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wǎn chūn
  • late spring;deep spring
晚春 [wǎn chūn]
  • [late spring] 春季最后的时日

晚春[wǎn chūn]
  1. 血清花粉IgG抗体阳性的34例荨麻疹患者中,早春花粉抗体阳性高达91.2%,晚春花粉52.9%,夏秋花粉29.4%(P<0.005)。

    In 34 cases of urticaria associated with pollen , the positive ratio of serum IgG against early spring pollen was as high as 91.2 % , that against late spring pollen was 52.8 % and that against autum-summer pollen was 29.4 % ( P < 0.005 ) .

  2. 早春和晚秋差异大,晚春和早秋差异小。

    The difference is clear in early spring and late autumn .

  3. 北美东部的晚春开花的杜鹃花,有玫瑰色到粉紫色的花。

    Late-spring-blooming Rhododendron of eastern North America having rosy to pink-purple flowers .

  4. 那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。

    The lake was frozen over until late spring .

  5. 大黄的收获期介于晚春和夏末期间。

    The harvesting period for rhubarb is late spring through to the end of summer .

  6. 自今年晚春以来,叛军势头不断增长,控制了叙利亚一些省份。

    Rebel forces have gained momentum since late spring and have crystallised into provincial commands .

  7. 如果是在秋季种植,你可以在晚春时节收获大蒜。

    If planted in autumn , your garlic will be ready to be harvested by late spring .

  8. 绿茶采摘季节从晚春一直延续到秋季,夏季正好处于中间。

    Summer marks the middle of green tea season , which runs from late spring to fall .

  9. 他手头有好几个项目在进行中,另外还有一个广播系列节目计划在晚春进行。

    He has several projects on the go , including another radio series scheduled for lats spring .

  10. 描述:木质藤本,晚春、夏和早秋时在新枝上开花。

    Description : Woody climbers flowering on young shoots in late spring and summer into early autumn .

  11. 麦棉两熟晚春套棉产量函数模型研究

    Research on the Later Spring Sowing Cotton yield Model in the Double Groping System with Wheat and Cotton

  12. 晚春时节是讨论土豆和番茄的最佳时间。

    It 's late spring , and it 's a great time to talk about tomatoes and potatoes .

  13. 如果是在晚秋时节种植,你的豌豆在晚春时候就可以收获了。

    If planted in late Autumn , your peas will be ready to be harvested by late Spring .

  14. 我说的晚春,不是暮春,而是说今年的春姗姗来迟了。

    I say late spring , not late spring , but that the late spring of this year was .

  15. 六期相当于西周晚春秋初。

    Phase six fits the time period of the late-Western Zhou to the beginning of the Spring and Autumn Period .

  16. 在晚春,夏季和早秋时节,你最好带蚊虫喷剂和涂防晒霜。

    It is recommended that you bring insect spray and sun screen in late Spring , Summer and early Fall .

  17. 与此同时,一批科学论文也纷纷发表出来,似乎都在解释所有这一切晚春之灾。

    At the same time , a flurry of scientific papers was released that seemed to explain all the late-spring suffering .

  18. 一种有蜂蜜颜色的可食用的蘑菇,通常与晚春和晚秋的树的根部相联系;不能生吃。

    A honey-colored edible mushroom commonly associated with the roots of trees in late summer and fall ; do not eat raw .

  19. 多年生的东半球毛茛,开金黄至硫磺色黄的花,花期在晚春至早夏;在北美被广泛移植。

    Perennial Old World buttercup with golden to sulphur yellow flowers in late spring to early summer ; naturalized in North America .

  20. 《晚春》(1949)和《麦秋》(1951)(笔者仅引两例),难道就不够杰出了?

    Surely Late Spring ( 1949 ) and Early Summer ( 1951 ), to cite only two examples , are no less excellent ?

  21. 走过繁华的年代,一切的爱恋化作那晚春的花瓣在风中枯萎了,现实生活中依旧留有清香。

    Through bustling era , all love like the late-spring petals withered in the wind , but it left scent in real life .

  22. 晚春里的一丝寒意宏观调控对工程机械市场影响的分析和预测

    The Cold Snap in the Air in Spring : the Analysis and Prediction of the Effect of Macro-economic Control on the Market of Construction Machinery

  23. 从晚春至夏季,手指形状的阴暗特征似乎从火星的一些斜坡向下延伸,这样的地貌到冬季就消失,来年春天再次显现。

    Dark , finger-like features appear to extend down some Martian slopes during late spring through summer , before fading in winter and returning the following spring .

  24. 结论:室尘、螨、早春花粉、晚春花粉、夏秋花粉是重庆地区最重要的变应原。

    Conclusion : The study shows that the dust , acaridan , prevernal pollen , late spring pollen and estivoautumnal pollen are the most important allergens in Chongqing region .

  25. 如今,英国议会有一组人向公众发出了这样一个倡议,建议每人每天在不适用防晒产品的前提下,在日光下待上十分钟,在晚春和夏季可以每天这样进行一到两次。

    Now a report by a group of MPs is recommending that everyone spends ten minutes in the sun without protection once or twice a day during late spring and summer .

  26. 波特是幸运的。由于欧洲南部正值晚春,原来正常需要从哥伦比亚或以色列进口的桉树,现在可以从西班牙和意大利得到了。

    Porter is lucky that it 's late spring in southern Europe & the eucalyptus that he would normally get from Colombia or Israel he 's now receiving from Italy and Spain .

  27. 在麦棉两熟制条件下,对晚春套棉花产量与播期、密度、喷施缩节安等三项主要农艺措施的关系进行了研究。

    The study on the relationships between the later spring sowing cotton yield nad sowing dates , planting densities , DPC rates was conducted under the conditions of double cropping system with wheat and cotton .

  28. 在晚春中,巨大的蓓蕾突然从仿佛已经死去的枯枝上跳了出来,魔术似的变得花枝招展了,成了温柔的青色而柔软的枝条,直径也有一英寸;

    The large buds , suddenly pushing out late in the spring from dry sticks which had seemed to be dead , developed themselves as by magic into graceful green and tender boughs , an inch in diameter ;