
  • 网络friction lever;Friction Kelly bar
  1. 用带摩擦芯杆的双向压制法成形薄壁衬套

    Double - direction pressing with frictional rod and Its Applications

  2. 圆筒压坯的成型,采用摩擦芯杆压制与非同步双向压制。

    Compression of the hollow cylinder : using friction core rod and non - synchronous double - action pressing .

  3. 带摩擦芯杆的双向压制法是改善其密度和硬度分布不均匀性的有效途径之一,并介绍了此法的应用实例。

    The present paper has explained that the double-direction pressing with frictional core rod is one of effective ways for improving the distribution of both density and hardness . The applications of this process have also been given by practical examples .

  4. 以微型往复式电动锯锯切机构为研究对象,建立了运动学和动力学模型,该模型计入了运动副摩擦、各杆的实际质量及滑块的具体结构,利用数值计算方法进行了计算机模拟。

    Based on the study of implement mechanism of reciprocating electric micro saw , a kinematic and dynamic model is established . It reckons in friction of joints , actual mass of each rod and actual construction of slide and uses computer and means of numerical value calculating to imitate .

  5. 边界摩擦与导纱杆材料质地无关。

    Boundary friction is independent of the guide material used .

  6. 摩擦锁导致油门杆不能移动。

    Friction locks cause throttle lever to stick .

  7. 通过严密的数学推理计算,详细地分析了抓斗的切入阻力、推压阻力、摩擦阻力、齿杆插入阻力以及悬臂的受力。

    Cut resistance 、 push Resistance 、 friction resistance 、 gear lever into the resistance and Cantilever force are analyzed by rigorous mathematical reasoning computation .

  8. 有摩擦时悬臂细长杆大挠度弯曲的解利用细长杆端部受冲击时弹塑性应力波的传播规律及加卸载规律,建立了梁的弹塑性屈曲方程;

    Solution of Large Deflection Bending Problem for the Slender Cantilever Beam with Friction Considering the elasto plastic loading and unloading law , the elasto plastic buckling equation under the stress wave is presented .

  9. 研究表明采用该转向架的车辆水平定位刚度和旁承摩擦系数以及牵引杆纵向刚度对下摇枕结构车辆横向稳定性具有显著影响,三者中任一参数的变化会影响到整车横向稳定性。

    The stiffness of primary suspension and the friction coefficient of side bearing and the longitudinal stiffness of the traction rod have a significant impact to the stability of the vehicle , the change of anyone will effect the lateral stability .