
  • 网络Than Shwe
  1. 吴登盛是一位退休不久的将军,曾在军方铁腕人物丹瑞大将(SeniorGeneralThanShwe)领导下的军政府中担任了四年总理,在那段时间里,他鲜有建树。

    Thein Sein , a recently retired general , had made little impact in four years as prime minister during the junta led by army strongman Senior General Than Shwe .

  2. 缅甸军政府在高级将领丹瑞(ThanShwe)的领导下,正急于在选举之前打垮少数民族武装组织。

    The government , led by Senior General Than Shwe , is keen to break the power of the ethnic armies before the elections .

  3. 他们均属于实际上丹瑞铁杆团队。

    They are , in effect , Team Than Shwe .

  4. 最近,丹瑞结束对中国为期五天的国事访问。

    Recently , Than Shwe concluded a five-day state visit to China .

  5. 在我看来,信噪比根丹瑞是一个非常认真细致的人。

    In my opinion , Snr-Gen Than Shwe is a very meticulous person .

  6. 丹瑞现已退休。

    Than Shwe is now in retirement .

  7. 丹瑞非常清楚自己无法赢得在少数民族地区发起的战争。

    Than Shwe knows too well he can not win a war in ethnic regions .

  8. 与奈温一样,丹瑞已清除潜在的竞争对手,并提升自己的人。

    Like Ne Win , Than Shwe has purged potential rivals and promoted his own men .

  9. 由于丹瑞大将绝对完全控制所有重要的武装部队和所有权力机关。

    Because Snr-Gen Than Shwe has complete control of all important armed forces and all authorities .

  10. 这是毋庸置疑的,丹瑞大将按他想要的计划一切。

    It is crystal clear that Snr-Gen Than Shwe has planned everything according to what he wants .

  11. 每当孟诶副大将希望会见丹瑞大将,他需要许可。

    Whenever Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aye wants to see Snr-Gen Than Shwe , he needs permission first .

  12. 联合国秘书长潘基文正在会见缅甸最高军人统治者丹瑞大将。

    United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is meeting with Burma 's top military ruler , General Than Shwe .

  13. 据说军队高级领导人透露,丹瑞已经决定退居二线。

    Senior army leaders reportedly told guests that the military supremo was readying to take a back seat .

  14. 美国参议员韦布在和缅甸领袖丹瑞将军会谈时,成功地使美国公民约翰。耶托获释。

    In talks with Burma 's leader , General Than Shwe , Senator Webb secured the release of U.

  15. 丹瑞大将是1号元首,他将继续铁腕控制政权。

    Snr-Gen Than Shwe is No.1 , and he will hold on to power with an iron grip .

  16. 塞耶相信缅甸军人丹瑞大将很在选举后被任命为总统。

    Thayer believes military government leader General Than Shwe is likely to be appointed president after the elections .

  17. 列在这份名单上的其他领导人还有俄罗斯的普京、北韩的金正日和缅甸的丹瑞。

    Other leaders named were Russia 's Vladimir Putin , North Korea 's Kim Jong-il and Burma 's Than Shwe .

  18. 联合国秘书长潘基文说,他希望会见缅甸的丹瑞大将和其他高级政府官员。

    The U.N. chief says he hopes to meet Burma 's Senior General Than Shwe and other top government officials .

  19. 关于登盛和丹瑞大将之间的存在特别问题,不是因为他们的长期服务记录和家庭关系。

    There are particular problems between Thein Sein and Snr-Gen Than Shwe because of their long service record and family connections .

  20. 然而,除非有意外,否则,丹瑞将会指示属下们在大选前暂时搁置少数民族问题。

    However , barring any surprises , Than Shwe will instruct his men to sideline the issue until after the election .

  21. 缅甸军政府领导人丹瑞大将为纪念缅甸建军节在全国电视台上露面。

    Burmese general Than Shwe went on national television , Thursday , to mark the country 's Armed Forces Day holiday .

  22. 白宫在韦布会见丹瑞前曾表示,韦布将传达美国对缅甸政治前景的强烈看法。

    The White House said prior to the meeting that Webb would convey " strong " U.S.views on Burma 's political future .

  23. 周四,预计前往行政首都内比都,以会见丹瑞大将和其他高级军事将领。

    On Thursday he was expected to go to administrative capital Naypyidaw to meet senior general Than Shwe and other senior military officials .

  24. 于5年前开始此项工程的丹瑞时期的缅甸军政府,肯定会不顾一切地继续修建。

    The previous military government of Than Shwe , which started the project five years ago , would surely have ploughed on regardless .

  25. 丹瑞知道一些退役军官仍然忠于军队中的不同派系可能成为潜在的敌人。

    Than Shwe knows that several retired army officers who are loyal to different factions within the armed forces could become potential enemies .

  26. 丹瑞访问印度期间曾经会见缅甸佛教僧侣,据称,丹瑞似乎健康欠佳。

    Burmese Buddhist monks in India who met Than Shwe during his recent visit there said he appeared to be in ill health .

  27. 虽然没有正式宣布,据军方消息来源称,丹瑞已经觉得把高层人员的退休年龄延长至65岁。

    Though not officially announced , Than Shwe changed the retirement age to65 only for top echelon officers , according to military sources .

  28. 即使丹瑞放弃他的职位,军队还会继续保持对缅甸的统治能力。

    He says the army will be able to continue to rule the country , even if Than Shwe gives up his post .

  29. 丹瑞在缅甸这个国家舞台上的表演正接近落幕,他授予权力的那些人将会影响他的命运。

    Than Shwe is nearing his final act on the national scene , and the people he puts in power will affect his fate .

  30. 消息人士称,丹瑞的此一评价值得特别注意,因为承认缅甸国家经济实力居于东南亚经济体底部。

    Sources said the comments were particularly noteworthy because of the admission that Burma is essentially at the bottom of all Southeast Asian economies .