
  • 网络integration path;integral path;path of integration
  1. 但是,在使用该法时,定要进行一些比较复杂的改变积分路径的工作。

    But it is a difficult and complicated task to change the path of integration when we use this method .

  2. 根据积分路径和被积函数的特点,讨论了相应的计算复积分的方法。

    In this paper , it is illuminated that is the computing methods of complex integration . It is based on the properties about the path of integration and the integrand function .

  3. z0在积分路径C上的柯西积分公式

    Cauchy Integral Formula of z_0 in Integral Path C

  4. 力学不均匀焊接接头的J积分路径无关性研究

    Study of Path Independence of J Integral of Mechanical Heterogeneous Welding Joint

  5. 载荷越大,焊缝与母材的强度差别越大;积分路径中包含的焊缝与母材界面长度越大,J积分的差值越大。

    Moreover , the difference of J-integral values increases with the increasing of the load and strength mismatching difference and the path-enclosed length of interface between weld metal and base metal .

  6. 暂态能量函数中不可积项积分路径的探讨

    Discussions on the integration path of non-integrable term in transient energy function

  7. 积分路径上含有孤立奇点的第二类曲线积分

    The Second Sort of Curve Integral of Isolated Odd Point in Integral Path

  8. 全波理论合成地震图计算中的积分路径问题

    On integral path in calculating full-wav theory seismogram

  9. 电磁力有限元分析中麦克斯韦应力法的积分路径选取的研究

    Research on Integration Path Selection of Maxwell Stress Tensor Method Used in Electromagnetic Force FEM Analysis

  10. 路径守恒格式主要的问题是如何得到正确的积分路径,并确保数值解能够收敛到正确的解。

    The main problem for the path conservative scheme is how to define the path and how does the numerical solution converge to the correct solution .

  11. 最后我们用该黎曼问题的真解作为包含间断的区间间断面处的积分路径,从而可以得到比较正确的路径守恒格式。

    We use the exact Riemann solutions as the integral paths in the discontinuous cells , which would be a much more accurate path conservative scheme .

  12. 该式表示的能量函数中含有路径相关项,它的积分路径与首积分法构造的能量函数的积分路径相同。

    A path-dependant term is present in this energy expression . The integration path for this term is identical to the integration path of the transient energy constructed by first integral .

  13. 标准电波的频移主要是由两个方面的因素引起的:从积分路径上看,频移与群路径本身的变化有关,即与反射高度的变化有关;

    The frequency shift is mainly caused by the variation of μ on the group path ( the variation of atmosphere density ) . The frequency shift caused by two factors mainly .

  14. 该条件只与平衡点的类型有关,易于验证。(4)论证了暂态能量函数的正确积分路径。

    This condition is only relevant to the type of the equilibrium points and is easy to be verified . ( 4 ) The integration path of the transient energy function including non-integrable term is clarified .

  15. 这是因为它是,与积分路径有关的,因此这里的积分值,取决于从一端到二端的,具体路径。

    The reason for inexact doesn 't mean it 's a crummy measurement , t means that it 's path dependent , and so the value of this integral depends on how you get from one to two .

  16. 线性路径法采用了正确路径的线性近似。梯形近似法以故障轨线为积分路径,从原理上不同于正确的积分路径。

    The linear path method take a virtual linear path connecting endpoints of the true path as the integration path , while trapezoidal approximation method integrates along the fault-on trajectory , which is conceptually different from the correct path .

  17. 对离散复镜像法中使用的展开函数和积分路径做了分析比较,提出了一种合适的展开函数和积分路径,能够快速精确地计算任意平面分层介质的空间域格林函数。

    Analysis and comparison is carried out on the expansion functions and integral paths through which a proper expansion function and integral path is proposed to compute the spatial Green 's functions of planar multilayered media accurately and efficiently .

  18. 高匹配焊接接头中J积分的路径依赖性

    Path dependence of J-integral in welded joint with an overmatching weld

  19. 本文用弹塑性有限元方法,证实了硬夹软不均匀裂纹体J积分的路径无关性及能量率表达式J

    In this paper the path-independence of the J-integral and the energy expression

  20. 讨论了J积分的路径无关性和裂尖应力,应变奇异性。

    A path independent of the J-integral and the stress , strain on the crack tip are discussed .

  21. 计算结果表明:焊接接头裂纹尖端近场的J积分具有路径依赖性,而在远离裂尖的J积分表现出路径无关性。

    The results show that the J-integral is path-independent except for contours very close to the crack tip .

  22. 用虚拟裂纹扩展方法计算的动态J积分与路径无关,惯性效应对动态J积分基本没有影响。

    Dynamic J - integral is path independent by use of VCE method , and inertia has little influence on the values of dynamic J - integral .

  23. 计算结果表明了焊接接头中J积分的路径无关性,并为焊接结构中弹塑性J积分的应用奠定了基础。

    The results showed the path independence of J integral of welded joint . It established the foundation of application of elastic plastic J integral in welded structures .

  24. 用Feynman泛函积分(路径积分)方法分析了电子双缝干涉,结论与光的双缝干涉完全一致。

    The double-slit interference of electrons is analyzed by using the Feynman functional integration ( path integrals ), and the conclusion is in keeping with light 's.

  25. 曲线积分与路径无关的另一证法

    A new proof on independence of path of a line integral

  26. 复连通区域曲线积分与路径无关的充要条件

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Path Independence of a Line Integral in a Complex Connected Region

  27. 对曲线积分与路径无关的一个必要条件的改进证法

    An Improved Proof of a Necessary Condition for the Independence fo the Path of a Line Integral

  28. 根本上说,以下性质是等价的,一个向量场是梯度场,等价于积分与路径无关,也等价于向量场是保守的。

    And , basically , we say that these properties are equivalent being a gradient field or being path independent or being conservative .

  29. 此线积分与路径的形状无关,也与路径内导线的位置无关。

    The line intergral does not depend on the shape of the path , or on the position of the wire within it .

  30. 那么这个证明,只需证出线积分与路径无关的;,其它的也是用同样的方法。

    OK , so the proof ,; so just going to prove that the line integral is path independent ; the others work the same way .