
shēn fèn zhènɡ mínɡ
  • identification;certificate of identification;personal I.D.
  1. 你有身份证明吗?

    Do you have any proof of identity ?

  2. 稍稍停顿了一下,他问道,“你有任何身份证明吗?”

    After a pause he asked , ' You got any identification ? '

  3. 你必须携带本人身份证明亲自来取邮件。

    You must collect the mail in person and take along some form of identification

  4. 检查护照的女士问我是否有进一步的身份证明。

    The woman who was on passport control asked me if I had any further identification .

  5. 请准备好您的登机牌和身份证明。

    Please have your boarding pass and identification ready .

  6. 像DNA一样,每一个人、每一对同卵双胞胎的指纹都是独一无二的,这使得指纹成为一项非常重要的身份证明工具。

    Like DNA , fingerprints are unique to each person or set of identical twins and that makes them a valuable identification tool .

  7. 验证(authentication)用来确保业务事务中的各方确实是他们所声称的;因而,身份证明是必需的。

    Authentication is used to ensure that parties within a business transaction are really who they claim to be ; thus proof of identity is required .

  8. 在保证信息安全、身份证明、信息完整性和不可抵赖性等方面PKI得到了普遍的认同,起着不可替代的作用。

    Because of guaranteeing the information security , identity authentication , information integrity and nonrepudiation , PKI got the widespread approbation .

  9. 申请认证产品的GB标准号携带准考证和带有照片的身份证明到考场。

    Number of the GB standard for the equipment to be certified : Take your admission ticket and photo ID to the test center .

  10. 而PKI的核心就是认证中心CA(certificateAuthority),CA作为一个可信的第三方为所有用户签发身份证明证书,并负责颁发、管理和撤销证书。

    Certificate Authority ( CA ) as the core of PKI is a credible third party to sign identification certificate and issues , and manage or cancel certificates for all users .

  11. SSL在这方面做的出色的地方就是在客户机与服务器之间建立连接时要求客户机证书作为身份证明。

    The best SSL can do on this front is to require client certificates as proof of identity when establishing the connection between the client and server .

  12. Kerberos的一个关键特性是它支持单点登录环境,在这种环境中,用户只需向Kerberos域中的资源做一次身份证明。

    One key feature of Kerberos is that it permits a single sign-on environment whereby a user need only verify his identity to the resources within the Kerberos realm once .

  13. 利奇希望加快建立统一的金融代码体系——也就是所谓“法人实体身份证明”(LEI),这将有助于避免因计算机系统识别交易对手和产品的方法不同而导致交易失败。

    Mr Leach wants faster progress towards uniform financial codes , so-called " legal entity identifiers , " which would help prevent failed trades that occur because computer systems identify counterparties and products using different methods .

  14. 最终,Haley女士也没开车送任何人去任何地方,但她命令州政府把没有身份证明的投票人在9月28日免费送去DMV。

    In the end , Mrs Haley did not drive anyone anywhere , though she has ordered the state to ferry voters without ID to the DMV free of charge on September28th .

  15. 动车实名制是指旅客在在购买动车票和乘坐动车组列车(D-train)时,需出示个人的身份证明。

    Under the real-name ticketing system , passengers will have to present their ID card when purchasing D-train tickets and taking rides .

  16. 只要能够提供香港居民的身份证明,现有的香港直销商可继续购买产品和参与USANA奖励计划,但无法提供香港居民身份证明者则被严格限制。

    Existing Hong Kong Distributors can continue to purchase products and participate in the USANA compensation plan , but restrictions will apply to those who fail to prove their Hong Kong residency .

  17. 圣地亚哥:我需要身份证明或者其他东西吗?

    Santiago Munez : Do I need an identification or anything ?

  18. 出租人身份证明或者法律资格证明;

    The identity certification or juristical competency certification of the lessor ;

  19. 只有文件正本才能用作身份证明。

    Only original documents will be accepted as proof of status .

  20. 请注意一下没有身份证明的人是不能进来的。

    Please see to it that no-one comes in without identification .

  21. 个人身份证明文件的原件是否由工厂保管?

    Are original personal identification documents being kept by the factory ?

  22. 并相互交验有关身份证明。

    The identifications shall be presented to each other for inspection .

  23. 缺乏足以证明他已成年的身份证明。

    The absence of identification proving him to be of age .

  24. 这个女人没有任何身份证明,于是她被逮捕了。

    This woman had no identification , so she was arrested .

  25. 集中申报人应提供其身份证明或注册登记证明。

    A declarer shall provide his identify certificate or its registration certificate .

  26. 法定代表人的身份证明及相关材料。

    The identity certificate of the legal representative and the relevant materials .

  27. 人们曾经涌到政府办公室试图取得身份证明。

    People have been crowding government offices to try to get one .

  28. 携带准考证和带有照片的身份证明到考场。

    Take your admission ticket and photo ID to the test center .

  29. 位于服务台上,向服务客户提供身份证明。

    Located on the service reception to provide identification for service customers .

  30. 没有钱包,或者任何身份证明。

    There 's no wallet or any other kind of ID.