
  1. 现代水墨书画的含义比较模糊,一般可以理解为两个意思:一是现代的水墨,强调水墨书画的创作年代;

    Chinese modern ink and wash painting is a vague concept .

  2. 中国现代水墨艺术的新发展与时代特征

    Latest Development and Time Characteristics of Modern Chinese Ink and Wash

  3. 论现代水墨的精神特质论巴人诗歌的现代特质

    The Spirit of Modernity on the Poetry of Ba Ren

  4. 现代水墨画现状及发展的思考

    The Reflection on the Current Conditions and Development of Modern Ink and Wash Painting

  5. 因此,发展现代水墨依然要以精神研究为前提。

    Therefore , the research on the spirit should still be the priority of contemporary Chinese Painting study .

  6. 但是,相对中国水墨人物画的发展来说,写实性素描作为一种异质文化,它促进还是制约了现代水墨人物画的发展在是当下理论界和画界一直在探讨的一个问题。

    However , objective drawing is a kind of heterogeneous culture in thedevelopment of Chinese ink portrait painting .

  7. 现代水墨画能够完成形式语言上的重大转换,这本身就是具有当代性的启示。

    Modern ink painting , which can complete a major transformation in the language , is a contemporary representation itself .

  8. 西方抽象表现主义与中国现代水墨是两种不同的艺术形态,这两种艺术形态都有着各自不同的特点。

    Western abstract expressionism and modern Chinese ink painting are two different art forms . These two forms have different characteristics .

  9. 第三章分析了现代水墨的源起,这对进一步阐释现代水墨画的多元性发展做出铺垫。

    Chapter ⅲ analyzes the origins of modern ink and paves the way to further explain the diversity of modern ink .

  10. 从古代传统绘画中汲取营养,不断探索现代水墨人物画的艺术语言,丰富人物画的表现力。

    Draw nutrition from ancient traditional painting . Explore article language of modern wash and figure painting unceasingly and enrich expression about figure painting .

  11. 对写实素描造型观念的导入与借鉴,毋庸置疑的在一定程度上促进和催化了现代水墨人物画的演进与发展。

    From the introduction of realistic sketch modeling concepts , undoubtedly promote to a certain extent and catalyzed the evolution and development of modern ink painting .

  12. 随着中国现代水墨艺术的日益发展,水墨戏曲人物画已经成为当代水墨的一种特殊现象并引起关注。

    With the development of modern Chinese ink art , ink opera figure painting has become a special phenomenon in contemporary ink art and caused attention .

  13. 现代水墨画站在现代性与本土性的文化立场,通过激变与突围的现代求索,积极的探索着水墨进入当代的可能性。

    Modern ink painting stood for Modernity and Nativity , and break through the modern quest , to actively explore the possibilities of the contemporary ink painting .

  14. 现代水墨作为一种艺术现象已经出现,并成为历史,但是现代水墨还没有系统的进入高等美术教学。

    Phenomenon of modern ink painting as an art there have been a long time , but no system of modern ink into the higher arts education .

  15. 现代水墨做为一种艺术现象,他的艺术成果转化必然需要教育的过程,本文试图从这方面进行论证。

    Phenomenon of modern ink painting as an art , his artistic achievements of the transformation process must require education , this paper attempts to demonstrate this aspect .

  16. 在这篇文章中,作者以绘画的精神意味为索引,对现代水墨画发展的方向问题进行了自己的推断和阐述。

    Focusing on the discussion about the spirit of painting , the author presented in the thesis her own analysis and speculation on the development of contemporary Chinese Painting .

  17. 现代水墨画作品应邀先后在西班牙巴塞罗纳、荷兰祖特梅尔、日本崎玉越谷等地展览。

    He has also been invited to exhibitions at Barcelona of Spain , Zoetermeer of Netherlands , and Koshigaya of Saitama in Japan for his modern ink and wash paintings .

  18. 目前,我国现代水墨画的一个发展趋势是:在弱化笔墨的同时,最大限度地发挥水墨的特性。

    At present , the developmental trend of modern ink painting in China is that painters should weaken the ink and at the same time maximize the characteristics of ink .

