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  • 网络Chinese tea culture
  1. 我热爱大自然和中国茶文化,所以我真的很想去喝一杯茶,再看看那里的美景。

    I love nature and Chinese tea culture , so I really want to drink a cup of tea and see the beautiful sights there .

  2. 中国茶文化的活化石&擂茶

    On Grinding Tea , a Living Fossil in Chinese Tea Culture

  3. 中国茶文化与茶树栽培简史

    A biref history of Chinese tea 's cultivation and tea culture

  4. 中国茶文化遗产景观及法律保护

    Landscape and Legal Protection of Chinese Tea Culture Heritage

  5. 中国茶文化对茶类包装设计的影响

    Influence of Chinese Tea Culture on Tea Packaging Design

  6. 乾隆皇帝茶诗与中国茶文化

    Tea Poets of Qianlong and The Culture of Tea

  7. 中国茶文化到了明代,又峰回路转,出现了一个崭新的面貌。

    Chinese tea culture to the Ming Dynasty , and winding paths , there is a new look .

  8. 宋元明清时代中国茶文化发展过程的研究

    Research on the Culture and Developing Process of Chinese tea in Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing Dynasties

  9. 然而在中国茶文化的公关传播过程中,存在着不少的误区。

    However , there are a lot of mistakes in process of Public Relations dissemination of the Chinese tea culture .

  10. 文章首先概述了中国茶文化的核心内容和符号学的基本理论。

    Firstly , the article summarized on the core content of Chinese tea culture and the basic theory of semiotics .

  11. 茶文化在唐代的最终形成,决定着唐代在中国茶文化史上的重要地位。

    The formation of tea culture in Tang dynasty , decided the important position of Tang dynasty in Chinese tea culture history .

  12. 此外,西湖龙井茶种植园位于附近的博物馆为加强与中国茶文化的经验。

    Also , the West Lake Dragon Well Tea Plantation located near the museum provides closer experience with Chinese tea and its culture .

  13. 本论文主要分为四部分:绪论、中国茶文化的历史发展与世界茶文化经典代表(日本茶道文化与英国红茶文化)的特点、茶文化旅游开发(意义、现状分析与开发设想),结论。

    C ) contemporary cultural tourism development ( significance , developmental status analysis , and discussion to the future exploitation ), and d ) the conclusion .

  14. 英国最大的茶叶公司我大多参观过,但没有哪一家是中国茶文化真正的传道者,愧对英国茶迷对茶的热爱。

    I 'd visited most of Britain 's largest tea companies but had never located the fiery evangelist for China tea that British tea lovers deserve .

  15. 中国茶文化源远流长,蕴含了很多中华文明的元素,是中国传统文化的重要代表。

    Chinese tea culture , which has a long history and contains many elements of Chinese civilization , is an important representative of the Chinese traditional culture .

  16. 唐宋茶叶消费逐渐被赋予了丰富的文化内涵,中国茶文化由此发端并不断发展,成为中国优秀传统文化的重要组成部分之一。

    Tea consumption was given a new meaning of culture and tea culture began forming , developing , it was the important part of good traditions of culture .

  17. 传承千年的中国茶文化以其独特的文化视角和审美感悟折射出不同时代的美学追求与审美价值理念。

    Chinese Tea Art , with thousands of years history , reflects aesthetic pursuit and aesthetic values of times in its special views of culture and aesthetic perception .

  18. 标志设计体现龙泓茶的至尊地位和卓越品质;突显悠久的中国茶文化,深远、朴文化底蕴。

    Dragonwell Tea logo design reflects the status of supreme quality and excellence ; Chinese tea culture highlights a long , far-reaching , and his quaint cultural foundation .

  19. 茶禅联姻,以天人合一为哲学基础,是中国茶文化史上一种独特的文化现象。

    The marriage of tea and Zen , whose philosophical basis is the combination of man and nature . is a special phenomenon in the history of tea culture .

  20. 我们的目标将促进中国茶文化在北美经过亲切中国茶典礼的赏识当喝温暖茶的一杯心的时候。

    Our goal is to promote Chinese tea culture in north American through the appreciation of the gracious Chinese tea ceremony while having a cup of heart warming tea .

  21. 中国茶文化以其古老而悠久的历史著称于世,而中国茶文化的源头孕育于三峡地区。

    : The tea culture in China has been famous for its long history in the world . And the tea culture in China has bred along Three-Gorges region .

  22. 在介绍中国茶文化与栽培史的基础上,指出:中国是最早发现和利用茶树的国家,古今各国的茶树都直接或间接引种于我国;

    China is the origin of tea culture , and the tea trees of other countries of the past and the present have been introduced from China directly or indirectly .

  23. 关于茶禅一味的总体研究,应该是中国茶文化研究和佛教文化研究共同关注的重大命题,然而至今尚无甚创见。

    A general study of the combination of tea and Zen is supposed to be a big concern for both the research of tea culture and that of Buddhist culture .

  24. 中国茶文化崇尚道家的天人合一,日本茶道崇尚禅宗的天人合一。

    Chinese tea culture is to advocate Taoist 's theory " Oneness of Heaven and Man ", and Japan tea ritual is to advocate Zenic theory " Oneness of Heaven and Man " .

  25. 中国茶文化作为中华传统文化的重要组成部分,历史悠久,博大精深,其创新和发展将对中国茶产业和相关产业的发展产生深远的影响。

    Chinese tea culture had a long history which is one important part of Chinese traditional culture . Its innovation and development had far-reaching impact on the Chinese tea industry and related industries .

  26. 古今学者对中国茶文化的研究可谓涉及了方方面面,其中有对茶史的研究、有对茶礼茶俗的研究、有对茶具茶馆的研究、还有对茶诗茶文的研究。

    The studies of tea culture by ancient and modern scholars have touched almost all aspects of tea culture including the study of tea history , tea ceremonies , teahouse , and tea poems .

  27. 汲取中华传统文化精华的中国茶文化,是具有典型东方民族特质的审美文化形态,体现了传统文人的人生境界与艺术追求。

    Absorbing the essence of Chinese traditional culture , Chinese tea culture is a typical Oriental national characteristic of aesthetic culture form , which reflects the traditional literati realm of life and artistic pursuit .

  28. 随着社会的发展与进步,中国茶文化被越来越多的人所认识和喜爱,其本身蕴含的深厚的审美文化意蕴引起了许多学者的关注和研究。

    With the development and progress of society , Chinese tea culture is known and liked by more and more people . It contains the profound aesthetic culture connotation which caused many scholars ' attention and research .

  29. 我们通过大量考证研究后认为:湖南对中国茶文化的起源、传承、发展有以下几个方面的贡献:湖南是中华茶文化的发祥地之一;

    After lots of research and study , we found out that Hunan has devoted greatly in origin , heritage , and development of Chinese tea culture as followings : Hunan is one of the original places of tea culture ;

  30. 在现代,随着公共关系学的发展,公关传播在传播手段中起着越来越重要的作用,因此针对中国茶文化进行的公共关系传播具有重要的现实意义。

    In modern times , with the development of Public Relations , Public Relations dissemination is playing an increasingly important role in the means of communication . Therefore the Public Relations dissemination of the Chinese tea culture has important practical significance .