
  • 网络tangier;TANGER;Tangerine
  1. 当时我正在丹吉尔的一个市场里。瞧!我发现了这个。

    I was in a market in Tangier and bingo ! I found this .

  2. 年第一批橘子从丹吉尔运往了欧洲。

    The first tangerines were shipped from Tangier to Europe in 1841 .

  3. 丹吉尔先锋影展CinémathèquedeTanger)和迪拜艺术节(ArtDubai)等活动。

    the Cin é math è que de Tanger ; and Art Dubai .

  4. 干得不错,丹吉尔,相当不错

    You did good , Danger . You did real good .

  5. 丹吉尔,我带这个拳套是有原因的。

    Danger , I 'm wearing these MITs for a reason .

  6. 嘿,丹吉尔到底在看什么?

    Hey , what the hell 's Danger Iooking at ?

  7. 然后裴斯顿接到来自丹吉尔的通报,那就是吉米。

    And Preston got called to the Tangiers and it was jamie .

  8. 丹吉尔是几年前来的。

    Danger showed up a couple of years back .

  9. 丹吉尔,你继续训练

    Danger , you go on back to training .

  10. 如果你遇见她,替我问声好,她应该在丹吉尔

    If you see her , say hello , she might be in Tangier

  11. 在介绍自己给我们认识以前,丹吉尔找了他好久。

    Danger looked for him , bout a week before he introduced himself .

  12. 我来打,能借用一下么,丹吉尔?

    My fight , may I borrow this danger ?

  13. 丹吉尔是我们向往已久的地方。

    Tangier is the spot we have been longing for all the time .

  14. 丹吉尔在外面做什么?

    And what 's Danger doing out there ?

  15. 它只是一个小时车程的丹吉尔,在里弗山区。

    It is just an hour 's drive from Tangier in the Rif mountains .

  16. 能借用一下么,丹吉尔?

    Mind if I borrow this , Danger ?

  17. 你可以在丹吉尔找到我。

    You can find me at the tangiers .

  18. 我想我已经告诉过你别让丹吉尔继续训练下去了。

    Thought I told you I didn 't want danger working out here anymore .

  19. 丹吉尔,好好想想那一拳我马上就回来

    Danger , while you thinking about that punch , I'II be right back .

  20. 丹吉尔,你打一拳要不然就滚出去

    Danger , you throw a punch or get the hell out of this gym .

  21. 拜访不同的场景和地点&包括莫斯科,伦敦,丹吉尔(摩洛哥港市)和纽约!

    Visit different environments and places , including Moscow , London , Tangier , and New York City !

  22. 喂,别摘手套啊,哥们儿你还没用过呢,丹吉尔

    Come on , don 't take the gloves off , man . You ain 't even used them , Danger .

  23. 雷诺和尼桑计划在摩洛哥建厂,丹吉尔外的货柜港口的规模很快就要超过美国西岸的长滩。

    Or the new container port outside Tangiers that will soon be bigger than Long Beach , on America 's west coast .

  24. Mabrouka坐落在一处悬崖上,距离丹吉尔市中心有5分钟的路程,可以俯瞰直布罗陀海峡和西班牙的南部海岸。

    The villa is situated on a cliff five minutes uphill from downtown Tangier , overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar and the southern coast of Spain .

  25. 不过理想中的航线是从摩洛哥的丹吉尔机场飞至新西兰的旺阿雷机场,全程约20000公里。

    But a hypothetically perfect antipode flight would be Tangier Ibn Battouta Airport , Morocco to Whangarei Aerodrome , New Zealand , a flight of approximately 20000km .