
jī yā
  • keep long in stock;overstock;keep long in stock overstock;lie idle;lie in disuse;overhang;backlog;behind
积压 [jī yā]
  • [keep long in stock overstock;lie idle;lie in disuse] 长期不作处理而积存

  • 积压物资

积压[jī yā]
  1. 我厂原来产品积压严重,质量低劣,企业亏损。

    My plant is former product keep long in stock is serious , quality is inferior , company loss .

  2. 随着春节假期的结束,不少人家中积压了大量自己用不上、丢了又可惜的“年货”。

    As the end of Spring Festival holiday , the keep long in stock in many other peoples a large number of oneself are not used on , lost regrettablly " special purchases for the Spring Festival " .

  3. 年底总是积压一大堆工作。

    Work always piles up at the end of the year .

  4. 已雇来一些人处理积压的工作。

    A number of people have been employed to deal with the backlog of work .

  5. 夏天是休养整顿、并处理一年中积压事务的时候。

    Summer is a time to relax , regroup and catch up on all those things you 've been putting off all year .

  6. 对各学校的修缮和维护工作积压了一堆。

    There is a backlog of repairs and maintenance in schools .

  7. 不要积压国家资金。

    Don 't let state funds lie idle .

  8. 需要投资来减轻积压的维修工作。

    Investment is needed to reduce the backlog of repairs .

  9. 要花一个月的时间才能清理完积压的工作。

    It will take a month to clear the backlog of work .

  10. 我们的生产厂商手头有许多积压而没有交付的订单。

    Our manufacturers have heavy backlogs on their hands .

  11. 经理想把仓库里积压的存货处理掉

    The manager wants to clear off the old stocks in the warehouse .

  12. 不过,跟所有快速解决问题的方式一样,塑形内衣也有其不利之处。有些医疗专家表示,塑形内衣不是很健康,因为穿着时会积压内脏,并导致消化系统疾病。

    Like all quick fixes , however , shapewear has its downside , some medical experts suggesting that it may not be particularly healthy as it compresses internal organs and can cause digestive problems .

  13. 在积压的PlannedItems项上,开始添加积压项。

    On the Planned Items tab of the backlog , begin adding backlog items .

  14. 这些探案人员常常需要数月才能破案,其中部分原因是DNA检测中心积压的案件。

    These investigators frequently need months to solve crimes , due in part to the backlog of cases at DNA testing centers .

  15. 在sprint期间sprint积压并没有改变。

    The sprint backlog does not change during the sprint .

  16. 他说,它也可能减少在调查中所需要的DNA测试的数目,可能节省时间和金钱,并且缓和日益增加的积压。

    It may also reduce the number of DNA tests required in aninvestigation , potentially saving time and money and easing the growingbacklog , he said .

  17. ProductBacklog中的项目会在冲刺规划会议期间得到完成,它们成为积压冲刺的一部分。

    As items from the Product Backlog are selected for completion during the sprint planning meeting , they become part of a Sprint Backlog .

  18. Scrum项目中的需求通过积压的产品项目来表达。

    Requirements in a scrum project are captured as items in the Product Backlog .

  19. 真实的GDP增长率应在百分之六左右,其中有两到三个百分点是在仓库里生锈的积压产品;

    Some two or three percent of what might be a more accurate GDP growth rate of six percent is useless goods produced to rust in warehouses .

  20. 如何对手机OEM企业进行有效库存管理,降低电子元器件库存积压成本,对于手机OEM企业具有战略意义。

    How efficiently managing inventory and decreasing the cumulated inventory cost has a strategic meaning for those mobile telephone OEMs .

  21. 只有在州能源官员的严令之下,夏威夷电力公司(HawaiianElectricCompany)才于最近匆匆批准了长期积压的太阳能系统使用申请,其中就包括阿卡米那一份。

    Only under strict orders from state energy officials did the utility , the Hawaiian Electric Company , recently rush to approve the lengthy backlog of solar applications , including Akamine 's.

  22. 存货积压适时预警系统是在存货ABC分类法基础上,结合企业仓储的实际和企业决策信息的需求而设计的。

    Excessive inventory just-in-time warning system based on the A B C , is designed by the actual inventory and the demand of enterprise decision information .

  23. 两种挤压未作之事:产品所有需求的产品积压以及sprint积压,包含了当前sprint规划需求。

    Two backlogs : the product backlog of all the requirements for the product and the sprint backlog containing the requirements planned for the current sprint .

  24. 英特尔(Intel)昨日预测个人电脑业今年的增长将有所放缓,同时透露,在过去的两个季度内,已经有数百万块英特尔微处理器积压在客户那里。

    Intel yesterday forecast slowing growth for the personal computer industry this year and reported that several million of its microprocessors had piled up at its customers over the past two quarters .

  25. 这意味着即使当Windows8推出时个人电脑供应商和零售商今年仍有大量Windows7库存,在Windows8销售正经开始时积压必须清除。

    That implies that PC vendors and retailers this year still had substantial amounts of inventory with Windows 7 even when Windows 8 was launched - and that this backlog has to be cleared before Windows 8 sales could start in earnest .

  26. 准时制管理(JIT)的原理是根据需求拉动生产和供应,降低库存积压,是实现快速反应物流系统正常运行的重要策略。

    According demands to pull production and supplication and to reduce stock sweeping , Just In Time ( JIT ) management will be an important strategy for quick response logistics system .

  27. 激光切割机制造商通快(trumpf)采用“准时制”(just-in-time)生产原则,避免未使用的零件和未售出的成品库存积压。

    TRUMPF , a maker of laser cutting machines , also uses just-in-time manufacturing principles to avoid building up inventories of unused parts and unsold finished products .

  28. 不合理的库存积压,不仅占用LCR公司的存储空间,浪费大量的人力控制成本,同时也占用了LCR公司大量的流动资金。

    Unreasonable inventory holding , not only occupy a large storage space , waste a lot of manpower control cost , but also take up the LCR company large amounts of liquidity .

  29. 前不久,MeeGo的技术指导小组宣布了解决供应商提供的内核处理积压不断增加的有关新的政策。

    The Meego technical steering group have announced a new policy for dealing with the increasing backlog of vendor-contributed kernel patches relevant to MeeGo waiting to be added upstream .

  30. XFS系统性能提升的目标是:在移动运营系统BOSS和HLR之间构筑一条高速、稳定的数据处理通道,解决工单积压问题,建立HLR用户数据分析平台,改善移动业务运营支撑系统的性能。

    The advance of XFS aims at building a high-speed and stable channel of data process between BOSS and HLR , resolving the problem of forms overflow and establishing a flat of analyzing the database of subscribers from HLR to enhance the capability of BOSS .