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  • 网络Unrecognized;Lost in the rain
不遇 [bù yù]
  • (1)

  • [fail to achieve one's success]∶不得志;不被赏识

  • 怀才不遇

  • (2)

  • [not meet]∶没碰到

  • 可又有一说不遇艰难,不显好处

  1. 中国文学士不遇主题的文化审美阐释

    Some Interpretations on the Theme " Scholar with Unrecognized Talent " in Chinese Literature

  2. “士不遇”赋是汉代政治抒情赋的代表。

    The desriptive prose about the subject " The unrecognized talents " represented the political lyric prose in Han Dynasty .

  3. 走访不遇为怅。

    Sorry not to have found you at home .

  4. 杂交水稻制种花时不遇的生态生理机制研究III.亲本花时差异的生理基础

    Ecological Physiology of Blooming Time Unoverlapping in Hybrid Rice Seed Production III. Physiological Foundation of Blooming Time Unoverlapping

  5. 农民们遭受了几年不遇的大旱的影响。

    The farmer felt the effect of the drought for years .

  6. 二月,莫桑比克发生六年不遇的特大洪水。

    1 in february , Mozambique had the worst flooding in6 years .

  7. 对唐诗《寻隐者不遇》英译文的功能语篇分析

    A Functional Discourse Analysis of Eight Translated Versions of a Tang Poem

  8. 去年广州遭受60年不遇的最大旱灾。

    Last year Guangzhou was visited by the worst drought in60 years .

  9. 记者:因为这是千年不遇的。

    Reporter : Because it 's once in a lifetime .

  10. 这是一次200年不遇的事件。

    This one is 200 years in the making .

  11. 从两首《寻隐者不遇》诗谈起

    On two Tang poems of looking for the recluse but not meeting him

  12. 两汉士不遇赋情感的表现及特征

    On Emotional Expression and Its Characteristics of " Shibuyu " Fu of Han Dynasty

  13. 这是一场东京多年不遇的暴风雪。

    It was one of the worst storms that had befallen Tokyo in ages .

  14. 所以,不遇诗中的情感十分丰富,对它进行研究,有着深远的意义和价值。

    Therefore , the no case of poetry has its research value and far-reaching significance .

  15. 二月,莫桑比克发生了6年不遇的洪水。

    In February , Mosanbig ( Mozambique ) had the worst flooding in 6 years .

  16. 私营企业不顾危险,最终失去控制,导致美国陷入了几十年不遇的经济萧条。

    Private risk-taking run amok has plunged the country into its worst recession in decades .

  17. 余秋雨才高八斗,但怀春不遇,有点像待嫁的寡妇。

    Yu match , but not seen Recently , a bit like the widow to marry .

  18. 不过,汉代士不遇赋有很多的教训,值得深思。

    However , there were many lessons which should be drawn in it and needed deep consideration .

  19. 董仲舒的《士不遇赋》,是汉代政治抒情诗的代表作之一。

    Dong Zhongshu 's " Shibuyufu " was one of the representative works of the political lyrics in Han Dynast .

  20. 十多年不遇的洪水在中国西南省份云南爆发,终结了当地一场漫长煎熬的旱灾。

    IN YUNNAN in south-west China the biggest floods in a dozen years have ended a long , brutal drought .

  21. 从魏晋文人对不遇的态度论其主体人格的形成

    The formation of subjective personality of the scholars of the Wei and Jin dynasties viewed through their experience of unsuccessful officialdom

  22. 联合国儿童基金会迅速行动,及时向遭受50年不遇的洪灾的印度比哈尔邦提供援助。

    The U.N.Children 's Fund is springing into action with aid as India 's Bihar State faces the worst floods in50 years .

  23. 但是随着人身依附的加强,士不遇主题得以凸显。

    However , with the strengthening of personal bondage , the theme that " the scholar were not used " had been highlighted .

  24. 他把自己的不遇与广大寒士的共同命运联系在一起,由此而产生了对知识分子群体命运的幻灭感;

    He connected his unlucky with the fate of the poor intellect , and then had a feeling that his hopes were dashed .

  25. 西汉赋家在继承先秦时人的生命观和努力适应新时代生命理念的基础上,通过不遇主题赋张扬了自己的生命理念。

    They inherited the people 's life outlook of Former Qin tried hard to adapt to the life ideal of the new times .

  26. 同题诗歌的异质美&《寻(访)隐者不遇》之比较

    On the Heterogeneous Beauty of the Poems with the Same Theme : A Comparative Study of the Poems titled " No Finding the Recluse "

  27. 将《寻隐者不遇》置于唐人“寻隐”诗和历代阐释史的双重视野中,对其走向现代之路作了全面考察。

    The paper gives a comprehensive investigation into its modernity from the perspective of both poems of reclusion in the Tang Dynasty and history of interpretation .

  28. 已在经受一场十年不遇的旱情的中国北方,近来庄稼又被大量蝗虫所危害。

    Huge swarms of locusts have been destroying crops in northern China-a region which is already suffering from its worst drought in more than a decade .

  29. 例如今冬中国发生了50年不遇的暴风雪灾害,这不但导致煤炭需求增加,同时也阻碍了从华北煤炭产区向分布在华南和西部诸省的火电厂输送煤炭。

    China 's worst snowstorms in50 years have both increased demand and hampered delivery from coal mines in northern China to power plants across its southern and western regions .

  30. 开始突破甘蔗重要难花亲本的开花和花期不遇的难关,为创新杂交亲本提供条件。

    Fourth , the technical barriers of the important shy-flowering parents and the synchronous flowering in sugarcane were broken down , which provided new conditions for producing new parents .