
  1. 想想看,一个3岁的孩子沉浸在寻找能和不能沉入浴缸的东西的乐趣中,一个5岁的孩子沉浸在与好友拼凑一串串无意义的文字的刺激中,或者一个11岁的孩子完全沉浸在一部引人入胜的连环画中。

    Think of a 3-year-old lost in the pleasures of finding out what he can and cannot sink in the bathtub , a 5-year-old beside herself with the thrill of putting together strings of nonsensical words with her best friends , or an 11-year-old completely absorbed in a fascinating comic strip .

  2. Words串串烧元刊杂剧的疑问词语

    The Study of Interrogative Words and Phrases in the Poetic Dramas of the Yuan Dynasty

  3. 对汉语新词的认识Words串串烧

    On the New Words of Chinese

  4. 大约在同一时间,新英格兰电话公司(NewEnglandTelephoneCompany)的拉尔夫•莫里斯(RalphE.Morris)看着圣诞树上挂着的一串串交换彩灯,而这些比蜡烛更安全。

    About this same time , Ralph E. Morris of the New England Telephone Company looked at switchboard lights and proposed that strings of them be hung on Christmas trees - they would be safer than candles .

  5. Google阅读器或者个性化应用程序,像iPhone上的my6sense和桌面上的feedly,看起来都比这种只能浏览串串截图的产品有趣且实用。

    Google Reader or personalized applications like my6sense on the iPhone or feedly on the desktop just seem far more interesting and usable than browsing through a series of screenshots .

  6. 客户室半圆形的一圈椅子上,坐满了没什么更好的事情可做的人,无精打采地看着Trans-Lux上一串串数字缓缓滑动,这是一种电子显示器,播报主要股票的价格。

    Root-bound men with nothing better to do filled the semicircle of chairs in the customers ' room , listlessly watching numbers crawl by on the Trans-Lux , an electronic display of prices of major stocks .

  7. 他们正在建筑物的周围挂起一串串鲜艳的彩旗。

    They were stringing up gay lines of flags above the building .

  8. 这些街道被一串串彩色的灯照亮。

    The streets were illuminated with strings of coloured lights .

  9. 邻居们时不时到我家串串门。

    My neighbor would drop in on me from time to time .

  10. 只有坠着串串葡萄的葡萄藤;

    Were the vines drooping under their loads of grapes .

  11. 你为什么不抽空来串串门?

    Why don 't you drop in on me sometime ?

  12. 因为整部《红楼梦》犹如人生之梦,它应是由一串串分梦小梦连缀而成的,此事便可视作大书中的一场荒唐小梦。

    The misfortune is an absolutely ridiculous little dream in the whole novel .

  13. 一串串绿萝,挂在我当年尘封的窗。

    Green vines , out of my dusty window .

  14. 生活是一串串的欢乐时光;

    Life ia a chain of moments of enjoyment ;

  15. 生活是一串串的快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存。

    Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment ; not only survival .

  16. 糊口是一串串的欢愉年光;

    Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment ;

  17. 于是,带着串串舒畅的吻。

    Thus , with a fillet of smooth-kissing breath .

  18. 跌落珍珠一串串。

    Pearls necklaces rolling off string by string .

  19. 九月风景:树木开始抛出一串串红彤彤、金灿灿的告别之吻。

    September scene : tree beginning to throw farewell kisses of red and gold .

  20. 它那一串串的蓝绿色花序从下面望去极为壮观。

    The pendulous festoons of blue green blossoms are spectacular when viewed from below .

  21. 人们燃放一串串鞭炮。

    People set off strings of firecrackers .

  22. 我家楼下有母的,咬死好几只小狗的金吧吉娃娃串串之类的

    My downstairs had a mother , and killed several puppies Chihuahua gold bar like strings

  23. 一串串汽车急驰而过。

    Streams of cars were passing by .

  24. 凌晨四点来几串串烤的烤肉,很少有其他东西能睥睨它的滋味。

    Few things taste better at four in the morning than a few grilled kebabs .

  25. 产下数之不尽的一串串鱼卵

    Innumerable strands of eggs are laid .

  26. 用爱的鹿车,把一串串真挚的祝福送进您的心里!

    Deer love with the car , and a string of sincere best wishes into your heart !

  27. 串串果实压得果树都弯下了腰,枝条低垂到地面;

    trees bend beneath the thick clusters of rich fruit which bow their branches to the ground ;

  28. 沁人心脾的樱花,一串串的,犹如一幅清新,淡雅的水墨画。

    The fresh , cherry blossoms , a string , and like a fresh , elegant ink .

  29. 每一次成功的背后都是一串串的失败,而每一次失败都更靠近成功。

    Every success has a trail of failures behind it , and every failure is leading towards success .

  30. 世事变迁,留下串串足迹,叶儿沙沙,犹如你的呢喃。

    The world left its footprints in the universe , the rustle of leaves are your kind whispers .