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jī xí
  • old habit;long-standing practice;inbred habit;oldworn habit
积习 [jī xí]
  • [inbred habit;long-standing practice;oldworn habit] 长久以来而形成的习惯

  • 积习难改

积习[jī xí]
  1. 随着年龄的增长,人就积习成性。

    As people get older , they get set in their ways .

  2. 他已经积习成性,不肯作任何真正的改变。

    He was too set in his ways to make any real changes .

  3. 积习已久的烟鬼、酒徒、赌棍、撒谎家等。

    An inveterate smoker , drinker , gambler , liar , etc.

  4. 这个国家受到积习已久的危险弱点的困扰。

    The country is beset by chronic and dangerous weaknesses .

  5. 只有积习成癖的酒鬼才有这种程度。

    Only a chronic alcoholic can function at those levels .

  6. 毁灭像积习一样难改。

    And called ruin the impossible habit to break .

  7. 那是一种很难改掉的积习。

    It 's a hard habit to break .

  8. 但积习难返,对于去工业化的担忧激起了重商主义者的本能。

    But old habits die hard , and nervousness about deindustrialisation has triggered mercantilist instincts .

  9. 他有魅力,有风度,而且我们两个人同病相怜,都有积习成癖的口吃病。

    He had charm and style , and we both shared the same affliction-a chronic stutter .

  10. 这么多年的抽烟积习都能戒掉,你的意志力一定很强。

    You must have an iron will to have given up smoking after all these years .

  11. 在那里,理智的清泉没有沉没沉没在积习的荒漠之中;

    Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit

  12. 我是一个崇拜者存档冲动和一个积习已档案保管员在家庭一级。

    I happen to be an admirer of the archiving impulse and an inveterate archivist at the household level .

  13. 但如果她从这一积习开刀,她就会发掘出更深层次的问题,并且也会着手解决它们。

    But if she kicked this one habit , she would unearth deeper problems and start to solve them too .

  14. 在这些积习中,阿拉伯妇女要被关在家中、保持沉默与不许见人排在了最前面。

    Topping the list of dominant myths are those of Arab women as caged in , silenced , and invisible .

  15. 在那里,理智的清泉没有沉没在积习的荒漠之中;

    Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit ;

  16. 我们越多得练习自我包容,我们就越容易戒除那些积习。

    The more we can practice self-acceptance , the easier it is to drop habits that no longer serve us .

  17. 习俗和敬畏要比人们所知道的还难克服,除非他们真的去阻止积习的产生。

    Habit and awe are harder to overcome than people realize until they actually try to circumvent the conduct of years .

  18. 经营企业是一个不断打破现有系统和挑战、除积习的过程。

    Running a company is a constant process of breaking out of system and challenging conditioned reflexes , of rubbing against the grain .

  19. 加强科学观念,打破积习桎梏,是先秦文学研究进一步发展的必然选择。

    So it is the necessary choice for the academician of the study of pre-Qin literature to strengthen scientific conception and break through the old shackle .

  20. “欲”使其生命的能自动地顺着动物界生存竞争的积习所形成的心理定势流淌。

    " Desire " so that it can automatically follow the life of the animal world competition for survival of deep-rooted habit of the mind-set formed by flowing .

  21. 在其长达十六、七年的教育生涯中,陈独秀锐意改革,向传统的教育制度、观念和积习发起猛攻。

    During more than 16 yrs of his educational career , Chen was acute in reform , bold in attack on the traditional educational ideas and conventional systems .

  22. 在最近的几周,乃至几个月中,在突尼斯、埃及,甚至在极端保守的也门,妇女们开始不再遵守那些积习。

    Yet these are not the types of women that have emerged out of Tunisia , Egypt , or even ultra-conservative Yemen in the last few weeks and months .

  23. 美国参议院的银行委员会将会在星期一针对一项议案进行讨论,该案主要是为了应对积习已久的滥用与浪费,正是这些滥用与浪费导致了最严重的金融危机。

    On Monday , the Banking Committee of the United States Senate will debate a proposal to address the abuse and excess that led to the worst financial crisis in generations .

  24. 长期农业文明积习下,乡土河南尊家族而轻个人的传统和男尊女卑的观念,是中原文化景观的重要组成部分。

    The tradition which paying more attention on the family than on the individual , the concept indicating that man is more respectable than woman , both are components of the central plains culture .