  19. 中国现代水墨虽然已经取得很大进步,但是想要屹立于世界艺术之林,还需要现代艺术家们不懈的努力。

    Since the modern Chinese ink painting has made great progress , modern Chinese artists still need to take pains to make it stand out form the frost of world art .

  20. 画廊主要致力于推广中国当代艺术,作品涉及油画、版画、现代水墨、雕塑、陶艺、摄影、影像、装置等。

    The gallery is committed to promote contemporary arts of China , including Oil painting , Printmaking , Modern Chinese Ink , Sculpture , Ceramics art , Photography , Video and Installation .

  21. 中国传统绘画的空白形式,从上世纪八十年代起受到了极大的挑战,特别是在现代水墨画中,似乎更是踪迹难觅。

    Traditional blank in China form , from the 80 's of last century is biggest challenged , especially in modern water painting , apparently also the vestige of is difficult to find .

  22. 而林风眠在继承传统与借鉴西方的同时,从构成、色彩、题材与意境、材料与用线等方面入手,于融合中求创新,创造出全新的现代水墨艺术。

    While Lin Fengmian creates the art of modern ink painting , in the aspect of constitutes , colors , themes , artistic conception , tools and lines , innovating in regard of amalgamation .

  23. 如何处理以素描为代表的西方造型观与中国传统绘画的造型观的关系问题是现代水墨人物画的一个至关重要的问题。

    The problem how to handle the relation that the model taking pencil sketching as west model Taoist temple and Chinese tradition drawing representing observes is a all-important problem of modern water ink figure painting .

  24. 在与多元文化的交流中,中国现代水墨艺术积极探索形式法则,初步形成了新的笔墨观,城市文明已成为绘画的重要题材。

    With the multicultural communication , Forms and laws are becoming more and more popular , and the new " ink and wash " concept has taken shape in modern Chinese ink and wash art .

  25. 本文阐述西方素描引入中国人物画,给水墨人物画带来的素描造型体系和现实主义创作精神,对中国现代水墨人物画的发展产生了深远影响。

    This paper introduced the Western sketch of Chinese painting , brings to the ink painting sketch modeling system and the realistic creation spirit , has a profound impact on the development of modern Chinese ink painting .

  26. 第七章做为文章的最后一章,把对花山岩画的思索与启示进行了归结、延伸性的实践探索,并具体体现于民族装饰绘画与研究、现代水墨与泼彩的相关绘画创作中。

    In Chapter 7 , the author summarizes the reflection on and revelation from the Flower Mountain petroglyphs , and explores practically and tentatively by embodying the summarization in the related ethnic decoration painting and modern ink painting and sprinkling .

  27. 第四章通过引用大量画家的作品作为实例,从表现内容、媒材、技法等方面对现代水墨画的多元性进行了分析。

    Chapter ⅳ makes a detailed analysis of the diversity of modern ink painting from the angle of its performance contents , media , techniques and the like , by reference to the works of a large number of painters as an example .

  28. 在对中国绘画中透视与审美关系的分析、近现代水墨审美趣味的改变、及对近现代艺术家探索与成果做整体梳理和讨论,总结焦点透视在近现代水墨演进中的重要作用。

    In the analysis of the relationship of Chinese painting in perspective and aesthetic , the Modern Ink aesthetic taste change , and overall combing and discussion of modern artists to explore and achievements , summarize Focus Lens in Modern Ink evolution an important role .

  29. 由此产生了现代水墨画的两难处境&既要保持推选为中国身份的水墨形象,又要把这种传统艺术融入到当代生活中去,使现代水墨不至于成为中国现代化进程中的局外人。

    Now the dilemma of modem ink and wash is it not only must keep the ink and wash image of Chinese identity , but also must melt itself into the current lives as not to be the " outsider " during the Chinese modernization .

  30. 敢问路在何方&现代都市水墨画启示录

    Where is the Road & An Apocalyptic of Chinese Painting in Modern Cities