
jī mù
  • building block;juggle;block;children's building blocks;toy bricks
积木 [jī mù]
  • [block;children's builing blocks;toy bricks] 通常是立方的木头或塑料固体玩具,一般在每一表面装饰着字母或图画,容许进行不同的排列或进行建筑活动

积木[jī mù]
  1. 本文提出了一种有效的P/G网布线算法和在积木块式布图系统中实现的策略。

    We present an efficient ower and ground ( P / G ) nets routing algorithm and a new strategy for its implementation in Building Block Layout system .

  2. 结合ModularTestSystem,说明了B&K信号分析仪的积木式模块化结构、分布式资源的利用和共享等特点,并给出频谱和系统分析仪虚拟设备的实例。

    Focusing on the Modular Test System , the characteristics of B & K instruments for signal analysis , including building block structures and distributed and shared resources , are studied , And a typical instrument , Spectrum and System Analyzer , is given as an example .

  3. 积木如果搭得中心错位就会倒塌。

    If the blocks are placed off-centre , they will fall down .

  4. 碗碟收拾好后,孩子们在桌旁坐下来玩积木。

    After the bowls and dishes were cleared away , the children sat at the table , playing with building blocks .

  5. 许多科学家猜测,工人们首先是把积木放在了雪橇上。

    Many scientists suspect workers first would have put the blocks on sleds .

  6. 这座建筑有着非凡的外形,看起来像是"积木"的组合。

    The building has a remarkable shape and looks like a combination of " blocks " .

  7. 积木叠叠乐和大富翁等桌面游戏也很不错。

    Jenga and board games like Monopoly1 are go-tos for game night as well .

  8. 叠叠乐游戏进行过程中积木塔的形态与当今许多建筑设计极为相似,叠叠乐式建筑一词由此而来。

    The Jenga tower 's mid-game resemblance to many of today 's building designs inspired the term Jengatecture .

  9. 叠叠乐是一种游戏,玩家先用54块积木堆出一座塔,然后大家轮流抽出一块积木并将其放到塔顶。

    Jenga is a game where players begin with a tower of 54 stacked blocks and take turns removing a single block and placing it on top of the tower .

  10. 盘腿坐在那儿,我会发现旁边要不就是一个沉默寡言的瑞典工程师、要么是一个纹身很重的摩托车手、或是一个来自印度金奈的程序员移民,我们的小孩儿就在那儿玩积木、拨浪鼓和手鼓。

    I 'll find myself sitting cross-legged next to a taciturn Swedish engineer , a heavily tattooed4 biker , or another migrant – a computer programmer from Chennai – as our children play with the wooden blocks , rattles5 and drums .

  11. 生物积木是头尾用过某种通用间接器相联接的一串DNA。

    BioBrick is a strand of DNA that has universal connectors at each end .

  12. 3D互连电容快速提取的新途径&介质积木库法

    A New Approach to 3D Parasitic Capacitance Extraction of Interconnects with Building Blocks of Dielectric

  13. 新成立LegoBrandGroup可以让乐高完全专注塑料积木业务。

    The split will allow Lego to concentrate purely on plastic bricks .

  14. 科学家创造了一台只用于建造生命积木的微型步行机器人:DNA。

    Scientists have created a microscopic walking robot using only the building blocks of life : DNA .

  15. 玩家们使用类似于各种多边形积木的3D立方体,自由构建建筑物和物体。

    Players are free to construct buildings and objects out of 3D cubes , polygonal Legos of sorts .

  16. SC网络的积木块等效及自动生成

    The Equivalent and Automatic Production of Building Blocks in SC Networks

  17. VLSI积木块布图设计的通道定序与布线

    Channel Ordering and Routing for VLSI Building Block Layout

  18. Scratch类似积木的操作简单而直观,但是只要有创造性,就可以做出功能强大而充满趣味的作品。

    Scratch operation likes bricklaying game , which is intuitive and simple to operate but full of creativity .

  19. 今年,BBC在巴尔干半岛关闭了最后一个当地语言广播服务积木。

    This year the BBC closed its last local-language radio services in the Balkans .

  20. 乐高积木由ABS塑料制成,在写这篇文章时这种材料的成本约为每千克1美元。

    Lego bricks are made of ABS plastic , which costs about a dollar per kilogram at the time of this writing .

  21. Vinci即将推出的下一个产品是一套可以下载的数字积木,可以让孩子进行拼写和数字游戏。

    Up next : A downloadable set of digitized blocks featuring spelling and number games .

  22. 其独特的电流传输特性使它成了电流模式VLSI电路中最基本的积木块。

    Because of its unique current transmission property , it can be the most basic block among the current-mode VLSI circuit .

  23. 基于BLOB的积木特征提取算法

    A BLOB-based Module ′ s Feature Extraction Algorithm

  24. 哦,游泳池也有像日光浴浴床,还有一些lego的漂浮积木。

    Oh , the pool also has Lego-style sunbeds and Lego floats too .

  25. 算法已作为正在研充的VLSI积木块布图设计系统中的一个模块。

    The algorithm has also been employed as a program block in our VLSI building block layout system which has been developing .

  26. 利用一阶和二阶SC积木块,设计出二阶和三阶的SCF电路。

    The second-order and third & order SCF circuits are designed by means of the first-order and second-order SC building block .

  27. 本文以混凝土坝内廊道施工详图设计阶段为例,论述水工建筑构件积木式CAD软件的必要性和积木模块CAD软件的具体实现方法。

    Based on the detailed graph design of construction for the gallery in concrete dam , the necessity and designed method of the building elements building blocks CAD are discussed in this paper .

  28. 阵列式积木结构集成磁件在四相VRM中的应用研究

    Study of array modular architecture integration magnetics in four-phase voltage regulator module

  29. 乐高积木公司(LEGO)的高管也在利用网络社区为公司产品搜集创意。

    At Lego , executives are using their online communities to generate new ideas for Lego sets .

  30. 比如《挖矿争霸》(Minecraft),这款一鸣惊人的积木游戏已经被全球玩家装在自己的PC和iPad中。

    Take for example minecraft , the blockbuster block-building game that has been loaded up on PCs and iPads across the globe .