
  1. 丰田召回事件,并非个案,却为我国汽车企业敲响了警钟。

    Toyota recall is not the case , but has sounded the alarm for domestic auto manufacturers .

  2. 竞争者借由丰田召回事件这一机会大力唱衰,声称一度被汽车业界认为势不可挡的丰田而今已沦为平庸的配角。

    Emboldened by the recall crisis , competitors spread word that Toyota , once considered the unstoppable force of the automotive world , had been reduced to the status of also-ran .

  3. 对投资者来说,真正造成伤害的是,丰田未能阻止召回事件演变为一场公关灾难。

    What is damaging for investors is that Toyota failed to prevent it from turning into a public relations disaster .

  4. 也是在1月30日那天,《产经新闻》发表的一篇文章强调说,丰田的汽车召回事件已经在美国引发了对丰田的情绪性排斥。

    Also on Saturday , Jan.30 , the Sankei Shimbun newspaper ran an article stating : 'Toyota 's recall issue has triggered an emotional repulsion against Toyota in the U.S. '

  5. 然而,在2009年底的丰田汽车踏板门召回事件中,丰田章男被推到聚光灯前。

    Thrust into the spotlight during Toyota 's acceleration-pedal recall in late 2009 , his initial public comments seemed awkward .