
  • 网络limassol;LIMASSOL PORT;Lemesos
  1. 塞浦路斯利马索尔国际艺术节

    Limassol International Art Festival of Cyprus

  2. 关于乌拉圭回合的利马索尔声明

    Limassol Statement on the Uruguay Round

  3. 阿纳斯塔夏季斯在利马索尔投票站投票后表示:我们国家的存亡危在旦夕。现年66岁的阿纳斯塔夏季斯是一名律师。

    The survival of our country is at stake , the 66-year-old lawyer said after voting in the port of Limassol .

  4. 校本评核的命令说,他们周一在利马索尔军用机场并没有被用来对利比亚发动攻势罢工,也不是接待来自任何其他国家的运作“空中资产”。

    SBA command said on Monday their military airport in Limassol was not being used to launch offensive strikes on Libya , nor was it hosting " air assets " from any other nation for the operation .

  5. 阿纳斯塔夏季斯访问莫斯科期间签署的协议规定,俄罗斯的军舰可以在塞浦路斯的商业中心利马索尔进港。利马索尔一直严重依赖想要通过空壳公司把财富转至海外的俄罗斯富人。

    An agreement sealed during Anastasiades ' visit to Moscow allows Russian warships to dock in Limassol , Cyprus ' commercial hub and heavily dependent on wealthy Russians who want to set up shell companies to shuffle their assets overseas .