
  • 网络body function;bodily function
  1. 女子则为身体功能>健康水平>运动素质>身体形态。

    However , that of female is body function ﹥ health level ﹥ sport character ﹥ body appearance .

  2. 随着年龄的增长,男性老年人各身体功能水平逐渐出现衰退的现象。

    With age , the elderly male body function level in all aspects of the phenomenon of the gradual emergence of a recession .

  3. 呼吸是一种无意识的身体功能。

    Breathing is an automatic function of the body .

  4. 有些药剂会对正常的身体功能产生抑制作用。

    Some drugs can cause the inhibition of normal bodily activity .

  5. 没有人知道resveratrol怎样起作用,但科学家相信它使大范围的基因充满活力,对于不同的身体功能产生影响。

    No one knows exactly how resveratrol works , but scientists believe it activates a wide range of genes , creating a cascade-like effect on a variety of body functions .

  6. FrankBiro:“除了我们使用的食物的种类和数量之外,其他重要的因素就是这些化学物质。例如,个人护理因素,比如化妆品和洗涤剂中包含的化学物质可能影响成熟的时间和其他身体功能。”

    FRANK BIRO : " In addition to the types and amount of food we eat , the other important factors are some of these chemicals . For example , personal care factors , such as cosmetics , such as suntan lotions , contain certain chemicals that could impact timing of or other body functions . "

  7. 他已90高龄,但身体功能都很好。

    He is90 but still retains the use of all his faculties .

  8. 水对于所有健康的身体功能运作是必需的。

    Water is essential for all healthy body functions .

  9. 身体功能、形态以及情感自我控制。

    Bodily functionality and morphology and affective self-control .

  10. 组织和身体功能崩溃。

    Tissue and body functions break down .

  11. 但是他的身体功能已经开始减弱。

    But his bodily functions are weakening .

  12. 结论社区高血压自我管理项目增加了参加者的自我管理知识,改善了高血压患者情绪、自我管理的健康行为、身体功能、高血压相关症状,减少了就诊次数;

    Their emotion , healthy behavior , health status and symptoms related to hypertension improved .

  13. 强化力量练习运动处方对男性老年人身体功能的影响

    Effect of an exercise prescription of intensive strength training on physical function in aged males

  14. 辽宁省优秀皮划艇运动员身体功能状态的生化指标评定

    Evaluation of biochemical indexes related to physical function status in excellent canoeing athletes of Liaoning province

  15. 这些模型展示了各种昆虫的各个发育阶段和它们的身体功能。

    The models show the stages of the insects ' development and the workings of their bodies .

  16. 那么一些能量就转变成毒素,干扰身体功能的和谐运作。

    The rest of the energy turns toxic , interferes with the harmonious functioning of the body .

  17. 抑郁自杀,在我国青少年死亡原因中处于第一位。抑郁症病人身体功能差,丧失劳动能力是非抑郁病人的5倍。

    Suppress the suicide of blues , be placed in the first in our country teenager die reason .

  18. 结果汇总发现,25羟基维他命水平最高的受试者有较好的身体功能。

    When the results were tabulated , participants with the highest levels of25-hydroxyvitamin D had better physical function .

  19. 不过,服用碧萝芷?的主要原因是保持健康和最佳的身体功能。

    However , the main reason to take Pycnogenol ? is to stay healthy and keep optimal body functions .

  20. 它们调整着一系列的身体功能,从睡眠模式及代谢和行为的荷尔蒙控制。

    They regulate a host of body functions , from sleep patterns and hormonal control to metabolism and behavior .

  21. 总体生活质量主要影响因素为身体功能、情绪功能和与健康有关的经济情况。

    The global quality of life was closely related to the scales of other functions and its impacts were predominant .

  22. 在过量接触及吸收下,铅可对多个器官及身体功能造成影响。

    When lead is absorbed into the body in excessive amount , it is toxic to many organs and systems .

  23. 细胞分裂太快或者在一个不正确的时期,会使身体功能不正常。

    Cells either divide too fast or at the wrong time , making it difficult for the body to function properly .

  24. 随着受害者继续丧失对其身体功能的控制,会无意识地呕吐、通便及排尿。

    As the victim continues to lose control of his bodily functions , he will involuntarily vomit , defecate and urinate .

  25. 适度的劳动强度、合理的劳动习惯可提高术后疗效,促进疼痛缓解和身体功能的康复。

    The moderate labor intensity and reasonable labor practices can increase the curative effect , promoting pain relief and physical function recovery .

  26. 多项研究发现,锻炼能改进帕金森病患者的身体功能以及与健康相关的生活质量。

    Multiple studies have found that exercise improves physical function and health-related quality of life in people who have Parkinson 's disease .

  27. 完全的身体功能的检查;包括基于年龄、性别和健康状况的各种检查。

    A thorough physical examination ; includes a variety of tests depending on the age and sex and health of the person .

  28. 研究发现,采取魔鬼爪几个月大大减少疼痛,并改善身体功能的人骨关节炎。

    Studies have found that taking devil 's claw for several months substantially reduces pain and improves physical functioning in people with osteoarthritis .

  29. 对于所有与感染相关的非预期性死亡或造成永久性身体功能丧失的个案,皆应列入警讯事件妥善管理。

    Manage as sentinel events all identified cases of unanticipated death or major permanent loss of function associated with a health care-associated infection .

  30. 然而人们通常对“健康”的理解往往等同于身体功能的正常,忽略了心理方面的因素。

    However , people usually on a " healthy " understanding the normal function of the body often equates to ignore the psychological factors .