
mó tuō chē
  • motorcycle;motorbike;bike;cycle;motor bicycle;motor van
摩托车 [mó tuō chē]
  • [motorcycle] 两轮或三轮排列的内燃机车,有一个或两个乘用的鞍形座

摩托车[mó tuō chē]
  1. 他一骗腿轻而易举地骑上摩托车。

    He swung his leg over the motorcycle , straddling it easily .

  2. 他们看见15名警察骑着摩托车排成V字形前行。

    They saw a squadron of fifteen motorcycle policemen driving in V-formation

  3. 今天下午我骑摩托车把合同给你送过去。

    I 'll bike the contract over to you this afternoon .

  4. 他们冲到高速公路时,他赶紧把摩托车调转方向。

    He slewed the motorbike over as they hit the freeway .

  5. 所有骑摩托车的人都必须戴头盔,这是强制性的。

    It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets .

  6. 如果所有别的办法都不行,你总还可以卖掉摩托车。

    If all else fails , you can always sell your motorbike .

  7. 他骑着摩托车呼啸着沿路绝尘而去。

    He whizzed down the road on his motorbike .

  8. 经过反复考虑,我决定不买摩托车。

    After a lot of thought , I opted against buying a motorbike .

  9. 骑摩托车的人显然对事故负有责任。

    The motorcyclist was clearly in the wrong .

  10. 骑摩托车的人斜穿过他的院子。

    Motorcyclists cut catty-cornered across his yard .

  11. 摩托车朝一侧滑了出去。

    The motorbike went into a skid .

  12. 本骑着摩托车走了。

    Ben drove off on his motorbike .

  13. 没想到他骑的是摩托车。我还以为他喜欢大轿车呢。

    I 'm surprised he rides a motorbike ─ I 'd have thought big cars were more his style .

  14. 他将摩托车撑脚架往上一提,开始蹬车启动。

    He lifted the bike off its stand and kick-started it .

  15. 他们骑上偷来的摩托车沿着人行道逃走了。

    They made their getaway along a pavement on a stolen motorcycle .

  16. 西班牙人卡洛斯·赛恩斯在新西兰摩托车公路大赛中夺冠。

    Carlos Sainz of Spain has won the New Zealand Motor Rally .

  17. 两个小伙子正在松散的砾石路面上赛摩托车。

    Two young men were racing motorcycles on the loose gravel

  18. 作为摩托车初学者,切勿后座载人。

    As a learner rider you must not carry a pillion passenger .

  19. 我不会让他冒险骑那辆摩托车。

    I won 't have him risking his neck on that motorcycle .

  20. 理查森在一次摩托车事故中失去了他的右脚。

    Richardson severed his right foot in a motorbike accident .

  21. 她坐在儿子摩托车的后座上。

    She rode pillion on her son 's motor bike .

  22. 我骑摩托车顺利通过拐角,然后停了下来。

    I negotiated the corner on my motorbike and pulled to a stop

  23. 一位戴头盔的男子正跨上摩托车。

    A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike

  24. 持枪歹徒坐上一辆由同伙驾驶的摩托车逃逸。

    The gunman escaped on a motorcycle being ridden by an accomplice .

  25. 他把其他的摩托车手甩在身后。

    He left a host of other riders trailing in his slipstream .

  26. 在遭遇一次摩托车事故后,他的脑部严重受损。

    He suffered severe brain damage after a motorbike accident .

  27. 丹尼尔早期与摩托车赛的接触并没有激发他的兴趣。

    Daniel 's early exposure to motor racing did not excite his interest

  28. 两个骑摩托车的男人向他开了枪。

    Two men riding on motorcycles opened fire on him

  29. 斯特凡诺骑一辆摩托车放羊。

    Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep

  30. 过去有成群结队的年轻人骑着摩托车四处游荡。

    There were gangs of kids on motorbikes roaming around