
  • 网络LARNACA;Larnaka;LCA
  1. 警方表示,周三,54岁的梅特索斯(ChristopherRobertMetsos)并未在拉纳卡警察局露面。

    Police say 54-year-old Christopher Robert Metsos failed to appear at a police station in the city of Larnaca Wednesday .

  2. 塞浦路斯的拉纳卡市一个盐湖中的火烈鸟。

    Flamingos stand in a salt lake in Larnaca , Cyprus .

  3. 梅特索斯一个人居住在拉纳卡海岸杜建村一个预算低廉的住宅楼内。

    Metsos was staying alone at a low-budget apartment complex in the coastal resort of Larnaca .

  4. 警方护送下,飞机然后滑行到跑道上的旧拉纳卡机场段。

    Under police escort , the aircraft then taxied to the section of the runway at the old Larnaca airport .

  5. 周二早上,当他持前往匈牙利的单程票准备离开塞浦路斯时在拉纳卡机场被捕。

    He was arrested at Larnaca airport early Tuesday as he leave the island with a one-way ticket to Hungary .

  6. 未经证实的报告谈到了至少九拉纳卡方向上在开罗国际机场等待起飞许可被困飞机跑道。

    Unconfirmed reports spoke of at least nine Larnaca-bound aircraft marooned on the runway at Cairo international airport awaiting takeoff clearance .

  7. 伤者被送往医院,但拉纳卡由于他的病情的严重性,他被转移到尼科西亚手术。

    The victim was rushed to Larnaca hospital but due to the seriousness of his condition he was transferred to Nicosia for surgery .

  8. 在最近的事件上周五晚,警方接获有关在马卡里奥斯大街上的兄弟分享拉纳卡单位干扰通话。

    In the most recent incident late on Friday , police received a call about a disturbance at the flat the brothers shared on Makarios Avenue in Larnaca .

  9. 三个卡塔尔飞机,降落在拉纳卡国际机场星期二,两个幻影战斗机和一架运输机,在同一天离开塞浦路斯。

    The three Qatari aircraft , which had landed Tuesday at Larnaca international airport , two Mirage fighters and a transport plane , left Cyprus the same day .

  10. 塞浦路斯航说,另外公司已经开始宣传和销售,从今年夏天拉纳卡席前,类似的目的地与皇家航空公司签订了假期处理。

    CY said another company had already started advertising and selling seats from Larnaca to similar destinations for this summer before the airline signed the deal with Royal Holidays .

  11. 一个与联合国人员塞浦路斯拉纳卡方向,预计第三架飞机被从昨晚开罗起飞,但它的起飞时间细节简略。

    A third plane with UN personnel bound for Larnaca was expected to be cleared for takeoff from Cairo last night , but details of its takeoff time were sketchy .

  12. 这两个幻影战机配备了外部燃料箱和包装没有任何导弹,在拉纳卡机场,谁不愿透露姓名的来源,告诉邮件。

    The two Mirage fighters were outfitted with external fuel tanks and did not pack any missiles , a source at Larnaca airport , who requested anonymity , told the Mail .

  13. 在拉纳卡机场在报表,四塞,塞谁属一公司在利比亚工作时说,所有在利比亚塞人以及他们的家人,并表示不应该担心。

    In statements at Larnaka airport , the four Cypriots , who were working for a Cypriot company in Libya , said that all Cypriots in Libya are well and said their families should not worry .

  14. 穆斯塔法告诉埃及航空181次航班的机组人员,他身上有炸弹,引发了全球性恐慌,并迫使飞机紧急降落在塞浦路斯拉纳卡机场。59岁的穆斯塔法是埃及人。

    Mustafa , a 59-year-old Egyptian man , sparked alerts across the planet when he told the cabin crew of EgyptAir flight 181 that he had a bomb and forced the aircraft to make an emergency landing at Cyprus 's Larnaca airport .