
  • 网络Misrata;misurata
  1. 以下是来自米苏拉塔的MohamedAli和半岛的通讯内容,他是当地反对派国家委员会的成员。

    Speaking to Al Jazeera from Misurata , Mohamed Ali , a member of the opposition National Council in that city , describes a horrific scene .

  2. 这个选项正在考虑之中。同样正在考虑之中的还有向被围困的沿海城市米苏拉塔(Misurata)派遣人道主义地面部队,以建立一个避风港。

    This option is under consideration , as is committing a humanitarian ground force to create a safe haven in the beleaguered coastal city of Misurata .

  3. Brooks说,本周,红十字会已经向米苏拉塔运送了补给物资。

    Brooks says the Red Cross has been able to deliver supplies this week to Misrata .

  4. 她在那里向VOA讲述了米苏拉塔的情况。

    From there she told VOA of the bloodshed in Misrata .

  5. 利比亚另外一个城市米苏拉塔一名叛军发言人告诉BBC,争夺该城市主要道路控制权的战斗仍在继续。

    A rebel spokesman in another Libyan city Misrata told the BBC that fighting was continuing for control of the main roads through the city .

  6. Younis将军表示,如果北约不采取行动,米苏拉塔居民一周之内即将灭绝。

    General Younis said that without Nato action , Misrata residents faced extermination within a week .

  7. 在利比亚其他地方,救援船只携带食品和药品等紧急补给物资抵达西部城市米苏拉塔(Misrata),该城市目前被政府军包围。

    Elsewhere in Libya , a relief ship carrying emergency supplies of food and medicine has arrived in the western city of Misrata , which is being besieged by government forces .

  8. 利比亚一名叛军领袖AbdulFattahYounis指控卡扎菲的军队在被困的西部城市米苏拉塔杀害平民时北约竟袖手旁观。

    Libyan rebel leader , Abdul Fattah Younis , has accused NATO of standing idly by , while forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi continue killing people in the besieged western city of Misrata .

  9. 自那时起一个月了,Abumzirig不眠不休地协助记者们介绍这个激战之中的利比亚第三大城市,有人已经开始称米苏拉塔为“利比亚的斯大林格勒。”

    In the months since , Abumzirig has tirelessly kept journalists informed about the fighting in Libya 's third-largest city , which some have begun to call " Libya 's Stalingrad . "

  10. 在这些年里,由米苏拉塔当地一家人运营的Naseem乳品加工厂为利比亚的民众提供了一杯美味的牛奶,而这正是卡扎菲政府(多年来)没能做到的。

    In just a few years the Naseem dairy plant , owned by a local family , had achieved what Colonel Qaddafi 's regime could never do : provide Libyans with a decent glass of milk .

  11. 有报导称,米苏拉塔市也发生了激烈战斗。

    Heavy fighting was also reported in the city of Misurata .

  12. 米苏拉塔的反对派对政府军的战斗只取得了较小的胜利。

    Misrata had less success in breaking the resistance of loyalist forces .

  13. 但最大的考验是如何援助米苏拉塔。

    But the big test is bringing help to misrata .

  14. 在米苏拉塔的一个医疗所内,躺着一名卡扎菲的士兵。

    In a Misurata medical clinic lays one of Gaddafi 's fighters .

  15. 卡扎菲的部队星期二再次炮轰反对派占领的米苏拉塔市。

    Gadhafi 's forces shelled opposition-held Misrata again Tuesday .

  16. 米苏拉塔之所以重要并不只是出于人道主义的原因。

    Misrata is important not just for humanitarian reasons .

  17. 在米苏拉塔,卡扎菲拜访家庭教师学习历史。

    Misrata , where he went to a private tutor to learn history ;

  18. 至少有三枚集束弹在米苏拉塔市爆炸。

    And , at least three cluster munitions exploded over the city of Misrata .

  19. 本周,一艘救援船只搭载着1000多人从米苏拉塔赶往班加西。

    This week an aid ship ferried over 1000 people from Misrata to Benghazi .

  20. 在进攻米苏拉塔等较大城市时,他的军队被击退。

    When confronted with larger conurbations , such as Misurata , his forces have been repulsed .

  21. 北约表示,这次袭击摧毁了叛军控制的城市米苏拉塔附近政府的一个火箭发射器。

    Nato says the attack destroyed a government rocket launcher near the rebel-held city of Misrata .

  22. 星期五,国际移民组织包租的一艘船只离开利比亚东部城市班加西,前往米苏拉塔。

    On Friday , an IOM-chartered ship left the eastern Libyan town of Benghazi for Misrata .

  23. 昨天,有报道称,利比亚军队袭击了米苏拉塔市的平民。

    Yesterday , there were reports about Libyan forces attacking civilians in the city of Misrata .

  24. 北约说,这架无人机摧毁了米苏拉塔附近亲卡扎菲部队的多管火箭炮发射器。

    NATO said the unmanned aircraft destroyed a multiple rocket launcher used by pro-Gadhafi forces near Misrata .

  25. 法国战斗机星期四在米苏拉塔击落了一架利比亚政府的战机。

    French fighter jets shot down a Libyan government warplane over the city of Misrata on Thursday .

  26. 对于派遣外国士兵到米苏拉塔执行人道主义任务,你有什么看法?

    What 's your opinion on the use of foreign soldiers for a humanitarian mission in Misurata ?

  27. 10月3日,内阁迎来了期盼已久的洗牌。米苏拉塔人萨勒姆·约哈出任国防部长。

    In a long-awaited cabinet shuffle on October3rd Salem Joha , a Misrati , got the defence post .

  28. 他们是幸运的,最终得以登上一艘运载民众离开米苏拉塔的船。

    They were among the lucky , finding passage on a ship ferrying people out of the city .

  29. 不过,效忠卡扎菲的军队继续对反政府武装控制的据点艾季达比耶和米苏拉塔进行炮击。

    However , forces loyal to leader Moammar Gadhafi continue to strike rebel-held strongholds at Ajdabiya and Misrata .

  30. 联合国和利比亚官员说,他们星期日达成一项协议,允许救援人员安全通过米苏拉塔。

    U.N.and Libyan officials say they reached an an agreement Sunday to allow aid workers safe passage to Misrata .