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  1. 整个试验在冬末春初进行,原水水温较低,系统对TN的去除效率为35%~50%。

    The test time from the end of the winter to early spring , the original water temperature is low , the removal efficiency of TN was 35 % to 50 % .

  2. 因为过农历新年的时候,正是冬末春初,所以人们把这个节日叫“春节”。

    Since it occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring , people also call it the Spring Festival .

  3. 初步认为,北京冬季的低温和春季干旱多风的气候是造成冬末春初竹子叶片大量枯黄的重要原因。

    The low temperature in winter and windy dry weather in spring in Beijing are two important reasons which cause lots of bamboo leaves to turn yellow and dry rot in spring .

  4. 2003年以来全球禽流感的年内活动具有明显的季节性,多集中在秋末冬初和冬末春初,季节交替、气温变化剧烈是禽流感的诱发因素;

    In recent 3 years , the breakout of avian influenza is a seasonal fluctuating as obviously , and concentrating from the end of fall to the begin of winter and the end of winter to the begin of spring .

  5. 木本植物春季物候变化受冬末春初气温变化的影响最大、日照次之、降水最小,秋季物候期对气候变化基本没有响应;

    The spring phenological variation of wood plants was influenced most strongly by temperature change in late winter and early spring , and following by sunshine , then by precipitation , but their autumn phases primarily showed no response to climate variation .

  6. 下面这张建议清单会告诉你如何告别冬末迎接春初。

    Here 's a list of suggestions of ideas that will help you ring in the end of Winter and the start of Spring .

  7. 渔获种类在秋季及冬初最多,夏季较多,而冬末和春初最少。由于受季风影响,夏威夷一年四季如春,春夏秋冬,白天黑夜,温差很小。

    The fish category had a significant seasonal alternations . Hawaii enjoys a mild climate year-round because of the season winds , the temperature varies little from day to night and from summer to winter .