
  1. 水墨人物画在中国绘画领域占据着重要的地位。

    Ink painting occupies an important position in Chinese painting field .

  2. 论都市水墨人物画的当代性演变及其现代经验

    Research on the Contemporary Evolvement and Modern Experience of Urban Ink-portrait Painting

  3. 笔墨与中国水墨人物画

    Pen and ink and the Chinese ink wash figure painting

  4. 水墨人物画系统教学的构想与实践

    Conception and Practice of Teaching Washing Painting of Figures Systematically

  5. 二十世纪现实主义水墨人物画创作与思考

    20th Century Realism Water ink Portrait Creation and Ponder

  6. 关于都市水墨人物画的当代文化背景的思考

    About Urban Ink Portraits of Contemporary Cultural Backgrounds Consider

  7. 本文是一篇关于表现性水墨人物画特征的研究。

    This paper is a searching about the expressive of ink painting art .

  8. 速写对水墨人物画和教学的意义

    Sketches and Ink Figure Painting and Its Teaching

  9. 有别于现实主义的社会现实性&当下水墨人物画的创作取向

    Social Reality That Differs from Realism & The Tendency of Creating Ink Figure Painting

  10. 形与意关系的转化&20世纪水墨人物画发展脉络联想

    Association of the Development of the Chinese Figure Wash Painting in the 20th Century

  11. 其三、写实水墨人物画造型的基本视觉结构方式。

    Third , this paper studies the basic visual structural pattern of realistic painting modelling .

  12. 第三部分是对现实主义水墨人物画创作的关键问题的思考。

    The third part is the realism and ink portraits of the key issues of creative thinking .

  13. 总之,研究速写对水墨人物画创作及写生具有积极意义。

    In a word , study sketch is of positive significance to the ink figure painting and sketching .

  14. 中国水墨人物画的变革是多方面的,面临许多亟待解决的问题。

    The reform of Chinese ink-figure-painting includes many aspects , and faces many problems need to be solved .

  15. 但是,相对中国水墨人物画的发展来说,写实性素描作为一种异质文化,它促进还是制约了现代水墨人物画的发展在是当下理论界和画界一直在探讨的一个问题。

    However , objective drawing is a kind of heterogeneous culture in thedevelopment of Chinese ink portrait painting .

  16. 文章分别论述了:其一、写实水墨人物画造型方式诞生的时代与艺术根源。

    In the first place , it studies the birth and artistic origin of modelling pattern of realistic painting .

  17. 中国传统水墨人物画从五代时期有了初步发展,至明清两代趋于成熟。

    Five traditional Chinese ink figure painting from an initial development period to the Ming and Qing dynasties mature .

  18. 同时,艺术的包容性,也为水墨人物画的发展提供了可能。

    Meanwhile , the inclusion of art , also provides the possibility for thedevelopment of Chinese ink figure painting .

  19. 在谈当代中国水墨人物画的语言创新之前,必须将当代中国水墨人物画中的当代这一概念做一个界定。

    Before we expound the language innovation of the contemporary Chinese ink painting , we must give " contemporary " a clearly definition .

  20. 她是经过了怎样的一个矛盾发展的过程,并且对未来的水墨人物画具有怎样的启示?

    What kind of developing process has it experienced and what kind of inspiration will it have for the future wash character painting ?

  21. 他的创新和实践使水墨人物画得到延续和发展,是对中国传统绘画的再创造。

    The Ink And Wash Painting Figures was developed by his creation and practice , it was a recreation of traditional Chinese painting .

  22. 当代水墨人物画造型包含两个方面的内容,造型观念的整合和自然形态到艺术形态的转变。

    Contemporary ink figure painting consists of two aspects , the modeling concepts of integration and the natural form to art form changes .

  23. 第二章的重点放在近百年来水墨人物画的发展历程过程中所形成的水墨人物画的派别。

    The second chapter focuses on the development process of the past 100 years Ink People Painting of forming the Ink People Painting factions .

  24. 从古代传统绘画中汲取营养,不断探索现代水墨人物画的艺术语言,丰富人物画的表现力。

    Draw nutrition from ancient traditional painting . Explore article language of modern wash and figure painting unceasingly and enrich expression about figure painting .

  25. 主要内容在前两章,第一章阐述水墨人物画的发展历程及形式语言。

    The first two chapters are the more important contents . The first chapter basically expounds the development course and the ink painting language .

  26. 跨入21世纪的初始,分析与理清水墨人物画在20世纪的发展轨迹就显得十分必要且富有价值。

    The analysis and the texture finding of the developing track of the wash character painting in the 20th century looks very necessary and valuable .

  27. 第四部分以笔者创作实践为例,对当代水墨人物画形式语言的分析与思考。

    The fourth Part , the author took Creative Practice for example , analyzed and thought the Formal language features of Contemporary Ink figure Painting .

  28. 水墨人物画形式语言的发展演变,是研究当代艺术特征的一个重要组成部分。

    Studying the development of the form language of the figure painting ink and wash is an important component of researching into the contemporary artistic characteristics .

  29. 在此文中我把二十世纪90年代以后的中国水墨人物画界定为当代中国水墨人物画,以便于下文的分析研究。

    I defined the Chinese ink painting as the contemporary Chinese ink painting after the 1990s , in order to carry on the research on below .

  30. 对写实素描造型观念的导入与借鉴,毋庸置疑的在一定程度上促进和催化了现代水墨人物画的演进与发展。

    From the introduction of realistic sketch modeling concepts , undoubtedly promote to a certain extent and catalyzed the evolution and development of modern ink painting .