
  • 网络Latter Rain
  1. 晚雨圣灵在福音工作的最后丰收时期要大显能力。

    The " latter rain " of the Spirit is to provide an explosive entry into the final harvesting phase of the everlasting gospel .

  2. 下了整晚的雨会在早上停止。

    Overnight rain will end by morning .

  3. 那晚,雨下得异常的大,雨水从教堂顶上的一截破管子里径直倾泻到范妮的墓上。

    The rain that night was unusually heavy , and water began to pour from a broken pipe on the church roof straight on to Fanny 's grave .

  4. 今天晚些时候雨会停。

    The rain will stop later on .