
yún xiá
  • rosy clouds
云霞 [yún xiá]
  • [rosy clouds] 彩云和彩霞

  • 云霞明灭。--唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

云霞[yún xiá]
  1. 傍晚的云霞绚丽多彩。

    In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous .

  2. 这个太阳好像负着重荷似地一步一步、慢慢地努力上升,到了最后,终于冲破了云霞,完全跳出了海面,颜色红得非常可爱。

    It kept rising laboriously bit by bit as if weighted down with a heavy burden on its back until , after breaking the rosy clouds , it completely emerged from the sea aglow with a lovely red .

  3. 然后在几条墨蓝色云霞的隙缝里闪出几个更红更亮的小片

    After that , through the rifts in the inky clouds sparkled redder and yet more luminous particles .

  4. 几丈外他就当它是宝石与云霞。

    A few rods off he deems it gems and clouds .

  5. 细菌给他蒸出些云霞。

    And bacteria generate evening clouds .

  6. 落日把云霞映得通红。

    The sunset reddened the clouds .

  7. 你的目光飞过千山万水,带着七彩阳光,编织成多彩云霞,静静的张望。

    Your sight , crosses mountains and rivers , was made full-color clouds with multicolored sunshine , gazing quietly .

  8. 慢慢地,绚丽的云霞被浣净了,柔和的晚星一一就位。

    When the splendid evening clouds are gone , gentle stars will take their places in the sky one after another .

  9. 但是云在天上千变万化,刚才还在雷鸣电闪,突然没有了,变成五彩云霞了。

    But the myriads of changes of cloud in the sky , was thunder and lightning , suddenly gone , become colorful .

  10. 有一天,他们抬头仰望天空的时候,远远望见一位骑驴美人从五彩云霞中飘来。

    One day they look up the sky and see a donkey riding beautiful woman flies to come from the colorful cloud .

  11. 成画后,你看整幅画就象让云霞淡淡的浸染过、让风雨涤荡过似的,不见些许的墨污痕迹,这只是史书记载未见有作品传世。

    No filthy mark was left as if the paintings were washed by clouds and rains , but unfortunately none of his works is handed down .

  12. 我们只能说,这是乐观主义的结果,仿佛是从苏格拉底世界观的深渊升起的一绪香气袭人的云霞。

    to be considered solely as the fruit of that optimism , which here rises like a sweetishly seductive column of vapor from the depth of the Socratic world view .

  13. 云锦因图案花纹典雅优美,色彩装饰绚丽庄重,宛如天上美丽的云霞而得名。

    Because of the elegant and beautiful patterns of the " Yunin " Brocade and its grandeur and solemn color decoration which look like the gorgeous cloud in the sky , it gets the name as cloud brocade .