走钱的录像带!

    Of you stealing the money out of that safe !

  14. 你在这周的午餐共储金中放钱了吗?

    Have you put money into the lunch pool for this week ?

  15. 这是你最终能放入钱包中的钱。

    This is what you finally get to put in your pocket !

  16. 记住你银行帐户中的钱已经被兑换过了。

    Remember the money in your bank account has already been converted .

  17. 在许多职业中,钱仍然是主要的激励因素。

    Money is still a major incentive in most occupations .

  18. 三兄弟中他的钱最多。

    Of the three brothers he has the most money .

  19. 他一直在偷现金出纳机中的钱。

    He 'd been helping himself to the money in the cash register .

  20. 我一直在数钱柜中的钱。

    I 've just been counting the till money .

  21. 赠与金钱:从你的国库中拿出钱来奖给一个特别有贡献的海盗。

    Donate Money : Grant money from your treasury to a particular pirate .

  22. 厂主想从我们的工资中扣钱来办酒席。

    The master tried to take the money for this banquet from our wages .

  23. 生活中除了钱还有很多东西。

    Being rich isn 't everything in life .

  24. 她能支配好手中的钱吗?

    Is she using her money well ?

  25. 如果你英年早亡,你会失去这笔交易中的钱;但谁又在乎呢?

    If you die young , you lose money on the deal ; but who cares ?

  26. 除了支付邮资,我帐户中的钱还能做什么?

    Besides paying for email delivery , what can I do with the money in my account ?

  27. 红包中的钱数通常为偶数寓意好运。

    The amount of money in the envelope usually ends with an even digit for good luck .

  28. 价格增长曾意味着房主可以从房屋净值贷款和信用贷款中取钱。

    Rising values meant that people could also take out home equity loans and lines of credit .

  29. 你可能从印刷,媒体,药,法律事物中赚到钱,或者更高的教育。

    You might earn money through publishing , the media , medicine , the law , and higher education .

  30. 这种机器只需要几秒钟就能识别你唯一的指纹并从你的账户中划钱。

    It takes just a few seconds for this machine to identify your unique fingerprint and debit your account .