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dān tián
  • Dantian;the pubic region;dantian elixir field
丹田 [dān tián]
  • [dantian elixir field;pubic region] 重要穴位;指人体脐下一寸半或三寸的地方

丹田[dān tián]
  1. 你吸气之后,把气聚集于丹田。

    After you inhale , send the air below the navel !

  2. 从丹田呼吸,别从胸腔

    No.8-Breathe from your stomach , rather than your chest

  3. 人的意识来自于丹田,要保持镇定和平和的心态,不要有焦虑和不安。

    One 's awareness radiates outward from the hara , bestowing equanimity , stability , and freedom from doubt and anxiety .

  4. 身体中心:身体中心是位于肚脐下方的位置,应该始终朝向山下。(是否就是丹田的位置啊?)

    Center of Mass : The center of mass which is just below the belly button should always be projecting down the hill .

  5. 所以你们要是想学丹田加热法,先跟我修行,好吗至少要学会一动不动的打坐一整天。

    So before you want to learn Tummo heat , you practice with me to sit and meditate one day without moving , at least .

  6. 道教对于人体的丹田、脉络和腑脏的知识掌握更为完备,建立了成熟的内丹学的身体修炼模式。

    Taoist had a more complete grasp of the knowledge of vein and lungs of the human body and established the mature practice mode of inner alchemy body .

  7. 丹田奥秘的探讨及丹田区埋线对雌性去卵巢大鼠延缓衰老的研究

    The Probe into the Mysteries of Dan Tian and the Study of Delaying Aging on the Ovariectomized Rats with Catgut Embedding in Points in the Region of Dan Tian

  8. 大开天门,是将天的阳气和地的阴气集中于丹田,吸收天地能量,让身体达到阴阳和谐的自然状态。

    Dakai Tianmen is to gather the Yang of the sky and Yin of the earth to Dantian , absorb power of the nature , and let the body reach a harmonious state with Yin-Yang balance .

  9. 所以当第一天我走进延生堂去拜的时候,我不知道我是否有办法拜,能拜多长。因为我开的刀是在丹田上面开了一个五寸的刀口。

    As I walked into the Long Life Hall on the first day of the bowing session , I was not sure that I could do much bowing , as the surgery resulted in a5 inch cut right in my abdomen .