
biǎo yì wén zì
  • ideographic writing;ideographically writing
表意文字 [biǎo yì wén zì]
  • [ideographical writing;ideograph] 用代表一定意义的符号构成的文字,如最早的汉字、古埃及圣书文字等

表意文字[biǎo yì wén zì]
  1. 汉字是特殊的表意文字,字形是它的主要特点。

    Chinese-Characters is a unique ideograph , and the style of characters is its main characteristic .

  2. 以前人们普遍认为,汉语是“表意文字”,英语是“表音文字”,两者之间相似性甚少。

    In the past people universally thought that Chinese was ideograph and English was phonography , and that both languages had little similarity .

  3. 餐厅的天花板上悬挂着形似巴斯光年(BuzzLightyear)和弹簧狗(SlinkyDog)的中国风筝,中国表意文字标明不同的面食种类。

    There , Chinese kites shaped like Buzz Lightyear and Slinky Dog hung from the ceiling ; Chinese ideograms identified the different kinds of pastry .

  4. 泰语使用拼音文字,汉语使用表意文字。

    Thai language use alphabetic writing , while Chinese language use ideogram .

  5. 对于中日韩统一表意文字块,浏览激进。

    For CJK Unified Ideographs blocks , browse by radical .

  6. 汉字是世界上历史最悠久且唯一保存下来的表意文字。

    Chinese characters are an only-kept ideograph with the longest history in the world .

  7. 然而,汉语是表意文字,而非表音文字。

    Nevertheless , Chinese writing system is the system of ideograph instead of phonograph .

  8. 中文字是一种表意文字。

    Chinese characters are a form of ideogram .

  9. 论汉字构形的优势和表意文字说的片面性

    Discussion on the Advantages of Grapheme Formation of Chinese and the Unilateral of Ideographic writing

  10. 汉字是表意文字,而且汉语的写作能力和阅读能力都以汉字为基础。

    Chinese characters are ideographic ' character , both writing and reading skills are based on Chinese characters .

  11. 汉字是表意文字,具有以形表义的特点。

    Chinese characters are a form of ideogram , having the characteristics of using figure to express meaning .

  12. 作为表意文字的汉字,形声字占常用字的90%以上。

    As a kind of ideographic writing , phonetic characters account for more than 90 % of sight words .

  13. 此前,所有学者都认为,象形文字是图像表意文字,即它们代表物品或概念。

    Until then , all scholars assumed that the hieroglyphs were pictographs , that they symbolize objects or concepts .

  14. 作为表意文字的汉字,它和表音文字有着十分巨大的本质差别,所以,也给外国学习者学习汉语形成了一定的障碍。

    Ideographic Chinese characters and the phonograph have a very essential difference , therefore , certain barriers to students learning Chinese .

  15. 此外,他更重拾了早已被世人遗忘五十多年的表意文字的传统。

    Further , he goes back to the tradition of the ideogram , which had been forgotten for almost fifty years .

  16. 在日语表意文字中使用的、由符号组成的一种图形字符集,其中的每个字符都用二个字节来表示。

    A graphic character set consisting of symbols used in Japanese ideographic alphabets . Each character is represented by two bytes .

  17. 特别是纳西族,所使用的东巴文是当今世界上唯一的表意文字。东巴文主要是东巴僧侣用来指导祭祀活动的。

    The Naxi use the Dongba script , which is the only ideographic writing system in use in the world today .

  18. 汉语作为一种表意文字,其有别于英语等拼音文字的复杂空间二维结构,更容易产生注意力和情感反应。

    Chinese , as a kind of ideogram , which had complicated two-dimensional structure , was more associated with attention and emotion .

  19. 日本的昵称,“太阳升起的土地,”,是派生来自中国表意文字的意思“太阳起点的地方”。

    Japan 's nickname ," The Land of the Rising Sun ," is derived from the Chinese ideograph meaning place of the sun 's origin .

  20. 汉字是当今世界仅存的一种表意文字。此书今仅存于日本,已为世上孤本。

    Chinese characters are the only existing ideogram in the world today . The book is in Japan and has become the only existing copy nowadays .

  21. 无论是初级汉语水平还是中级汉语水平的表意文字背景留学生,都是字形发挥主要作用。

    It is only for foreign students with an ideographic writing system that the grapheme plays a main role at the primary level and the intermediate level .

  22. 汉字属于表意文字,通过解析字的形和音,可以了解到它的最初本义,即词源义,这里面蕴藏着丰富的文化信息。

    The etymological meanings on animal names or reasons of animal names in these three languages can be explored by the connections between their phonetics and their semantics .

  23. 汉字是现今世界上硕果仅存的古老表意文字,也是唯一有字理的文字。

    Chinese character is the ancient ideogram of only remained in current world and also is the only character with word principles of the structures of chinese characters .

  24. 采用校对任务探讨了母语为拼音文字和表意文字的外国留学生在汉语阅读中字音、字形作用的特点。

    Through a correcting task , this paper investigates the characteristics of the role of sound and grapheme of the Chinese characters for foreign students with different mother languages in text reading .

  25. 真正的外来词往往与本族语言的语音和形态方面都有重大的差异,特别是从表音文字的语言进入表意文字的语言中的外来词。

    The real foreign words often with their own language and voice patterns have significant differences , especially from the phonography those characters into the language of foreign words in the language .

  26. 文字可分为表意文字、表音文字、表符文字和意音文字四种类型,汉字属于表符文字。

    This text put forward the ideograms , phonography , sign writing , the idea sound writing are the four kinds of writing types . The Chinese characters belong to the sign writing .

  27. 汉字作为拥有大量阅读群体的表意文字,因其有别于其他文字的特性而对汉字书籍艺术与形态研究有着至关重要的影响。

    Chinese character is a kind of ideogram which possesses a great amount of readers . Its distinctive characteristic has great impact on the research of the art and form of Chinese-character based books .

  28. 汉字是由原始象形文字发展而来的表意文字,它的每一个个体都是一个完整的符号,有音有义,几千年来完美地表达着古今汉语。

    Chinese characters evolved from the original hieroglyphic ideographs , which individual is a complete symbol with sound and meaning , it is the perfect expression of thousands of years of ancient and modern Chinese .

  29. 汉字,作为迄今仍在广泛使用的以象形为基础的表意文字,被称为人类社会有史以来最伟大最成功的设计。汉字是当今世界仅存的一种表意文字。

    As a kind of ideogram based on hieroglyph still in wide use today , Chinese characters are known as the greatest and the most successful design in human history . Chinese characters are the only existing ideogram in the world today .

  30. 在世界许多古老象形文字消亡或变质的进程中,汉字以顽强的生命力成为了世界上唯一一种有着严密体系的表意文字,它承栽了太多太重历史悠久的中华文化。

    During the dieing out or turning process of large quantities of age-old glyph , Chinese characters became the only rig - our systematic ideogram with its ' stalwart life-force in the world which bore the weight of old-line Chinese culture much more .