
jīn wén
  • Inscriptions on bronze;inscriptions on ancient bronze objects
金文 [jīn wén]
  • [inscriptions on ancient bronze objects] 古代铜器上的文字,通常专指殷周秦汉铜器上的文字。也叫钟鼎文

金文[jīn wén]
  1. CNN前实习记者金文�


  2. 尔雅新证是指利用甲骨文、金文等出土古文字材料来校读《尔雅》的一种研究方法。Read所称的碳酸盐等斜缓坡。

    Er Ya new - prove is a research method to read and revise Er Ya taking advantage of unearthed ancient writing material such as oracle bone and bronze inscriptions and some on .

  3. 金文之外,孙氏又涉及甲骨文研究。

    Outside the bronze inscription , he also involves Oracle study .

  4. 西周金文从实用到纯艺术书写的笔墨创新

    On the Innovation of Jin Characters from Utility to Pure Art

  5. 金文资料包括文本、图片、拓片。

    The IOB data include texts and images and rubbings .

  6. 西周金文赏赐物品及其相关问题研究

    A Study on Bestowals and Some Issues Related in West Zhou Dynasty

  7. 春秋金文构件系统定量研究

    A Quantitative Investigation into Spring and Autumn Period Bronze Inscription Component System

  8. 商代金文语言研究

    A Study on the Language in Bronze Inscriptions of the Shang Dynasty

  9. 《殷周金文集成》所见叠音词的初步研究

    A Tentative Study on Reduplicated Words in Yin Zhou Jin Wen Ji Cheng

  10. 骑士割开战车和上面变成了金文的蜥蜴。

    The knight carved the chariot and the chameleons that had embossment become .

  11. 头上、背上还刻有“金文”。

    Head , back with the " bronze " .

  12. 殷周金文族徽整理与研究

    The Research of the Armorial Inscriptions on Bronze of Yin and Zhou Dynasty

  13. 容庚《金文编》诸版序言漫议

    Comments on the Prefaces of Various Editions of Jin Wen Bian by Rong Geng

  14. 周代,除了金文以外,还有一些刻在其他材料上的书体。

    During the Zhou dynasty , inscriptions were made on materials other than bronzeware .

  15. 从金文看两周婚姻关系

    Look at the Marriage Relations in Two Zhous from the Inscription on Ancient Bronze Objects

  16. 论金文档案文书纪时方式的嬗变

    On Evolution of Recording Way of Files

  17. 从字频看西周金文文字系统的特点

    A View of the Character System of West-Zhou Inscriptions on Bronzes from the Character Frequency

  18. 《殷周金文集成》青铜器定名问题

    On Bronzes ' Naming in The Collection of Inscriptions on Bronzes in Yin & Zhou

  19. 众多客户的成功,验证了金文礼品雄厚的设计策划及产品开发生产能力。

    The success of many customers to verify the Jinwen gift solid design planning and product development productivity .

  20. 夏天,朱利叶斯先生又带着全家去苏格兰,他们这次去洛金文。

    In the summer , Mr Turing again took the family to Scotland , this time to Lochinver .

  21. 基于《金文资料库》的《尚书》文献用字研究(二)构建英美文学文化三源泉语料库改进文学教学

    On corpus construction of British and American literature and culture context " Three Sources " to improve literature teaching

  22. 在详细考查商代金文资料的基础上,对商代金文中的同义词和反义词做了较为具体的分析和描述。

    The synonyms and antonyms in the inscriptions on Bronze of Shang Dynasty are analyzed and described in detail .

  23. 随后,孙氏又利用其金文和甲骨文的研究成果,著成《名原》一书。

    Subsequently , he also made use of his results of bronze inscription and Oracle , book as Ming Yuan .

  24. 西周金文不少字中存在不只一个声符,而且类型多样;

    There are more than one phonetic complements and variety types of multi-phonetic in characters in West-Zhou inscriptions on bronzes .

  25. 甲骨文、金文都有长国的相关资料,其历史延续至战国。

    Chang state was recorded in oracle bone inscription and inscription on bronzes and its history was recorded until the Warring States .

  26. 西周金文历谱与历史年代探论古史年代学研究的误区&夏商周断代工程金文历谱问题分析

    Incorrect Approaches to Studies of the Chronology of History of Ancient China : An Analysis of the Calendar Chronology of Inscriptions on Bronze

  27. 殷商金文中复合族氏金文的内涵初探最早的文字出现于商代。

    Quest for Meaning of Composite Clan Emblem ; The earliest Chinese written language appeared in the Shang Dynasty ( c.1600-1100 B.C. ) .

  28. 甲骨文后来演变成金文、大篆,金文和大篆的形体结构松散而不稳定,且地区差异大,尚未定形。

    Later , inscriptions on bones developed into Jinwen and dazuan , which were loosely structural and were not setting for area differences .

  29. 三是利用金文以补文献之不足,发现了许多极有价值的新资料。

    Third , to make up the inadequate of document by using Jin characters , a lot of new valuable data were found out .

  30. 用一种新的方法,即文化解析的方法,对甲骨文和金文重新进行考释,得出了很多不同于传统方法的新看法、新结论。

    Many new views and conclusions were made by adopting the new method of culture analysis to study shell and bone inscriptions and bronze inscriptions .