
  1. 众所周知,通用电气(GE)前任首席执行官杰克•韦尔奇大力支持“末位淘汰制”。

    Former Ge CEO Jack Welch was known for championing a " forced ranking " system .

  2. 首位晋升制与末位淘汰制的创新激励差异分析

    The Comparison of Innovation Incentives Between Winner-up and Loser-out Tournaments

  3. 论绩效管理中的末位淘汰制

    Discussion on the Last-position Eliminating System in Performance Management

  4. 末位淘汰制的法律思考

    Legal Thinking on Elimination of the Least Competent

  5. 末位淘汰制浅议

    Talking About Eliminated System At Last One

  6. 高校实行末位淘汰制的构想

    Conception of Implementing the System of Elimination of the Last Man in Colleges and Universities

  7. 高校人事制度管理中不宜实行末位淘汰制

    Inadvisable Practicing the System of Eliminating the Finality Through Selection in the Personnel System Management in Universities

  8. 星级护士长评定引入末位淘汰制的管理成效及体会

    Management effect and experience on introduced rejecting the last system in the course of star head nurses evaluation

  9. 末位淘汰制;企业文化;绩效评估体系;分层淘汰。

    Powder place elimination system ; Corporate culture ; The achievement effect appraises system ; Stratify being sifted out .

  10. 此外,电视台实行收视率末位淘汰制也给了电视新闻评论节目前所未有的压力。

    In addition , television station make the TV news commentary stressful when it practice the ratings in the knockout .

  11. 摘要教师“末位淘汰制”是近年来学校人事制度改革中颇具争议性的一项制度。

    The elimination system to the last teacher is a disputable system in school 's personnel system innovation in recent years .

  12. 市场经济要求产权的人格化和多元化而不是私有制,通过年薪制和末位淘汰制可以实现公有产权的人格化,通过法人所有制可以实现公有产权的多元化。

    Market economy requires personification and pluralism of property instead of private ownership , which can come ture by corporate ownership .

  13. 但是,末位淘汰制并非放之四海而皆准的真理,它的滥用也带来了诸多的负面影响。

    However , the lowliest place elimination is not universally applicable truth , its abuse has also brought many negative effects .

  14. 末位淘汰制是众多员工激励手段的一种,既有优点,也有缺陷;

    As one of incentive methods for staff , the system of eliminating the finality through selection has both advantages and disadvantages ;

  15. 在这种情况下,末位淘汰制就是一种非法解除合同的行为。

    Below this kind of circumstance , end fall into disuse make even if a kind remove illegally the behavior of the contract .

  16. 成功地实行末位淘汰制需要具备公平、公正、公开的游戏规则和可以随时补充的后备资源。

    Fair , impartial and open game rule and reserve resources being supplementary at any time are needed in order to cany it out successfully .

  17. 第四章是提出建议:用标准线淘汰制来取代末位淘汰制。

    The fourth part just puts forward some suggestions that we should take ' the standard elimination ' instead of ' the final elimination principle ' .

  18. 另一方面末位淘汰制也有消极的方面,如有损人格尊严、过于残酷等。

    On the other hand the lowliest place elimination series also have the negative aspect , like harms the personal dignity , too brutally and so on .

  19. 一方面末位淘汰制有积极的作用,如调动职工的工作积极性、精简机构等;

    On the one hand the lowliest place elimination series have the positive function , like arouses staff 's work enthusiasm , to simplify administration and so on ;

  20. 公司在用人方面实行竞争上岗和末位淘汰制,真正做到能者上、平者让、庸者下,公平竞争,优胜劣汰。

    The company of employees of competition and the last one eliminated , truly capable , the levels were so , Yongzhe , fair competition , survival of the fittest .

  21. 格洛特声称,末位淘汰制和其他竞争性措施的好处之一是,公司管理者们不得不对员工进行评估,而很多高管在这一点上做得并不好

    Grote claims that one of the benefits of forced ranking and other competitive measures is that it compels managers to actually assess their employees , which many top executives don 't do well .

  22. 他补充说:“公司每个人都对这个游戏规则心知肚明。不论是‘不升职就离职’,还是末位淘汰制,核心就是‘加油、加油、加油’。”

    He adds , " The rules of the game are very clear to everybody coming in . It 's up or out , ranked performance , it 's , ' go go go . ' "

  23. 本文从一个较全面的角度,指出末位淘汰制的根本目的和积极作用,分析其负面效应,重点探讨应慎用此制度并指出实施中应注意的问题。结论应慎用注射剂。

    The paper points out its fundamental purpose and positive effect , analyses its negative effect and discusses how to use the system in a rational way . CONCLUSION : Injections should be used rationally under careful observation .

  24. 第二章客观地分析末位淘汰制的积极因素,并在分析学校组织与企业的不同之处的基础上,来论述其同时存在的不可忽视的消极因素。

    The second paragraph objectively analyze the passive element of ' the final elimination principle ' and gave a statement of the passive element which can not ignored on the basis of analogy of the differences between school and the enterprise .

  25. 末位淘汰制的滥用实质上反映出在我国资强劳弱、劳动力供大于求的严峻就业形势下,劳动者的合法权益难以得到保障的问题。

    The elimination system to the last of the abuse of essence of our country is strong weak labor , labor force begs for be more than the severe employment situation , the legitimate rights and interests of workers gets ensuring hard problems .

  26. 塞利诺表示,管理者总是希望能找到最好的经验和方法,有些公司可能会采用末位淘汰制的方法。“有些公司采用这种做法获得了成功,但如果希望移植这种做法,则不见得一定会奏效,甚至有可能搞砸。”

    Executives are always looking around for the best practices out there , says Serino , and some could consider forced ranking : " It 's easy to become enamored of perceived success , but then when you try to transplant it , it potentially can get botched . "

  27. 末位待岗累计淘汰制在高速公路收费中的应用

    The Application of Elimination System to Expressway Collecting Fee Management