
  • Danny;Denny;denier
  1. 丹尼搓着胳膊并向手指上哈气取暖。

    Danny rubbed his arms and blew on his fingers to warm them

  2. 丹尼朝下望去,只见溪水潺潺流过附近的树林。

    Danny looked down at the stream bubbling through the trees nearby .

  3. 15岁的丹尼从地方当局的收容所逃跑了。

    Fifteen-year-old Danny is on the run from a local authority home .

  4. 丹尼聆听着波浪拍岸的声音。

    Danny listened to the waves breaking against the shore .

  5. 主人公丹尼与柯克·道格拉斯出奇地相像。

    The hero , Danny , bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas

  6. 丹尼回到神父的房子时显得极为焦虑不安。

    Danny returned to Father 's house in a state of intense agitation

  7. 丹尼很爱吃醋,对我的占有欲很强。

    Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me

  8. 丹尼十分乐意地和所有感兴趣的人分享他的知识。

    Danny shared his knowledge freely with anyone interested

  9. 那份档案的有些内容是只应我和丹尼医生知道的。

    There was stuff in that file that was private between me and Dr Denny

  10. 聆听着唱片里鲁比·默里演唱《丹尼男孩》的时候,他们泪眼模糊。

    They got misty-eyed listening to records of Ruby Murray singing ' Danny Boy ' .

  11. 她和丹尼一会儿要来坐坐。

    She and Danny will drop by later

  12. 她说丹尼收到一封恐吓信,并问是不是我寄的。

    She said Denny had received a threatening letter and asked me if I sent it .

  13. 丹尼放下了玻璃杯。

    Danny put down his glass

  14. 如果丹尼先生真像警察说的那样是犯罪元凶,就应该对其进行更加严密的监视。

    If Mr Denny is indeed the villain of the piece , as the police claim he is , he should have been more carefully watched .

  15. 在那里,他们加入了丹尼的母亲,戴安娜,她拥有着一个小型的意大利三明治店。

    There they joined Danny 's mother , Diana , who owned a small Italian sandwich shop .

  16. 然而,当海琳和她的丈夫丹尼1975年离开他们在越南的家时,他们没有多少钱。

    However , when Helene and her husband Danny left their home in Vietnam in 1975 , they didn 't have much money .

  17. 至于丹尼,我将永远记住他的勇气和诚实。

    As for Danny , I will remember his courage and honesty forever .

  18. 丹尼站起来承认自己很穷,改变了我的生活。

    By standing up and admitting he was poor , Danny changed my life .

  19. 那天放学回家时,我注意到三个男孩在和丹尼说话。

    While walking home from school that day , I noticed three boys talking with Danny .

  20. 丹尼来到我的学校并成为我的一个同学时,我还是一个七年级的女生。

    I was a schoolgirl in Grade 7 when Danny came to my school and became one of my classmates .

  21. 西姆斯先生回答说:"丹尼,我为你理解你父母的处境而感到骄傲。"。

    " Danny , I 'm very proud of you for understanding the situation that your parents are in , " Mr. Sims replied .

  22. 令我惊讶的是,丹尼站起来只说了这么句话:“我不会跟你去的。我爸爸的背受伤了,工作也丢了。”

    To my surprise , Danny stood up and said simply , " I won 't go with you . My dad hurt his back and lost his job . "

  23. 美国科技博客“搜索引擎天地”(SearchEngineLand)的丹尼•萨利文对谷歌采取的推广措施逐一进行了分析。

    Danny Sullivan at search engine land counts the ways .

  24. 几年以前,丹尼•苏利文曾经在他的博客“搜索引擎天地”(SearchEngineLand)上撰写过一篇博文,虚构了谷歌拆分的情景。

    A few years back , Danny Sullivan penned a fictional scenario of a Google breakup for his blog , search engine land .

  25. 一个周六的早晨,我在刮胡子的时候听着英国广播公司(BBC)第五台(Radio5Live)的《丹尼•贝克秀》(DannyBakerShow)节目。

    I was shaving one Saturday morning with BBC Radio 5 Live 's Danny Baker Show playing in the background .

  26. 我嘴里念叨着家人的名字,心里想到了被塔利班处决的丹尼波尔(danielpearl)。

    I said the names of my family and I thought of Daniel Pearl , who had been executed .

  27. 另外,他还投资了出品杰克•丹尼威士忌(JackDaniels)、摩根船长(CaptainMorgan)的蒸馏酒公司。

    He owns shares of the distillers behind Jack Daniels ( BFA ) and Captain Morgan ( deo ) too .

  28. 尽管唯一化石标本是在西伯利亚山上发现的,来自美拉尼西亚(南太平洋的一个地区)的当代人是最有可能保留丹尼索瓦人dna的。

    Even though the sole fossil specimen was found in the mountains of Siberia , contemporary humans from Melanesia ( a region in the South Pacific ) seem to be the most likely to harbor denisovan DNA .

  29. 只将Chrome视为一个浏览器是错误的,它更像是一个操作系统,谷歌的长期观察家、SearchEngineLand的编辑丹尼•沙利文(DannySullivan)表示。

    It would be wrong to see this as a browser , it is very much an operating system , said Danny Sullivan , editor of Search Engine Land and a long-time Google watcher .

  30. 英国派出了前财政部首席秘书、自由民主党人丹尼騠虎煓大爵士(SirDannyAlexander)到中国引人注目的新开发银行工作。北京方面对这一决定不太满意,已让丹尼爵士去负责沟通工作。

    Beijing is unhappy with the UK 's decision to send former Liberal Democrat minister Danny Alexander to its high-profile new development bank and has placed him in a job heading up communications .