
  • 网络cloud environment
  1. 我认为是这样的,所有Web应用程序都应该接受测试,尤其是在云环境中使用的应用程序。

    I would argue , yes , all Web applications should be tested , especially if they are destined for a cloud environment .

  2. 这在未使用DynamicHostConfigurationProtocol的全面自动化的自助服务云环境中特别有帮助。

    This is particularly helpful in a fully automated self-service cloud environment in which Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is not being used .

  3. IBMImageConstructionandCompositionTool工具用于构建要部署在云环境中的虚拟映像。

    The IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool is a tool for building virtual images for deployment into cloud environments .

  4. 我们发现,一些IBMRational客户对公有云环境的不稳定性和安全问题呲之以鼻。

    We find that some IBM Rational customers shy away from the possible instability and security concerns of public cloud environments .

  5. 除了前面已经讨论过的开发外,还有其他一些基于Linux的开放源代码包,它们在云环境中也比较有用。

    In addition to the developments already discussed , several other Linux-based open source packages are useful in cloud environments .

  6. 新出现的ApplicationCloudAdministrator角色创建和管理云环境,对那些拥有部署和管理在该环境中运行的应用程序权限的用户进行维护。

    The emerging role of Application Cloud Administrator creates and manages cloud environments and maintains the users that have rights to deploy and manage applications running within the environment .

  7. IBMWebSphereCloudBurstAppliance帮助您在一个私有云环境中创建、部署和管理WebSphere虚拟系统。

    IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance helps you create , deploy , and manage WebSphere virtual systems within a private cloud .

  8. 在下面的几个场景中,这个云环境可以帮助实现PHP应用程序的质量目标。

    Here are a few specific scenarios where this cloud can help you achieve the quality goals for your PHP application .

  9. 业务功能必须受SoE云环境中的实际服务的支持。

    The business capabilities must be supported by actual services in the SoE cloud environment .

  10. 云环境下Hadoop作业调度的研究给学术界和工业界带来了新的挑战。

    Hadoop job scheduling in a cloud environment brings new challenges to academia and industry .

  11. IBM近日发布了WebSphereCloudBurstAppliance,这是一个创建、部署、管理私有WebSphere云环境的工具。

    IBM has announced its WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance ; a tool to create , deploy , and administer private WebSphere cloud environments .

  12. 在桌面SDK中的云环境

    A cloud environment in the desktop SDK

  13. IBMWebSphereCloudBurstAppliance是一个新的促进私有云环境创建和管理的IBM硬件设备。

    The IBM WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance is a new IBM hardware appliance that facilitates the creation and management of a private cloud environment .

  14. 根据您选择的解决方案,它可以在IBM云环境内部或一些其他的服务器或服务之外备份数据。

    Depending on the solution you choose , it may backup the data either within the IBM Cloud environment or externally to some other server or service .

  15. 在设置并测试了私有云环境后,可以将ApacheHadoop组件合并到其中。

    When the private cloud environment is set up and tested , incorporate the Apache Hadoop components into it .

  16. 这个过程很安全,而且利用了您的团队的已有技能:站点到站点的IPsec,以及云环境的SecureSocketsLayer。

    This process is safe and it reuses your team 's existing skills : IPsec for site-to-site and Secure Sockets Layer in the cloud segments .

  17. 对于通过Web控制台执行的系统管理和云环境访问,我们的架构包括加密的VPN连接,以及带身份和访问管理的基于角色的安全性。

    For systems administration and cloud environment access through a web console , our architecture includes VPN connections with encryption , and role-based security with identity and access management .

  18. 如果您的烟雾测试成功,那么将您的DNS记录更改为指向您的云环境。

    If your smoke tests pass , then you can change your DNS records to point to your cloud environment .

  19. 在传统的存储系统中,这个API是SCSI协议;但是在云环境中,这些协议在演化。

    In traditional storage systems , this API is the SCSI protocol ; but in the cloud , these protocols are evolving .

  20. 云环境中,服务提供商租用云平台供应商提供的诸如服务器,CPU,内存,磁盘等基础设施资源。

    In the cloud environment , service providers hire hardware provided by cloud platform provider such as servers , CPU , memory , disk and so on .

  21. AWS特别强调:在Amazon云环境中,他们的“spot价格体系”市场可以提供价格优惠的海量规模计算能力。

    AWS specifically highlights their " spot pricing " market as a way to do cost-effective , massive scale computing in Amazon cloud environment .

  22. IaaS的供应商控制着云环境中传统计算资源的基础架构。

    The IaaS provider controls the infrastructure of traditional computing resources in the cloud environment .

  23. 客户关系管理程序(CRM)在云环境中是有效的,包括SugarCRM。

    Several customer relationship management ( CRM ) applications are available on the cloud , including SugarCRM .

  24. InfoQ:企业也可以在公共云环境中使用全新的Terracotta/Eucalyptus集成软件解决方案么?

    InfoQ : Can the organizations use the new Terracotta / Eucalyptus integrated software solution in public cloud environments as well ?

  25. Schmidt:云环境其实是非常非常不一样的,对此我同事之前已经有过描述。

    Schmidt : The cloud environment is very , very dif ­ ferent , as my colleagues have described .

  26. 整个系统可以在没有PaaS的情况下运作,它的核心功能和基础设施能够在非云环境中维护。

    The whole system could function without PaaS with its core functionalities and infrastructures maintained in a non-cloud environment .

  27. 本文中,您了解了如何在云环境的虚拟机上,使用命令行启动一个WebSphereApplicationServerCE实例,将Linux作为操作系统运行。

    In this article , you learned how to use the command-line tools to start an instance of WebSphere Application Server CE on a virtual server in the cloud , running Linux as the operating system .

  28. 在没有完整的云环境的情况下,WebSphereBPMHypervisorEdition平台设置工具可以轻松快速地配置虚拟系统或平台。

    The WebSphere BPM Hypervisor Edition platform configuration tool makes it easy to quickly configure a virtual system , or platform , without a full cloud environment .

  29. 在VM可被删除和重新配备(比如说)以便从故障恢复的云环境中,这会带来新的挑战。

    In a cloud environment where VMs can be deleted and re-provisioned , for example to recover from failure , this can pose a new challenge .

  30. 在云环境中,MapReduce结构提高了大型数据集的吞吐效率。

    In a cloud environment , the MapReduce structure increases the efficiency of throughput for large data sets .