
  • 网络sinusoidal alternating current;sinusoid alternating current;sinusoidal current
  1. 基于SPWM模糊PID控制正弦交流电流源研制

    Research and Design of Fuzzy PID Controlling AC Sine Current Source Basic on SPWM

  2. 在光接收端机中PD将光信号转换成电信号,经放大后输出正弦交流电信号。

    In the optical receiving terminal a PD changes the optical signal into a magnified voltage signal .

  3. 由于UPS(或逆变器)的输出是正弦交流电,它的并联运行比直流电源复杂的多。

    Because of the output of the UPS ( or Inverter ) is AC , its parallel operation is more difficult than DC supplies .

  4. 采用晶闸管相控整流和单片机数字触发电路,对直流侧电压进行闭环控制;采用单相桥式SPWM型逆变电路得到正弦交流电。

    The inverter uses phase controlled rectification and digital trigged circuit to control the DC voltage by closed-loop method , uses single phase full bridge SPWM inverter to get the sinusoidal AC power .

  5. DC/AC逆变器采用基于电压电流瞬时值反馈的双闭环控制,将高压直流电逆变为正弦交流电。存在K&Suslin树+ZF+┐AC。

    With the DC / DC converter , the low voltage output of the fuel cell is converted to a stabilized high DC and the high DC is inverted to sinusoidal AC voltage by the double loop controlled DC / AC inverter with the instantaneous voltage and current feedback control .

  6. 非正弦交流电功率计量误差的估算

    Estimation of measuring error of electrical power for nonsinusoidal AC

  7. 一种快速计算正弦交流电参量的方法

    A fast method for measuring parameters of alternating current

  8. 关于正弦交流电的相位、初相位及相位关系的教学思考

    Thinking of Teach About the Alternating Current Phase Place Phase Place of the Beginning and the Relation of Phase Place

  9. 为什么正弦交流电的有效值是最大值的1/2~(1/2)倍

    Why Virtual Value of Sine Alternating Current Equating 1 / 2 ~ ( 1 / 2 ) Times of Its Maximum Value

  10. 该逆变系统不仅能为用电设备提供失真度小、稳定、纯正的正弦交流电,而且其控制灵活、稳压精度高,更重要的是它很好的解决了带三相不平衡负载的问题。

    This inverter not only can provide the steady and pure sine wave power with little distortion , but also can solve the unbalanced load .

  11. 以正弦交流电为例导出了测量误差与相对频偏及采样初始时刻的关系式,提出了一种可显著提高交流电有效值测量精度的改进方法。

    Error analysis of the conventional effective value measurement is carried out and the relation of measurement error with frequency deviation and initial time is derived .

  12. 该电路结构由输入周波变换器、高频储能式变压器、输出周波变换器以及输入、输出滤波器构成能够将一种不稳定劣质的正弦交流电变换成另一种同频率稳定的优质正弦交流电压。

    The circuit structure which can transfer one unregulated sinusoidal voltage with high THD into another regulated constant frequency sinusoidal voltage with low THD is constituted of input cycloconverter , high frequency storage transformer , output cycloconverter , input and output filter .

  13. 提出了一种利用正弦交流电压和电流的瞬时值测量正弦交流电参量的新算法。

    Adopting sinusoidal instantaneous voltage and current , a new algorithm for measuring sinusoidal electrical parameters has been put forward .