
chuàn lián
  • series connection;tandem;contact;establish ties
串联 [chuàn lián]
  • (1) [series connection]∶电路中的元件或部件排列得使电流全部通过每一部件或元件而不分流

  • (2) [establish ties;contact]∶逐个地联系

  1. 投运国内第一台同步电动机H桥串联型高压变频装置。

    The first manufacturer of synchronous machine H bridge series connection MV VFD in China .

  2. 提出了一种以滞后-超前滤波器为基础的串联型PID控制器的设计方法,并对其在激光器控制中取代传统PID的可行性进行了分析。

    Then analyses the design technic of PID controller , and gives a design of series connection PID module based on lag-lead filter .

  3. 作者娴熟地把情节的各种线索串联在一起。

    The author skilfully draws together the different threads of the plot .

  4. 他串联了几位工友,组织起一个工会小组。

    He contacted several fellow workers and organized a trade union group .

  5. 我可能想做很多事情,而不仅仅是串联一些值。

    I might want to do more than simply concatenate the values .

  6. 使用串联升降台,即在通用标准升降台上使长度、度加倍或者两者同时加倍

    You can double the length , width , or both of standard lift tables by using tandems .

  7. N个不同部件串联而成的M/G/1可修排队系统

    M / G / 1 Repairable Queueing System with N Units Series Structure

  8. 串联H桥多电平变频器中的功率平衡方法

    A New Power Balancing Method for Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter

  9. 在DNA序列分析中,串联重复体查找是一个重要的基础性问题。

    Tandem repeat finding is the most common fundamental subject of DNA sequence analysis .

  10. 用基于神经网络串联BP算法实现了较为精确的自适应逆控制。

    Actualized comparatively exact adaptive inverse control using neural network series BP algorithm .

  11. 基于BP神经网络的串联连续打浆过程打浆度的软测量

    Soft Measurement of Beating Degree of Series Beating Process Based on BP Neural Network

  12. 利用GIS母线寄生电容串联电抗器的谐振升压法

    The Resonance Boosting Method by Using GIS Bus Line Parasitic Capacitance and Reactor Connected in Series

  13. 教学型串联机械手PLC控制系统设计

    PLC system design for a serial robot

  14. 小功率电压源PWM变频器通过匹配的变压器与其他变压器串联。

    A small-rated voltage-source PWM converter is connected in series to the transformers through a matching transformer .

  15. 利用VB实现RLC串联电路实验中的数据拟合

    Realization of Data Fit on RLC Series Circuit Experiment with VB

  16. 论文第三章介绍了水质评价BP网络-隶属度串联模型的原理、算法及其特征。

    The algorithm and the pattern features of BPDM model that is composed by ANN in series with degree of membership .

  17. 一种适用于大功率IGBT模块串联工作的新型驱动电路

    A new drive circuit suitable to series connected high power IGBT module

  18. 宁夏回族人群X染色体10个短串联重复序列位点的遗传多态性调查

    An investigation for genetic polymorphisms of 10 STR loci on chromosome X of Chinese Hui nationality population in Ningxia region of China

  19. 对利用串联FACTS装置提高区域间可用传输能力问题进行了数值计算研究。

    A numeral analysis to enhance available transmission capability ( ATC ) via series FACTS devices is presented in this paper .

  20. 同时随着频率的增高,积累区栅电容也随之增加,这是由于在更高频率下,内部串联电阻对高频C一V特性的影响更加显著,因为频率越高MOS电容的阻抗越低的原因。

    The reason is that the series resistance becomes more significant because of the lower impedance of the capacitor at higher frequency .

  21. 基于UNIX的串联文件系统

    The UNIX-based series file system

  22. IGBT直接串联高压变频器

    IGBT in Direct Series High Voltage Inverter

  23. 介绍了电磁感应加热的基本原理,详细说明了PWM串联型中频感应电源的原理及各部分组成。

    This paper introduced the principle of induction-hearting and the makeup of pulse width modulated ( PWM ) induction-hearting power system .

  24. 结论通过首位串联可以实现HEV线性表位较高效的表达。

    ConclusionHigh level expression of epitope from HEV could be achieved by tandem repeats .

  25. 以电压串联负反馈放大电路为例,证明用戴维宁定理(Thevenin'STHEOREM)对负反馈放大器作单向化变换,不是等效的变换,而且没能起到实质性单向化作用,即受控关系没有消除。

    It is proved that one-way conversion of negative-feedback amplifier by Thevenin 's theorem is not to be equivalent conversion . I is presented .

  26. PX氧化反应器-结晶器串联过程的数学模型

    Models of Reactor-Crystallizer Connected in Series in p-Xylene Oxidation Process

  27. 目的:调查河南汉族人群中DNA遗传标记-6个短串联重复序列的基因多态性。

    AIM : To investigate the genetic polymorphism of 6 short tandem repeat ( STR ) loci of the DNA genetic markers in people of Han nationality in Henan Province .

  28. RLC串联谐振电路实验误差的分析及改进

    An Analysis and Amelioration of the Experimental Error on RLC Series Resonance Circuit

  29. 中国汉族人vWF基因内可变数目串联重复序列的研究

    Study on the variable number tandem repeats of vWF gene in Chinese Han nationality

  30. 将叠层橡胶支座和R/C柱的串联机构作为隔震系统的做法在实际工程中已有应用,但至今尚无规范化的设计计算方法。

    The serial isolation system consisting of laminated rubber bearing and R / C column has been applied in practical building , but without the corresponding codes for calculation and design yet .