
mò sù dù
  • Terminal velocity;final velocity;end speed
末速度[mò sù dù]
  1. 位移,初速度,末速度,加速度和时间。

    Displacement , Initial velocity , Final velocity , Acceleration and Time .

  2. 通过实例对采用最小动能标准计算方法和岩屑沉降末速度标准计算方法的计算结果进行了比较,认为在关键点采用最小动能标准计算方法的Angel模型更加符合于现场实际。

    Through a case study , the calculation results of minimum kinetic energy standard and minimum speed standard are compared and indicate that the Angel model using minimum kinetic energy standard is more suitable to the field practice at key points .

  3. 冰雹阻力系数的半经验关系和末速度的近似公式

    Approximate Formulas of Hailstone Drag Coefficients and its Terminal Velocity

  4. 建立了单室双推、双室双推的第一级末速度优化数学模型。

    Mathematic models of optimize last velocity for first stage rocket are established .

  5. 风动冲击器活塞冲击末速度的有限元研究

    Research on the last impacting velocity of the piston of pneumatic DTH hammer by FEM

  6. 雨滴为了得到足够的末速度必须下降很长距离。

    Excessively long fall distances are required for drops of raindrop size to attain terminal velocity .

  7. 本文对各种流态下的沉降末速度进行了分析计算,从而最终得到了球形颗粒在竖直井筒中的沉降末速。

    The paper analyzes and calculates speed of sedimentation in a variety of flow pattern and ultimately gets the speed of sedimentation of spherical particles in the vertical wellbore .

  8. 由仿真结果表明:通过改变气液压能源系统的气压参数,对于不同重量和末速度要求的运动体,该气液压加速系统都是适用的。

    The simulation results show that the accelerating system can be used for the systems that have different weight and require different speed by altering the parameters of air and hydraulic pressure power system .

  9. 对刺激后无眩晕组与刺激前左大脑前动脉舒张末速度3项呈相关性(P<0.05);

    It was found that sex , age and the enddiastolic flow velocity in left anterior cerebral artery before vestibular stimulus are related to 3 indices in non giddy growp ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 即用产生随机数程序得到50组随即变量的初始值,然后进行仿真计算,得到冲击结束后的末速度值。

    The initial value of random variables can be gotten through random data programmers , then the process of penetration is simulated by LS-DYNA , and the end velocity of projectiles in positive normal panel can be gotten .

  11. 即所得的末角速度大于原来的二倍。

    That is , the angular velocity is more than doubled .

  12. 空间大型可展开天线展开末瞬时速度控制研究

    The study on Control for the final velocity of the space deployable antenna

  13. 一个由静止状态下落的物体在第一秒末的速度是9.8米/秒。

    A body falling from rest has a speed of 9.8m/s at the end of the first second .

  14. 并且建立了甩刀末端线速度、甩刀工作密度、甩刀重复度和切碎率的回归数学模型。

    The mathematical models related tip linear velocity , working density , repeated level of chopper knife to straw chopped rate established .

  15. 试验结果表明,甩刀末端线速度、甩刀工作密度、甩刀重复度及其交互作用对切碎机工作质量影响显著。

    The experiment results show that the influence of tip linear velocity , working density , repeated level and their reciprocities on the cutter 's working quality is remarkable .

  16. 2反牙合组咀嚼时向后运动的幅度,咬合引导轨迹与水平面的夹角,咀嚼终末平均速度明显增大。

    With crossbite chewing was in more posterior direction , together with a larger angle of closing trace to horizontal plane and higher chewing terminal velocity when compared with controls . Exercise .

  17. 英国大学在20世纪末的扩展速度可谓史无前例。

    Britain 's universities expanded at an unprecedented rate at the end of the20th century .

  18. 分析得出,降低末道次轧辊速度Vr,会增强道次间的堆钢程度;

    It is obtained by analysis that with decreasing last pass roller speed V_r the compression extent between passes increased ;

  19. 人们运用一种复杂的计算机测量了这一地区的天气和气候,得出来的新的分析显示:按照现在能够预测到的天气条件,到本世纪末海冰融化的速度将会大幅加快。

    A new analysis of changing conditions in the region , using complex computer models of weather and climate , says conditions that had been forecast by the end of the century could occur much sooner .

  20. 测量髋关节外侧颈升动脉及股骨头骨骺终末血管的血流速度,动脉血管流速为收缩期峰值流速。

    To measure the flow velocity of the lateral ascending cervical arteries and the small vessel into femoral epiphysis and RI of arteries . The flow velocity of arteries were systolic phase peak . Results : 1 .

  21. 在固体颗粒浓度高时,颗粒的浓度对沉降末速的计算必然造成影响,沉降末速的计算公式就必需要考虑颗粒浓度。本文对干扰沉降时的沉降末速度进行了计算研究。

    If the solid particles are of high concentration , the concentration of particles will inevitably lead to the impact of the calculation of settling velocity formula for calculating the terminal velocity , which needs considering speed of the particle concentration .