
  1. 早上跟金芳探讨了一下关于下周汉语大赛主持串词的事情。

    Colleague Jin-fang consulted with me on the comperation of Chinese this morning .

  2. 名词串词序的认知分析

    The Cognition and Analysis of Noun String Order

  3. 我的团队正在准备笑话和串词这真的是个技术活

    And my team of writers are thinking about jokes and it 's a tricky process with the content .

  4. 再比较“较真”的办法还有用学过的某些单词让学生编故事(串词成句),有些会很荒诞但是会加深印象。

    To ask the students to make some sentences with the words they have just learned is a very effective way ;

  5. 拗口令难以迅速,清楚地说出来的词或一串词,通常由于几个相似的辅音连接在一起。

    A word or group of words difficult to articulate rapidly , usually because of a succession of similar consonantal sounds , as in Shall she sell seashells ?