
  • Toyota Motor 公司总部所在地:日本 主要业务:汽车
  1. 丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotor)正打算再次无视那些唱反调的人。

    Toyota Motor is getting set to defy naysayers once more .

  2. 丰田汽车三分之一的销售额和本田汽车(HondaMotorCo。)二分之一的销售额均来自美国市场。

    S.accounts for a third of sales at Toyota and half at Honda Motor Co.

  3. 全球汽车厂商现在的日子都不好过,丰田汽车要比通用汽车(GeneralMotors)等竞争对手财力雄厚得多。

    Auto makers world-wide are in pain , and Toyota is much stronger than rivals such as General Motors Corp.

  4. 为丰田汽车贷款和租赁业务提供资金的ToyotaFinancialServices周二称,正与日本国有出口银行谈判,申请融资。

    Toyota Financial Services is in talks with Japan 's state-run export bank to line up financing , it said Tuesday .

  5. 和全世界的汽车制造商一样,丰田汽车(toyotamotors)油箱里也将注满政府的资金。

    Toyota motors , like carmakers worldwide , is topping up the tank from state coffers .

  6. 包括丰田汽车(ToyotaMotorCorp.)在内的一些公司已经表示,将在4月份减产。

    Some companies , including Toyota Motor Corp. , have already said they will cut production in April .

  7. 丰田汽车(Toyota)就是一个典型的例子。

    Toyota is a case in point .

  8. 它们加入了7个传统亚洲品牌的行列,其中包括渣打银行(standardcharteredbank)和丰田汽车(toyota),但在价值方面已经超过它们。

    They have joined seven traditional Asian brands , including Standard Chartered Bank and Toyota , but have already overtaken them in value .

  9. 今年截至目前,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCo.)、丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCo.)和日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.)在中国市场的占有率均有所下滑。

    General Motors Co. , Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. have all seen their China market share shrink so far this year .

  10. 丰田汽车(toyotamotor)计划减少数千名经理的年终奖,以此作为应对销售额暴跌的成本削减举措的一部分。

    Toyota Motor is to reduce year-end bonuses for thousands of managers as part of a cost - cutting drive in response to plummeting sales .

  11. 丰田汽车公司(Toyota)的绿色动力先锋、混合动力车普锐斯(Prius)情况如何?

    What about the pioneer of the Prius hybrid , Toyota Motor ( TM ) ?

  12. 刚刚从学校毕业的学生有机会在丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor)等大公司找到一份工作。2013年,丰田一共招了600人。

    Newly minted graduates have a shot at landing a job at such marquee names as Toyota Motors , which engaged 600 new hires in 2013 .

  13. 美国交通数据显示,该计划实施后最畅销的10大车型中,丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor)就占据了3款。以销量衡量,丰田是全球最大的汽车制造商。

    According to US transport data , Toyota Motor the biggest global carmaker by sales accounted for three of the top 10 models bought under the scheme .

  14. 中国的汽车消费者当时立即开始抵制丰田汽车(Toyota)和其他日本品牌,最终导致日本企业收入下降。

    Car buyers in China immediately began boycotting Toyota ( TM ) and other Japanese brands , which translated into lower earnings .

  15. 丰田汽车公司建议进行PCV阀的快速检查。

    Toyota recommends making a quick check of the PCV valve .

  16. 日本丰田汽车(toyota)在美国的轻型车销量已超过克莱斯勒,预计将在今后一年内把福特逐出第二的位置。

    Toyota has overtaken Chrysler in us light vehicle sales and is expected to dislodge Ford from second place within the next year .

  17. 据苹果公司内部传言,即使进入了公司管理层,他代步的座驾依然是一辆右后车门坏掉的破旧丰田汽车(Toyota)。

    According to Apple lore he drove around in a beat-up Toyota with a broken passenger-side door even after he was appointed to management .

  18. 曾作为日本质量象征的丰田汽车(Toyota),如今陷入了一场安全与公关梦魇。

    Toyota , a company that used to embody Japan 's reputation for quality , is enmeshed in a safety and public relations nightmare .

  19. 还是在七月,美国丰田汽车销售公司(ToyotaMotorSalesintheU.S.)的轻型车销量超过了福特公司&这也是在它经销商数量少得多、且皮卡销量也远不如对手的情况下。

    Also in July , Toyota Motor sales in the U.S. sold more light vehicles than Ford Motor Co. & again despite having far fewer dealers and selling far fewer trucks .

  20. 以丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor)为例,2003年,丰田逾四分之三的汽车是在日本生产的;今年,丰田在日本本土的产量将不到总产量的一半。

    Toyota Motor , for example , made more than three-quarters of its vehicles in Japan in 2003 ; this year , local production will be less than half the total .

  21. 丰田汽车(Toyota)迄今已销售了逾100万辆混合动力汽车,而该公司目前的计划是,到2010年初,实现每年销售100万辆混合动力车。

    Toyota has sold more than 1m hybrid vehicles so far and now aims to sell that many a year by the beginning of 2010 .

  22. 丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor)昨天兑现向非日籍经理转移更多职责的承诺,提升了一批北美和欧洲人士管理日本境外的工厂。

    Toyota Motor acted yesterday on a promise to shift more responsibility to its non - Japanese managers , promoting a group of North Americans and Europeans to run factories outside Japan .

  23. 丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor)正逼迫供应商在今后几年大幅降价。这家日本汽车制造商希望重获业内利润领袖的地位。

    Toyota Motor is pressing suppliers to deliver unusually steep price cuts over the next few years as the Japanese carmaker seeks to reclaim its position as the industry 's profit leader .

  24. 一项针对汽车制造商和供应商关系的年度调查显示,丰田汽车(toyota)已不再是北美汽车零部件制造商的宠儿。

    Toyota is no longer the darling of North American car parts makers , according to an annual survey of relations between vehicle manufacturers and suppliers .

  25. 丰田汽车公司表示,他们计划从明年开始提高汉兰达中型SUV车型的产量。

    The car company says it plans to boost production of its Highlander midsize SUVs , starting next year .

  26. 自从推出以来,通用汽车公司只卖出了2184辆Volt,而丰田汽车公司光是5月份就卖出了7000辆普锐斯。

    GM has only managed to sell 2,184 since introduction , while Toyota moved nearly 7,000 Priuses in May alone .

  27. 为此,源于日本丰田汽车公司的JIT生产方式近来被应用到我国的大型汽车制造企业中。

    Therefore , just-in-time ( JIT ) production system originated in the Toyota Automobile Corporation has been applied recently in Car-manufacturing enterprises of China .

  28. 丰田汽车公司(toyotamotorcorp.)周四说,该公司计划未来三年在中国推出20款新车型,以满足中国消费者不断增长的需求。

    Toyota Motor Corp. plans to introduce 20 new models in China over the next three years to cater to increasing demand from Chinese consumers , the company said Thursday .

  29. 本文运用企业X再造理论与日本丰田汽车公司的准时化生产方式(JIT)分析超级市场的供应链,并以零售业巨头沃尔玛公司为例,进一步阐明了超级市场供应链的X再造。

    By utilizing the theory of X-Engineering the Corporation and the YIT producing methods , we understand something about X-Engineering the supply chains of the supermarket . Wal-Mart serves as a example here .

  30. 周三,丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCo.)发布了最新款汽车,希望在绿色汽车开发的下一个阶段,与特斯拉汽车公司的电池驱动汽车展开竞争。

    Toyota Motor Co. TM Wednesday unveiled the car that it expects to go toe-to-toe with Tesla Motors Inc. " s TSLA 1.89 % battery-powered ones in the next stage of green vehicle development .