
  1. 我国新合同法中的表见代表制度评析

    Analytical Study of Agency by Estoppel in the Newly Enacted Contracted Law

  2. 论海上保险人的弃权与禁止反言表见代表制度给企业带来的风险及对策

    Marine Insurer 's Waiver and Estoppel Risks Representative by Estoppel System Brings to Enterprises and the Countermeasures

  3. 并在此基础上阐述经理在有权代表公司签字时、越权代表公司签字时以及表见代表公司签字时所产生的法律后果和责任等问题。

    And then illustrates some problems for the legal consequence and responsibility , it results from when manager is authorized , exceeds his authority and apparent to sign on behalf of company .