
  • 网络end treatment;end-treatment;end-of-pipe treatment;end-of-pipe control;end of pipe control
  1. 我国现阶段的经济增长处于“过程末端治理”模式,有的地区还处于传统模式或处于粗放型经济过渡到集约型经济阶段。

    The current pattern of economic growth in China is one of " end-of-pipe treatment ", with traditional pattern or transitional stage from extensive economy to intensive economy in certain areas .

  2. 提出了以控制资源消耗量为重点,进一步完善末端治理,提高环境自净能力,标本兼治的环境保护工作思路。

    The idea of environmental protection by controlling resource use as focal point and by improving end-of-pipe treatment and enhancing the self-purification capability of natural system was put forward .

  3. 在经历了从末端治理到清洁生产的发展过程后,工业生态学(IndustrialEcology,IE)应运而生。

    After treatment from the end to the development of cleaner production process , industrial ecology has emerged .

  4. 末端治理措施,虽然会增加CO2的排放,但其在常规大气污染物减排以及黑碳的协同控制方面会带来正协同效应。

    Carrying out the end-treatment measures , although will increase emissions of CO2 ; it can bring the local atmospheric pollutants emission reduction and realize the black carbon cooperative control .

  5. 目前,低温等离子体技术是一种最有前途的新型末端治理技术,尤其是在处理低浓度的挥发性有机物(简称VOCs)方面。

    Currently , the non-thermal plasma technology is one of the most promising new technology in the end of treatment , especially with low concentration of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) .

  6. 加强末端治理技术的开发和应用;

    To strengthen the research and application of final treatment technology ;

  7. 传统的末端治理方法被认为不能真正的解决问题。

    Traditional terminal-managed method is regarded can not solve problem indeed .

  8. 企业清洁生产与末端治理的比较&以江苏大型竣工验收企业为例

    The comparison of enterprise cleaner production and end treatment

  9. 末端治理以司法处罚为手段,贯彻宽严相济的基本方针,对实施暴力者进行制裁。

    " end-treatment " should take the use of judicatory punishment to tackle the violence .

  10. 工业生态学是针对生产过程末端治理的缺陷而产生的一门新兴学科。

    Industrial ecology is the new subject which contrapose the limitation of the end of pipe .

  11. 循环经济模式替代末端治理模式是一场范式革命。

    It is a revolution of normal form that circular economy model goes instead of extreme governing model .

  12. 我国可以采用源头预防、过程控制与末端治理的遏制模式。

    In China , the government can use the headstream prevention process control and terminal correction restraint mode .

  13. 环境生物技术是解决现存环境问题中的具体应用,本质上仍是一种末端治理技术。

    Environmental bio-technology is used for solving existing environmental problems , but is just a pipe-end treating technique .

  14. 指出工业污染控制必须从末端治理为主,转移到污染预防为重点的战略上来。

    It indicated that the strategy of industrial pollution control should be transferred from pipe-end treatment to pollution prevention .

  15. 总量控制是一项系统工程,它包括了从源头控制、处理过程监控到末端治理全过程。

    The total control is a system engineering , which consists of headstream control , processing control and treatment in end .

  16. 工业发展经历了3种不同的模式,即传统的线性经济模式、环境工程或末端治理模式、清洁生产模式。

    Industrial development experiences 3 different patterns : traditional linear economy , environmental engineering or terminal administration , and clean production patterns .

  17. 发达国家的实践经验表明,传统的末端治理不是一种有效的矿山环境治理方案。

    The practical experiences of developed countries show that the traditional " end-treatment " is not an effectual method to control mine environment .

  18. 前言:人类为“末端治理”付出了巨大代价,但环境问题依然日趋严重。

    Although human being has paid a great price for end-pipe treatment , the global environmental problems are becoming more and more serious .

  19. 工业污染由末端治理向生产全过程控制转变,是工业系统环境保护工作的一次战略转移,具有重大而深远的意义。

    The diversification of industry pollutants management form the end to the whole process is a strategic shift of environmental protection and far-reaching significance .

  20. 从末端治理模式开始,环境成本纳入成本核算,该模式下发生环境成本使铝企业成本上升。

    From the beginning of terminal treatment mode , environmental cost is also included , as the result , aluminum firms ' cost increased .

  21. 对污染源的顶端控制和水体污染的末端治理是恢复退化生态的关键技术。

    The top control of pollution sources and the end managing of pollution water is the key technique for the restoration of lake ecosystem .

  22. 由于环保法到大气污染防治法等环境法律,全部都是污染管理与控制方面的法律,体现了末端治理的思想。

    Because environmental protection law and air pollution prevention law are both about pollution management and controlling which embody the idea of end treatment .

  23. 我国自1972年人类环境会议后相继提出了末端治理、源头防治、全过程控制、清洁生产等方针政策。

    China Conference on Human Environment in 1972 have been made after the end of treatment , source control , process control , clean production policies .

  24. 环境问题、资源问题和人口问题目前是当今全球所面临的三大问题。可持续发展是人类社会的必然选择,因此绿色制造替代末端治理是制造业发展的必然趋势。

    Sustainable development is the inevitable choice of human sociality , so it is inevitable trend that the green manufacturing will take the place of terminal treatment .

  25. 传统落后的经济发展模式和以末端治理为主的污染控制策略已难以维持氮肥工业的持续发展。

    It is now difficult to carry through the abidance development of nitrogen fertilizer industry by the behindhand developing model and the strategy of pollution-control with end treatment .

  26. 我国环境保护的运作模式主要是政府起主导作用,企业生产造成的环境污染、生态降级等问题由社会和公众承担环境污染末端治理和生态修复费用。

    Government plays a dominant role in environmental protection , the social and public have to pay for end repairing of environmental pollution and ecological downgrade caused by enterprises .

  27. 综述了我省工业排污及污染治理现状,认为末端治理无法有效解决浙江省工业污染问题,必须走清洁生产道路。

    Summarized the status of industrial pollution , conclude that " end control " can not solve Zhejiang province 's industrial pollution problem efficiently and cleaner production must implement .

  28. 几十年来以末端治理为主的环保政策,已无法适应环境质量进一步提高的要求,因此需要提高环保意识,逐步推行清洁生产。

    Since end harness is not suitable for the demands of increasing environmental quality , it is necessary to strengthen the conscious of environmental protection and carry out cleaning manufacture .

  29. 传统的末端治理方式在消除环境污染、实现工业生产的生态文明等方面存在方法上的局限性、技术上的局限性和效益上的局限性。

    The traditional " end-treatment " method has some limitation on the way of the methods , technology and benefit in reducing environmental pollution and realizing ecological civilization of industry production .

  30. 人类社会在经济发展中,就与环境的关系而言,经历了三种模式:传统经济模式、生产过程末端治理模式、循环经济模式。

    With regard to the social environment of human beings , there are three patterns of economic development : traditional economy , end improving of productive process , and cycling economy .