
  • expression;presentation;terms;turn of phrase
  1. 我不是书呆子,不想在英语语法和表达方式上过于教条主义。

    I am no pedant and avoid being dogmatic concerning English grammar and expression .

  2. 那种表达方式已废弃不用。

    The expression has gone out of use .

  3. 笑是最具感染力的情感表达方式之一。

    Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion

  4. 一些常见的笑的表达方式包括LOL,意思是放声大笑,ROFL,笑得在地板上打滚。

    Some common expressions of laughter include LOL , meaning laugh put loud , and ROFL , rolling on the floor laughing .

  5. 英语中有很多与狗有关的表达方式。

    In English , people use many expressions with the word dog .

  6. 对母亲的爱可以有不同的表达方式。

    Love for mothers can have different ways of expression .

  7. 美式英语中有很多表达方式听起来令人愉快,其实不然。

    There are so many expressions in American English that sound pleasant but are not .

  8. 美国还有其他和"接受惩罚"意思相同的表达方式。

    There are other American expressions that mean the same things as " face the music " .

  9. 比如,muchrespect和sonoble看起来形式上像是神烦狗的表达方式,但却不是标准的神烦狗模式,因为这两个表达都太正确了,神烦狗会说“muchnoble,soresprce”。

    For example , " Much respect . So noble . " uses the doge modifiers but is not " proper " doge because the modifiers are used in a formally correct fashion ;

  10. 有些准则有多种表达方式

    There are variant formulations of some of the maxims .

  11. 但猫科动物确实是喜欢人类的,只是它们的表达方式不同——而且不仅仅是养猫人士这么说!

    But felines2 do feel affection towards their humans , they simply express it differently — and it 's not just cat people saying it !

  12. 另外一个类似的表达方式是faceupto。

    A similar expression is face up to .

  13. B类,分类式性别表达方式;

    B , expressing gender by classification ;

  14. 说X就X格式是现代汉语口语中一种常用的表达方式。

    Shuo X jiu X form is a favorite expression in modern Chinese .

  15. 食物中维生素A、叶酸和维生物E的生物利用和表达方式

    Bioavailability and expression method of vitamin A , folate and vitamin E in foods

  16. 商业秘密在英文中有三种不同的表达方式:TradeSecret、Know-How或者BusinessSecret。

    There are three kinds of different expressions in English about business secret : Trade Secret , Know-How or Business Secret .

  17. 拜倒、神魂颠倒Fallingheadoverheelsinlovewithsomeone是一个地道的表达方式,用来表示难以消失的强烈的喜爱之情。

    Head Over Heels Falling head over heels in love with someone is an idiomatic way of expressing the overwhelming excitement of irrevocable affection .

  18. 本文否定了R.日语的强调表达方式

    In this paper , we point out errors in R. Emphasis methods in Japanese language

  19. 语义互联网(SEMANTICWEB)主要在于提供计算机软件可处理的元数据(Metadata)描述和信息表达方式。

    Semantic Web is the next generation of web technology , it provides a representation of metadata and information which can be processed by computer software .

  20. 目的:探讨自身免疫性及非自身免疫性甲状腺疾病中HLADR抗原的表达方式及其与甲状腺疾病的关系。

    Abstract : To evaluate the presence and pattern of HLA DR expression in autoimmune and non autoimmune thyroid diseases .

  21. 本文依据CAD曲面模型的这一特征,结合流形结构局部解析和全局连续的本质特性,分析了组合CAD曲面的相关性质,给出了CAD模型的流形表达方式;

    So that a manifold expression of a CAD surface model is presented and analyzed according to the manifold 's property of local analyticity and global connectivity .

  22. 工艺计划信息的表达方式直接影响CAPP系统与CIM环境下其它分系统之间的信息交换。

    Process plan representation is essential for the data exchange between CAPP system and other systems in CIM environment .

  23. 为了追踪该学科的动态并赶上国际水平,必须熟练的掌握该专业的英语词汇量及表达方式,因此GIS专业英语的教学就显得尤为重要。

    In order to pursue the development situation of this discipline and keep up with the developed countries , the teaching methods of GIS specialty English becomes a very important task .

  24. XML嵌套的、自描述的结构为数据交换提供了一种简单灵活的表达方式,使用XML技术进行企业数据的发布也成为一种趋势。

    Using XML to publish enterprise data becomes a trend because XML has some characters such as nested structure , self-description structure , which provide a simple and flexible way to exchange data .

  25. 基于WWW的主要信息过滤对象是网页,其中文本是网页信息的主要表达方式。

    The main object of WWW based information filtering is webpage , the most important expression means of which is text .

  26. 目的针对c-myc、Fas蛋白在肿瘤细胞中不同表达方式,探索其与成骨性肿瘤细胞分化的相关性。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between the differentiation of osteogenic tumor cells and different expression ways of c myc and fas protein .

  27. 设计以关系模型为基础的多维计算的有效表达方式,和OLAP服务器系统中相应的计算引擎,成为OLAP研究的一项重点。

    One of the emphases in OLAP research is designing an effective method to express multi-dimensional computations and the engine to accomplish this sort of computations .

  28. 胆囊癌P~(53)蛋白与MOR基因产物P糖蛋白的表达方式及相互关系胃癌组织中的肺耐药蛋白、P糖蛋白、谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶以及拓扑异构酶Ⅱ的表达及意义

    The concomitant expression and correlation of P-gP and P53 in gallbladder 's neoplasm and the relationship with biological behavior Expression and significance of LRP , P-gp , GST - π and TOPO ⅱ in gastric carcinoma

  29. 对象关系数据模型是关系数据库与面向对象思想相结合的产物,能提供强有力的数据表达方式,开创了GIS发展的新领域。

    The object-relational data model , which is a combined product of the relational database and the object-oriented thinking , can provide a powerful data expression , and it inaugurates a new field for the development of GIS .

  30. 然后将空间插值的表达方式与GM(1,1)灰色预测模型结合,回顾和预测安徽省三次产业从业人口的空间扩展演变和趋势变化,最后再进行空间插值的平面彩绘。

    Then spatial interpolation of expression and GM ( 1,1 ) gray prediction model are combined to review and predict the spatial trends and extension of the working population of the three industries in Anhui Province .