
  • 网络Daniel Goleman
  1. 《专注力》(Focus)和《情商》(EmotionalIntelligence)的作者丹尼尔·戈尔曼(DanielGoleman)认为,“智慧的特征之一是拥有宽广的见识,且并不以自己”甚至自己所在的团体或组织为中心。

    Daniel Goleman , author of " Focus " and " Emotional Intelligence , " said , " One aspect of wisdom is having a very wide horizon which doesn 't center on ourselves , " or even on our group or organization .

  2. 由于丹尼尔·戈尔曼的新书《情感智能》,这一概念很快会成为国内谈论的话题,为方便起见简称为“情商”。

    This notion is about to bound into the national conversation , conveniently shortened to EQ , thanks to a new book , Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman .