
  • 网络ink landscape
  1. 字王维创立水墨山水画以来,墨法便一步步走向完善。

    Since Wang Wei founded the ink landscape painting , ink technique has been consummated step by step .

  2. 水墨山水画在唐代及其后代获得了长足的发展,这与唐代禅宗思想的影响有着很大的关系。

    Ink landscape painting in the Tang Dynasty and their descendants was developed by leaps and bounds , and the zen thinking of the impact of the Tang Dynasty has a great relationship .

  3. 五代时期,水墨山水画开始走向成熟。

    The water landscape painting starts heading for maturity in Fives dynasty .

  4. 宋元水墨山水画笔墨风格的继承与创新

    Song and Yuan Style Ink Pen and Ink Landscape Painting Tradition and Innovation

  5. 基于纹理合成的水墨山水画自动绘制

    Automatic rendering for Chinese landscape painting using texture synthesis

  6. 一种与众不同的绘画风格雾态“水墨山水画”成为了主流。

    A distinctive style known as Wu-tai painting " monumental ink landscapes " dominated .

  7. 水墨山水画构图研究

    Study on the composition of Chinese landscape drawing

  8. 关于中国水墨山水画艺术的气韵说

    On the Idea of Vigor Appeal of the Chinese Ink and Wash Landscape Paintings

  9. 禅宗和王维的水墨山水画

    Dhyana and Wang Wei 's Landscape Ink-paintings

  10. 第二阶段是盛唐以后至唐末,水墨山水画崛起。

    The second phase was from the peak to late Tang period when landscape wash painting grew up .

  11. 受到传统水墨山水画绘制技法的启发,我们提出了以纹理合成为基础的山水画系统仿真绘制算法。

    Corresponding to the traditional skills of Chinese landscape drawing , a simulated texture-synthesis-based landscape rendering algorithm is proposed .

  12. 通过分析中国山水画的一般创作技法,提出了基于纹理合成的水墨山水画绘制方法。

    Based on the analysis of Chinese landscape painting art skills , the author proposed a novel rendering method based on texture synthesis .

  13. 其作品的传统行草书及水墨山水部分,通过用香烟烧过的手制宣纸,隐约可见。

    It depicts the series of works in which inscriptions in running script and painted landscapes are glimpsed through layers of Chinese hand-made paper .

  14. 他的禅境画开启了唐代的水墨山水,并对后世文人画具有极为重大的影响。

    Wang Wei 's Zen painting initiates the landscape arts in Tang Dynasty and has a widespread and great influence on the painting later .

  15. 具有悠久历史的水墨山水画是人们长期以来的文化及生活的积累,也是具有代表性的中国绘画艺术的重要部分。

    Landscape painting with china ink with three thousand years of history is the accumulation of culture and life and represents one chapter of the Chinese pictorial arts .

  16. 研究禅宗对唐代水墨山水画产生带来的影响,对后世水墨山水画的发展具有源头性的指导意义。

    Study of zen ink painting landscapes of the Tang Dynasty have the effect of future generations ink landscape painting to the development of the source of guidance .

  17. 同时,自水墨山水画产生以来,其绘画技法不断进步,禅意表达也不断深化,艺术特征也愈见鲜明。

    At the same time , since the ink landscapes have been continuous progress of its painting techniques , zen expression is deepening , also underlines distinctive characteristics of art .

  18. 在古典的水墨山水中,由于强调了用笔的重要性,实际上也就是在暗示将画家作画的过程保留了下来。

    In the classical landscape of the Ink , emphasizing the importance of a pen actually is the same as to imply that the process of painting by the artist retained .

  19. 与诗文领域一样,雄浑壮阔和婉约秀丽两种互生互立的美学风格共同构建中国传统文化的现象同样在中国传统的水墨山水画中得到充分体现。

    Just like in the field of literature , the phenomenon of the two depending aesthetic styles contributing to Chinese traditional culture also appears in the field of Chinese traditional ink and landscape painting .

  20. 邹良材的水墨山水有近观取景和远视取景两种不同的方法,对于前者,艺术家注重近景物体细节的刻划,形成富有艺术感染力的视觉中心,以扩大画面的空间;

    For the former , the artist pays attention to the description of details about close-range objects , and an artistically appealing visual center is formed , in order to expand the space of the picture .

  21. 但就整体上来说,创造美的意图和实相的人体美模式是西方古典艺术的突出特征,而以表现境界美的水墨山水画则充分展示了中国古代艺术的诗性风采。

    The western art is characterized by the model of human body which reflects the intention and the reality of beauty while Chinese art distinguishes itself by the poetic conception which is reflected in the landscape painting .

  22. 然后从禅宗对山水画家创作思想、审美趣味以及品评标准三个方面,论述了禅宗思想对水墨山水画形成的具体影响。

    Then from the zen to the scenery painter creative idea , the esthetic appeal and the appraisal standard three aspects , elaborated the zen thought to add water the concrete influence which the ink landscape painting formed .

  23. 中国绘画从文人画兴起之后逐渐转入淡雅逸华为主的审美观点,以写意抒发胸中逸气为追求目标,崇尚清淡趣味的水墨山水在画坛中占领了主导地位。

    After the rise of literati paintings gradually moved to elegant Yi-Hua mainly aesthetic point of view to express freehand chest Yat gas in pursuit of goals , advocating light fun at the water-and-ink landscape painting occupied a dominant position .

  24. 中国水墨山水画给世界贡献了极富家园意识的美学生态活力;文人画的消极性,使我们在西方绘画的色彩观里看到了一些合理的因子。

    Chinese ink landscape painting to the world contribute to the very homes of the aesthetic sense of the ecological vitality ; scholars draw negative , so that we in the Western concept of painting colors to see some reasonable factor .

  25. 接着对禅宗影响下水墨山水画所透露出的笔墨禅趣进行了深入的讨论,从而较全面的反映了禅宗与山水绘画艺术相互交融、相互渗透的内在联系。

    After that was disclosing to the zen influence launching ink landscape painting the words imperial sacrifices interest carries on the thorough discussion , thus the quite comprehensive reflection zen and landscape painting art mutually blended the inner link which , mutually seeped .

  26. 我们纵观中国美术史,水墨山水画可以说是中国艺术门类中成就最为辉煌的,并在唐以后的中国画坛上占了主导地位。

    Looking the history of Chinese art , we may say that the ink landscape painting is the most glorious among the different kinds of Chinese art and it has taken the leading position in the field of Chinese painting since the Tang dynasty .

  27. 在这五位山水画家中,廖维章和刘杨都善于用浓重的水墨表现山水。

    Among these five landscapists , Liao Weizhang and Liu Yang are good at painting mountains and rivers with thick ink .

  28. 利用传统水墨动画《山水情》艺术表现及处理手法分析中国传统水墨动画的对青少年美育教育功能,并以此为出发点对中国动画创作的未来之路做理论性的思考。

    I use " landscape " traditional ink painting animation art performance and handling analysis on teenagers aesthetic education function of Chinese traditional ink painting animation , and the road to the future of Chinese animation creation as the starting point to do theoretical thinking .

  29. 笔者通过特殊的载体一唐墓室壁画中的水墨遗迹,从侧面了解初唐至中唐水墨山水画发展的真实面貌,论证水墨山水画的表现语言在唐已基本完备。

    The author , through a special carrier - Tang tomb murals of the ink remains , from the side that Early Tang ink to the true face of landscape development , performance appraisal at the time the ink has been basically complete language .