
háng dao
  • trade;profession


xíng dào
  • advocate and carry out one's point of political view
行道 [háng dào]
  • [trade;profession] 〈方〉∶行业

行道[háng dao]
行道[xíng dào]
  1. 计划中的另一个人行道项目涉及的是第二街。它是通往巨人队(Giants)的棒球场AT&T球场(AT&TPark)的主要道路之一。

    A third sidewalk project is planned for Second Street , one of the main routes to AT & T Park , the baseball stadium where the Giants play .

  2. 为了使得提取的结果更为准确,本文采用基于加权的Hough变换方法求得多条候选行道线,然后基于空间约束的条件进行行道线的选取,构造评价函数完成最终左右行道线的检测。

    We use the weighted Hough transform to extract the candidate lines , and then use the space constraint conditions to select lines .

  3. 不良竞争行道让Ricky更难在街上赚钱

    Because of the crack trade , it was a lot harder for Risky to make money on the streets .

  4. merge系统还可以发送车辆的牌子、型号、颜色、驾驶证号码以及撞车时的行驶方向的信息,这些信息会表明汽车是在具有多条行道的高速路的哪一边发生事故的。

    E-merge also transmits the vehicles make , model , color and license number , and its heading when it crashed , which in turn indicates on which side of a multi-lane highway it ended up .

  5. YokoIrie常来清扫这栋房屋外人行道上秋天的落叶。不过,过去四年里,她都不曾在这屋里住过,也没有其他人在这住过。

    Yoko Irie sweeps autumn leaves from the pavement outside the house that neither she nor anyone else has lived in for the past four years .

  6. 的确,如Amoah和那里的Baum(1997)所要求是双行道的观光事业和款待之间的关系,在一只手、和人力资源发展和管理方面在另一个中。

    Indeed , as postulated by Amoah and Baum ( 1997 ) there is a two-way relationship between tourism and hospitality , in one hand , and human resource development and management in the other .

  7. 舟山海岛行道绿化调查及其发展对策

    Investigations on Avenue Afforestation and Countermeasures in Island of Zhoushan

  8. 大连城市行道绿化树种的选择及配置原则研究

    The Selection and Disposition Rule of Dalian City Shade Trees

  9. 贝恩桥是唯一的去码头的双行道。

    Bainbridge is the only two-way street to the docks .

  10. 浙江城市行道绿化调查初报

    A Preliminary Investiga-tion on City Avenue Planting in Zhejiang Province

  11. 至于忠诚,这是一条双行道。

    As for loyalty , it 's a two-way street .

  12. 一条穿越城镇的行道将显露很多有趣的建筑物。

    A walk through town will unfold many interesting buildings .

  13. 粉煤灰在水泥行道板中的应用研究

    Investigation on the Application of Pulverized Coal Ash in Cement Footpath Board

  14. 行道绿化夏季小气候效应研究及模糊综合评价

    Research on Summer Small Climate Effects of Walkway Trees and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  15. 外币兑换是一条双行道,这一点印度的出口商们也越来越有感触。

    As India 's exporters are learning , convertibility is a two-way street .

  16. 工作面试是一条双行道。

    A job interview is a two way street .

  17. 在双向交通上都有一行道的。

    Having a lane for traffic in each direction .

  18. 三以教团组织行道;

    Thirdly , It spread with religious organization .

  19. 行走应走人行道,没有行道往右靠。

    Should be going to walk the sidewalks , not on the right track .

  20. 在提问阶段更有力地提出了腐败是一条双行道的问题。

    That corruption is a two-way street came up more forcefully in the question-answer session .

  21. 行道柳树蛀干害虫防治的研究

    Studies on the Prevention and Control of Boring Pest on the Street Willow 's Trunk

  22. 他们期望限制皇权,突显士大夫的政治地位以行道。

    They hoped to limit imperial power and heighten political position of literati and officialdom .

  23. 重庆主城区主要行道植物硫氮水平的初步研究

    Investigation on sulfur and nitrogen concentration of several key plants in central district of Chongqing

  24. 行道绿化树种选择及其栽培管理中的经济学原则

    Economic Principles of Species Screening , Cultivating and Tending of Street Trees in Urban Area

  25. 在双向交通上都有一行道并且还有一条供通过的中心道的。

    Having a lane for traffic in each direction and a center lane for passing .

  26. 重庆的这条新人行道在中国的微博上引发了大家的各种吐槽。

    Chongqing 's new sidewalk attracted ridicule on Weibo , China 's version of Twitter .

  27. 昆明西郊行道绿化植物五种有毒重金属元素含量特征分析

    Analysis on the Content of Harmful Elements in Afforest Plants from Suburb Street of Kunming City

  28. 在乔木植被类型中,人工林地的土壤呼吸强度大于行道绿地。

    Among arbor vegetation type , artificial forest land breathe intensity greater than Pavement green land .

  29. 故行道线的检测与跟踪技术是智能车辆辅助驾驶技术的一个重要问题。

    Therefore , line detection and tracking is the important part of intelligent driving assistance system .

  30. 干我们这个行道的人都清楚,这个国家的年轻人都很尊敬我们。

    People in our profession realize that the youth of this country look up to us .