
  1. 按照中国人的文化,自愿捐献器官是禁忌

    The Chinese have a cultural taboo that restricts voluntary donation .

  2. 就中国人的文化思想,激发起对爱滋病问题的讨论和进一步研究;

    Stimulate discussion and further study about AIDS with reference to the cultural aspects of chinese ;

  3. 与此同时,这些留学生也都仍然保留着作为典型中国人的文化特征。

    At the same time , participated informants are still keeping their cultural identity as a Chinese .

  4. 通过对比两种文化,志愿者对己文化有了更深刻地认识与反思,更为确信他们中国人的文化身份。

    By making comparison , they had a deep understanding of their own culture and confirmed their cultural identity as a Chinese .

  5. 要扭转这个局面,必须扩展哲学视野,立足于解释中国人的文化与生活经验。

    In order to have a thorough change , the philosophical perspective should be expanded , and the interpretation should be rooted in Chinese culture and life experience .

  6. 思想的解放在当代中国人的文化心理层面上,就是我国小生产文化心理的当代转型。

    The emancipation of the mind , at the cultural psychological level to the contemporary Chinese , refers to the contemporary transformation of the psychology of China 's small production culture .

  7. 我国传统的教育是一种以语文教育为核心的人文主义的教育,它对提升中国人的文化素养,拓展心灵的境界,曾起到过巨大的推动作用。

    The traditional education of our country is the Humanism education center-based on the Chinese Language . It has played a great role in improving the cultural accomplishment and developing the spiritual world of the Chinese people .

  8. 实际上,粟作文化一直贯穿于中华民族的历史长河中,丰富了古代中国人的文化和精神生活,为中国农耕文明的发展、社会思想的进步,也都作出了极其重要的贡献。

    These cultures run through the development of Chinese history , enrich Chinese cultural and spiritual life in ancient times , and made a vital contribution to the development of Chinese farming culture and the of progress social civilization .

  9. 儒学作为中华文化主流,从其特有的伦理角度出发,观察宇宙、体验自身,奠定了儒家文化的思想基础,创造了中国人的文化生命。

    Being the main component of the Chinese culture , Confucianism has built the thoughts ' base of the Confucian culture and born the Chinese people ' cultural lives , by seeing into the cosmos and inspect oneself in the special ethical view .

  10. 久而久之,水到渠成,形成我国的产品设计风格,既符合中国人的文化及哲学思想,又在时代发展和对外来文化的过滤吸收的基础上得到不断完善。

    Time by time , our style of product will be shaped , not only fit for the culture and philosophy of China , but also getting more perfect by absorbing the good foreign culture . Therefore the design thought of the festival activities appear especially important .

  11. 语文教育是人文文化的一个组成部分,又以人文文化中最主要的成分&言语作品作为教育的材料,肩负着传承人文文化、弘扬人文精神,培养新世纪的中国人的文化使命。

    Language works is the main education material which is the most important part in humanities culture of which Chinese Education is one part . Chinese Education has the cultural responsibility to inherit and transmit humanities culture , spread humanities spirit and cultivate Chinese people of new century .

  12. 人格结构的行为归类假设与中国人人格的文化意义

    Behavior Classification Hypothesis on Personality Structure and Cultural Implications of Chinese Personality

  13. 论中国人的中华文化本体&并论中国传统文化的现代化是一个伪问题

    On Chinese Cultural Identity of the Chinese : Concurrently about the Modernization of Traditional Chinese Culture

  14. 在中国人的消费文化中,一直存在着自我保护和彰显身份的矛盾。

    In Chinese consumer culture , there is a constant tension between self-protection and displaying status .

  15. 而后分析和阐释了中国人姓名的文化符号和文化类型。

    The third part analyses and explains the culture symbols and culture types of Chinese names .

  16. 这与中国人的饮食文化有着密切的关系。

    Analyzes the close relation between the Chinese eating culture and the forming of cultural meaning of the eating verbs .

  17. 通过分析湖南卫视的超级女声节目,细致地分析当代中国青年人的文化分层问题。

    It analyzes the cultural hierarchy of the youth based on the reflection on the program of Super Girl run by Hunan TV .

  18. 汉语音译外来词,需从所处的社会文化与心理角度去进行分析,取字用词需考虑到中国人的语言文化传统。

    When using Chinese transliterating foreign words , we should analyze from the society cultures and the view of psychology , considering the Chinese culture tradition .

  19. 第三部分重点介绍了改革开放以来,当代中国人的精神文化需要呈现出来的新变化、新特点、新动向,分析了其中的经济、政治和文化原因;

    In the third part , I mainly introduce the new change , characteristics and tendency of people 's spiritual and cultural needs in contemporary China since practicing reform and opening up policies and analyze the economic , political and cultural reason ;

  20. 近现代中国人爱国历程的文化透视

    A Cultural Perspective on Patriotism of Modern Chinese People

  21. 我们中国人有伟大的文化遗产。

    We Chinese have a great cultural heritage .

  22. 中国人有伟大的文化。

    Chinese has a great culture .

  23. 突厥那时是“游牧民”,另一方面,中国人是定居的文化。

    Turks were living as " Nomads ", on the other hand Chinese people enjoyed a settled civilization .

  24. 深层逻辑即构成中国人千年的文化和生活理想,中华民族生生不息的核心价值观和生活模式以及模塑着这一切的教育智慧;

    Its deep logic includes the core value of the ideal culture and life , the life style and the education wisdom of Chinese people .

  25. 月亮是古典诗词中常见的意象,蕴涵着中国人共同的民族文化心理,是中国人精神家园的朦胧幻象。

    The Moon , as a common image exists in classical poetry , implicates the general Chinese national culture mentality and denotes the obscured illusions of the Chinese spiritual homestead .

  26. 结论为判决书买卖与中国人现时的法律文化观念相悖,但不违反法律的强制性规定,有其法理基础。

    Verdict concluded the sale with the Chinese concept of the existing legal culture contrary to , but do not violate the mandatory provisions of the law has its legal basis .

  27. 但是,文化是一种很复杂的现象,深深影响着中国人几千年的文化不会因为外国文化的进入和影响突然消失。相反,在很多方面还发挥着重要的作用。

    However , as a complicated phenomenon , the Chinese culture which have deep influence on the people for thousands of years would on the contrary , it has played an important role in many fields .

  28. 公元一世纪左右开始,佛教从印度通过不同线路传入我国,对中国人的思想、文化和物质生活都产生了很大的影响。

    Around the first century , Buddhism came to China from Indian through various channels , and it has influenced the Chinese a lot in the way of thinking , Chinese culture and people s daily life as well as the religious architecture .

  29. 探究两部作品中中国人形象产生的政治文化等因素。

    On two works in Chinese image generating political cultural factors .

  30. 许多外国人说,中国人拥有很可观的文化遗产。

    Many foreigners say that Chinese has a great cultural heritage .