
dān dú
  • erysipelas;inflammatory disease with redness of skin
丹毒 [dān dú]
  • [eryslpelas] 一种急性皮肤炎症,多见于小腿和面腿

丹毒[dān dú]
  1. 丹毒样发作的频率较治疗前明显减少,也有显著差异(P<0.01);

    The relapse frequency of erysipelas like syndrome decreased obviously ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 青霉素V钾适用于青霉素敏感菌株所致的轻、中度感染,包括链球菌所致的扁桃体炎、咽喉炎、猩红热、丹毒等;

    Penicillin V potassium penicillin-sensitive strains for induced mild to moderate infections , including Streptococcus caused by tonsillitis , pharyngitis , scarlet fever , erysipelas , etc.

  3. 阳离子脂质体包裹CpG对猪瘟猪肺疫猪丹毒三联疫苗免疫效应的影响

    Immune effect analysis of the mice mediated by cationic liposome entrapped CpG motif and the tri-vaccine of swine fever , lung pestilence and porcine erysipelas

  4. Dot-PPA-ELISA对猪丹毒的免疫监测及抗体保护效价的测定

    Serological surveillance of swine erysipelas and assay of protective antiserum titer by Dot-PPA-ELISA

  5. Dot-PPA-ELISA快速检测猪丹毒抗体方法的建立及应用研究

    Research on Detection of Antibodies against Erysipelothrix Rhusiopathiae in Swine Serum by Dot-PPA-ELISA and It 's Application

  6. 用两种方法生产猪丹毒(G4T10)活疫苗的比较试验

    Tests on production of swine erysipelas ( G4T10 ) live vaccine in two ways

  7. 用猪瘟、猪肺疫、猪丹毒三联疫苗和猪丹毒1a、2型氢氧化铝吸附甲醛灭活疫苗分别免疫断奶仔猪,采用DotPPAELISA监测免疫猪血清抗体变化。

    Levels of antibodies in sera of weanling pigs immunized with triple vaccine against classical swine fever , pasteurellosis of swine and swine erysipelas and bacterins against swine erysipelas serotype 1a or 2 were detected by Dot-PPA-ELISA from first to sixth week after being immunized .

  8. 大疱性丹毒:临床表现、感染葡萄球菌的类型及对甲氧西林的耐药性

    Bullous erysipelas : Clinical presentation , staphylococcal involvement and methicillin resistance

  9. 猪丹毒血清培养凝集试验的改进及其实际应用

    Modifications of erysipelas serum culture agglutination test and Its Applications

  10. 特急性型猪丹毒病理形态学变化及其诊断的研究总结

    Final Research Report on pathomorphological changes and diagnosis of peracute swine erysipelas

  11. 猪丹毒弱毒冻干菌苗研究

    A study on the attenuated and lyophilized vaccine for swine erysipelas control

  12. 实验性急性猪丹毒抗原定位和病理学研究

    Experimental Antigen Localization and Pathological Study of Acute Erysipelas

  13. 实验性特急性型猪丹毒脾脏白髓周围红晕病理形态学研究

    Pathomorphological study on blush around splenic white pulp of experimental peracute swine erysipelas

  14. 中西医治疗丹毒成本-效果比较分析

    Western Medicine versus Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine for Erysipelas : Cost-effectiveness Analyses

  15. 解毒化瘀汤治疗下肢丹毒临床观察

    Clinical observation on Jiedu Huayu Decoction in treating erysipelas of the lower limbs

  16. 研究建立了快速检测红斑丹毒丝菌的吖啶橙免疫荧光菌团离心培养法。

    The acridine orange immuno-fluorescent bacterial clump assay ( AOIFBCA ) has been established .

  17. 猪丹毒杆菌对盐腌,酸浸,烟熏很有抵抗力。

    The erysipelas organism is quite resistant to salting , pickling , and smoking .

  18. 猪丹毒杆菌强毒株和弱毒株在电子显微镜下的初步观察

    Electron microscopic studies on the virulent strain and attenuated strain of swine erysipelas Bacillus

  19. 火鸡丹毒是由红斑丹毒丝菌引起的一种火鸡的传染病。

    Turkey Erysipelas is caused by Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae .

  20. 壮医皮肤针治疗丹毒局部皮肤硬肿疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Zhuang Medical Skin Acupuncture in Treating Local Erysipelatous Hard Swelling

  21. 丹毒很难根治

    Erysipelas is very hard to cure .

  22. 刺络拔罐法治疗丹毒疗效分析

    Analysis of the Curative Effect of Blood letting Puncture and Cupping on Erysipelas of Lower Limb

  23. 突尼斯腿部丹毒患者危险因素的多中心病例对照研究

    Risk factors for erysipelas of the leg in Tunisia : A multicenter case - control study

  24. 猪丹毒杆菌是一种革兰氏阳性菌,会造成动物的丹毒症与人的类丹毒。

    Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is a gram-positive bacterium that causes erysipelas in animal and erysipeloid in humans .

  25. 火鸡丹毒研究进展

    Progress in study on Turkey Erysipelas

  26. 猪丹毒怎么治疗?

    How is swine erysipelas treated ?

  27. 一种不同类型的猪丹毒?

    Erysipelas with a difference ?

  28. 中西医治疗下肢丹毒67例对照分析

    67 Cases Suffered from Erysipelas on Lower legs Cured by Means of Integration of TCM and WM

  29. 结论刺络拔罐法治疗下肢丹毒疗效确切。

    Conclusion Blood letting puncture and cupping has an exact curative effect on erysipelas of lower limb .

  30. 目的:观察皮肤针治疗丹毒局部皮肤硬肿的临床疗效。

    Objective : To observe the clinical efficacy of cutaneous acupuncture in treating erysipelas with hard swollen skin .